
Administrative methods of personnel management

Effective activity of any organization depends on the correct selection of personnel and their management. The labor collective is a complex system. When organizing its work, the enterprise administration should apply various methods and influences. Such influence can be organizational, economic and psychological.

Administrative Management Methods represent such an impact on the workforce that maintains discipline, organizes the work process in accordance with the strategic goals of the company. Without them, the activities of enterprises are unthinkable. In combination with other management methods, administrative influences increase the efficiency of the company's labor resources.

general characteristics

As part of the operation of a modern enterprise, administrative, economic, socio-psychological management methods. They are used in various combinations, choosing the most effective approach to the work team of the company. Administrative methods will not be effective without combining them with economic management approaches. Socio-psychological techniques allow you to establish optimal conditions within the workforce for the implementation of the most effective activities by each employee of the organization.Administrative Management Methods

The essence of administrative methods of influence is to regulate the activities of company employees. It is expressed in the form of specific tasks, orders or instructions. The manager may exercise such an influence orally or in writing. Regardless of the chosen method of communicating information to employees, subordinates must comply with all directives that come from superiors.

A qualified, experienced boss combines various management methods (administrative, economic, psychological). However, it is team-organizational influences that contribute to maintaining the required level of discipline, directing employees to achieve their goals.

Interconnected Management Approaches

Applied today management methods (economic, administrative, social) individually will not be as effective as with a competent combination of them.Organizational and administrative management methods

Administrative methods involve the strict implementation of the orders of the manager or chief. The head has a certain power, which gives him the right to establish a specific framework for the activities of employees. In this case, a certain system of penalties and rewards is applied. Such an approach, with the competent use of all its coordination tools, can stimulate staff performance. However, when using only the administrative-team approach, employees become passive over time. They do not get the proper motivation. In this case, latent disobedience of the labor collective may develop.

To prevent this from happening, administrative and economic management methods apply in a certain combination. This allows you to achieve high productivity. Economic methods are expressed in motivation of employees with the help of wages, bonuses, as well as a clear relationship of the level of material incentives with the overall results of the company. However, without administrative influence, economic methods will not be able to provide the required discipline in production.Employees will not be able to direct their efforts towards achieving a specific goal of the organization. To this end, economic incentive is combined with the command and administrative influences of management.


Administrative methods of personnel management have a number of features. First of all, it should be noted that such ways of coordinating the activities of employees are based on relations between superiors, which are endowed with a certain level of power, and subordinates. In this case, it is not the stimulation that is characteristic of economic methods that is applied, but the clearly expressed order of the administration. This is coercion, which sets the framework for the activities of a subordinate. The authorities set a clear task for their employees.

Command and administrative management methods

Administrative command actions must necessarily stipulate a clear program for a subordinate object (employee or group). When setting a task, the manager stipulates the procedure for its implementation, terms, conditions and resources. He may also indicate certain restrictions.

Such orders and orders suggest a decrease in the independence of the subordinate in the process of completing the task. The freedom to choose an employee or their group is clearly limited by the scope of the work that is supposed to be done.

The degree of severity of administrative influences may vary. It ranges from direct orders to advice, recommendations. If the coordinated object has not complied with the command and organizational requirements of its management, this is regarded as a violation of discipline. In this case, the chief decides on the measures and degree of recovery from the employee or group for such violations.

Forms of manifestation

In the work of modern organizations, enterprises, there are three main forms of administrative management practices. The first group includes mandatory regulations. This may be an order, an order or a specific prohibition on some action.Administrative and economic management methods

The second form of manifestation of administrative coordination approaches includes conciliation orders. This can be an employee’s consultation on questions arising during the course of the assignment. This also includes a compromise that allows you to get out of a conflict or doubtful situation.

The third form of manifestation of administrative command actions is expressed in the recommendations or wishes of the authorities. The head can make certain suggestions or advice to his subordinates, explain some features of the implementation of their tasks. This is a live communication between the boss and his employees.

Principles of Administrative Methods

Administrative methods of public administration or at production facilities should be based on general principles. Only in this case, such coordination will be effective and appropriate.

