
Addresses of Oji stores in Moscow - a world-famous brand at an affordable price

Who of the women of fashion has not heard of the Oji company, which produces stylish and high-quality clothes, and at an affordable price? But only a few know how this company was created and how it has been developing for almost 20 years.

A lot of stores opened around the world. And Russia is no exception. The article provides the addresses of Oji stores in Moscow.

How it all began

The Odzhi brand is widely known in the Russian market and beyond. This is a fairly young company that is rapidly gaining momentum and is very actively developing.

And the story began back in 1998. Then the Oji company was registered, which consisted of a very small number of people - about 20 people. At first, only women's clothing was made for fashionistas. Then, after several years, they began to carry out the production of men's, teenage, and children's collections. Everything was made at first in St. Petersburg factories.

Gradually, production began to expand, the range increased - and the area of ​​company stores began to grow. As a result, the list of Oji stores in Moscow has also been replenished with new addresses.

Addresses of Oji stores in Moscow

Four years later, things begin to be sewn in Chinese factories. Fabrics are sourced from the best global manufacturers.

It is interesting that from the first year of its existence, the Odzhi company, which produces original clothes, has achieved stunning success! To this day, she is a fairly well-known and large manufacturer and supplier of fashionable and high-quality clothing. In this company, the "price-quality" compliance is working successfully, which is very important at the present time.

Seven years after the opening of the company, a studio appeared in Paris, where fashion design is carried out in accordance with advanced world trends in the style and fashion sector.

Modern Oji

The clothes of this brand are distinguished by very memorable and stylish models. Her collections are being developed jointly by Russian design teams and fashion designers from France and Italy. Thanks to them, the models acquire sophistication, radiating their unique zest. And also in each thing the powerful influence of the Italian design personality is clearly manifested.

Oji clothing production is successfully carried out in its own Russian factories, as well as in China and India. By the way, each collection is issued one-time, and its updating occurs monthly. Thus, the repeatability of models is almost completely eliminated.

Oji addresses of stores in Moscow

Oji stores currently have around 350! And this is in seven countries of the world. The company feels confident internationally. And in Russia, she continues to open new stores.

Shop List

Not sure where to find Oji stores in Moscow? Addresses, metro will help the buyer to quickly navigate in the city and find the right one. There are about 40 boutiques in the capital of Russia.

  • m. "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya", Dmitrov highway, 89/1 floor of the mall "XL" /;
  • m. "Altufevo", Dmitrov highway, 116D / 2 floor / shopping center "Mosmart" /;
  • m. "Krylatskoye", Autumn Boulevard, 12;
  • m. "Starokachalovskaya Street", D. Donskoy Boulevard, 1;
  • m. "Annino", Warsaw highway, 160 / TRC "Atlantis" /;
  • m. "Electrozavodskaya", st. B. Semenovskaya, 16;
  • metro station "Novogireevo", Zeleny prospect, 83;
  • metro station "Molodezhnaya", Yartsevskaya street, 25A / 2 floor;
  • m. "Slavic Boulevard", Mozhayskoye highway, 31, building. I / on the 1st floor;
  • m. "Begovaya", Khoroshevskoe highway, 16 / line 3 / on the 2nd floor;
  • m. "Otradnoe", st. Decembrists, 12 / on the 2nd floor /;
  • m. "VDNH", st. Prosp. Mira, ow. 211 / on the 2nd floor of the Golden Babylon shopping center /;
  • metro station "Babushkinskaya", Yeniseyskaya street, 19/1
  • m. "Bibirevo", Pleshcheeva street, 4 / on the 2nd floor /;
  • m"Schukinskaya", Schukinskaya street, 42;
  • m. "Novoslobodskaya", Novoslobodskaya street, 4 / on the 2nd floor /;
  • m. Okhotny Ryad, pl. Manezhnaya, 1 / p. 2 /;
  • m. "Street of 1905", st. Presnensky Val, 3 / p. one/;
  • m. "Kuzminki", Volgogradsky Prospect, 125, level 0;
  • m. "Taganskaya", Ryazan Avenue, 2/2 / on the 1st floor /;
  • m. "Bratislavskaya", Pererva street, 43/1, level 0;
  • m. "Vykhino", Veshnyakovskaya street, 18A / 2 floor;
  • m. "Aviamotornaya", highway Enthusiasts, 12, building. II (2 fl.);
  • m. "South-West", Moscow region Leninsky district, 47th km of Moscow Ring Road, p. 20 (1st floor. Mosmart shopping center);
  • m. "Kaluzhskaya", Profsoyuznaya street, 61A / on the 2nd floor /;
  • m. "Teply Stan", ave. Novoyasenevsky, 1 / on the 2nd floor /;
  • m. "South-West", st. Pokryshkina, 4 / shopping center 2 floor /;
  • m. "Prague", st. Red Lighthouse, 2-b / 0 level of the shopping center "Columbus" //;
  • m. "Avtozavodskaya", st. Masterkova, 4 / on the 2nd floor of the shopping center "Shoe" /;
  • metro station "South", Kirovogradskaya street, 14 / on the 2nd floor /;
  • m. "D. Donskoy Boulevard", st. Polyany, 8 / on the 1st floor of the shopping center "Viva" /;
  • m. "Domodedovo", 24 km. MKAD / ow. one/;
  • m. "Babushkinskaya", Starovatutinsky passage, 14;
  • m. "Partizanskaya", Izmailovsky highway, 71 A;
  • m. "Kakhovskaya", st. Azov, 24, bldg. 3;
  • m. "Technopark", Andropov Avenue, 8 / on the 2nd floor of the shopping center "Megapolis" /.

And these are all branded boutiques of the Oji brand.

From the list of addresses of Oji stores in Moscow, it is clearly visible that they are located almost throughout the city.

And a few more facts

Oggi had to replace its original name with a slightly different one - Oodji. This was due to the fact that in 2010 the company appeared on the international market.

Oji shops in Moscow metro addresses

At this moment, the production of a stylish men's clothing line began. It is this collection that has already been developed by French designers, and therefore it is distinguished by even greater sophistication, even greater style and improved quality.

"Odzhi" is really very comfortable, unique and high-quality clothing of the 21st century. It gives a real feeling of exquisite luxury.

Addresses of Oji stores in Moscow

Any consumer can be convinced of this independently, using the list of addresses of Oji stores in Moscow.

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