First of all, administrative requirements must be objective. They must take into account the capabilities of subordinates, their training, qualifications and experience. Also, such methods should be based on scientific developments of our time.Administrative methods of public administration

One of the main principles on which administrative methods are based is concreteness. The head sets a clear task in front of the control object, specifying the ways of its implementation, deadlines and other organizational issues.

Also, such orders and orders should be systemic. They must comply with moral, legal and moral standards. Therefore, the head must take into account such features of the subject subordinate to him.

The educational principle of administrative influences allows you to set the required level of discipline. Subordinating employees to the will of superiors without fulfilling all the principles presented will be insufficient.Such exposure should not cause employees feelings of humiliation, frustration or stress. Otherwise, the relationship between the object and the subject of management will be ineffective.


Organizational and administrative management methods must be effective so that the activities of the enterprise make a profit. Therefore, such effects should be justified. The degree of effectiveness of management activities of company management is determined by a number of factors.

The success of the administrative impact on the team can be high only if the actions of the management are extremely clear and competent, clearly formulated. They should not inhibit the activity of the control object. Freedom of choice should be granted as part of the task.Administrative methods of personnel management

The head is obliged to assess the level of workload of his subordinates. If the number of instructions has exceeded the threshold of capabilities of an employee or group, you cannot give new tasks. Otherwise, the quality of the final result will be low. Also, the manager must take into account the level of competence and training of subordinates.

If the boss gives an order or instruction, the labor collective should not have doubts about the correctness of such a task. Otherwise, it reduces motivation.

It is very important that the new tasks do not contradict the previously given instructions on the same issue. They must also be legal and in accordance with the orders of senior management.

If necessary command and administrative management methods must be adjusted. Therefore, the process of fulfilling the assigned task should be controlled by the authorities. If the order or order was not entirely successful, they should be changed in accordance with the circumstances.

Regulatory framework

Administrative Legal Management Methods should be based on the legislative framework at various levels. First of all, these include normative acts, resolutions that have been approved by the state. Also, such methods are based on a documentation system that has been approved by higher authorities.Administrative economic socio-psychological management methods

The leader must set tasks for subordinates in accordance with laws and regulations that are developed within their organization. This includes plans, programs, and other documents. It is also important to consider the operational management system used at the enterprise.


Administrative Management Methods conditionally can be divided into three groups. Their choice depends on the personal characteristics of the manager, his experience and his assessment of the situation that has developed in the labor collective. There are organizational, stabilizing, disciplinary and administrative methods of management.

If the manager uses disciplinary or managerial coordination approaches, he must combine them with organizational and stabilizing influences. This provides regulation, instruction and rationing of labor.

Organizational and stabilizing approaches make it possible to establish long-term relationships and relationships between managers and subordinates on a contractual basis.

Management methods help to eliminate deviations from the plan that may arise in the process of fulfilling tasks assigned to them by employees. At the same time, managers must develop a quick reaction to such changes in the life environment of the company or the situation within the work collective.

Disciplinary methods prevent future deviations from the planned motion vector to the organization’s goal. The management selects such coordination methods that exclude non-compliance with the production and labor regime, other violations.The boss should not focus on determining the degree of punishment of employees, but on the reason and depth of the situation.

Degree of freedom of staff

Organizational and administrative management methods to one degree or another restrict the freedom of the employee or their group. Depending on the clarity of the constraint, the coordinating actions of management can be divided into three groups.

Coercive methods completely suppress the will of the control object. At the same time, employees must strictly follow the instructions of the management. Motivation methods motivate staff to do their job best. This allows you to save resources, to present high-quality goods and services to the consumer.

The most subtle way of influencing a managed object is provided by methods of persuasion. The head studies the psychological characteristics of subordinates. At the same time, it is possible to create the highest motivation of the labor collective, favorable conditions for its activity.

Responsibility and penalties

Administrative Management Methods involve a different degree of responsibility of employees for the implementation of their tasks. For non-compliance with the decrees of the management, the coordinated entity may be subject to material, disciplinary or administrative penalties.

In the first case, the employee indemnifies for the damage caused by his unlawful actions or inaction. For intentional non-compliance with his job description, the employee is subject to disciplinary punishment. This may be a reprimand or dismissal.

The administrative liability of an employee occurs when he commits an offense.

Having considered what constitute administrative management methods, you can understand their role in the organization of work of the company’s labor collective.

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