
Property Acceptance Certificate: sample (simple). In what cases is the act filled out?

Any contract sooner or later expires. In order to logically complete it, an act of acceptance and transfer of real estate is needed. This document has legal force only when it is signed by both parties. Their signatures confirm that the contractor fulfilled his conditions, the customer is satisfied with the result.certificate of acceptance of transfer of property sample simple

Description of the document

Otherwise, this act is called "acceptance". She confirms and assures the fact that the service is transferred from the contractor to the customer. For this act, there is a single form of document that is used when necessary. This document must be stored for three years.

A simple example of a property transfer and acceptance certificate will be presented in this article.

The law does not oblige to draw up this act, but in order to avoid problems, the parties to the agreement prefer to have confirmation that the transaction took place with all the conditions fulfilled, for example, the service was provided in the agreed manner and on time. Practice confirms that the act of "acceptance" is a necessity at the conclusion of a contractual relationship.

What is contained in this document?

In fact, this act indicates the movement of commodity, material and other values. Although it does not have the established form, the list of paragraphs that should be in the act is mandatory for all cases.Rental Property

In its beginning (in the upper right corner) it is necessary to indicate to which contract it is attached. Then comes the title (Act), located in the center of the page. The date is indicated, the name of the settlement is written, where it is drawn up and where the order is transferred. The following is the preamble: the name of the document is written, on the basis of which they draw up the act (for example, the contract of sale), the full names of the contractor and the customer, links to those documents based on which the parties speak. If we are talking about "acceptance", compiled by individuals, then their passport data is indicated. Then the goods are described - brand, quantity, price, etc. If defects are found, then they must be indicated in the next paragraph. At the end it is necessary to state that the parties have no complaints against each other. Then affix the act with signatures, and in case the parties are represented by organizations, then with seals.

If claims nevertheless have a place to be, then they must be indicated in the act of acceptance and transfer, and then one of the parties has an occasion and an opportunity to demand compensation from the other.

A simple example of an act of acceptance of property is of interest to many.

In what cases is an act drawn up?

Here is a list of those cases when it is recommended to draw up an act of acceptance:real estate transfer acceptance certificate

  • gift or sale transactions;
  • transfer of goods, manufacturing facilities, provision of services;
  • receiving something as a gift from the manufacturer;
  • commissioning or returning something to the owner after repair, construction, installation;
  • transfer of fixed assets to the founder after their disposal from the property;
  • Rental Property.

Such a paper will confirm that the objects listed therein have been removed from the responsibility of the seller (donor, etc.) and are under the responsibility of the receiving party.

special instructions

An act can be drawn up either during the transfer itself, or be prepared in advance. This can be a form in which all the necessary data will be entered. It is better to have a draft with you, as unforeseen situations may appear in the process.If the document has too many additions and clarifications, then it is better to reissue it, and only after that sign it. A prerequisite is that both parties must be present at the reception and transmission procedure. They must personally calculate, inspect, study everything necessary for full compliance with the conditions specified in the contract.

Often used the act of transfer of property for rent.rental transfer acceptance certificate

The information contained in it depends on the type of contract that is used by the parties and on which work was carried out (delivery completed, etc.). The text of the contract should contain a clause according to which control over the work performed will be carried out on the basis of the act of acceptance.

Contract Form

Sometimes an act is not executed as a separate document, but looks like a form included in a service agreement. Then it is filled in the agreement form. However, it is still better to do the “acceptance” as a separate document, this will allow not to miss the shortcomings that may arise during the transfer. It is drawn up on a sheet of A4 format and is attached to the contract. It is necessary to make two copies - for each of the parties. All signatures and seals. It is better that the content of the document is detailed, this will protect the parties from disagreements that are possible in the future.

A simple example of a property transfer and acceptance certificate is presented below.


Consider the most popular types of data documents:
certificate of acceptance of transfer of property for storage

1. The act of acceptance when renting real estate. In this case, it must be drawn up and signed both at the conclusion of the lease and at its termination. If in the first case the lessor leases the property, and the lessee takes it. In the second role, the parties have the opposite. In the "acceptance" should be described in detail the condition of the leased property, its characteristics, address. Be sure to list the equipment, if any, with all the detailed characteristics. If there are defects, then they must be mentioned. The actions taken to inspect the rental object are also described. All this is confirmed by the signatures of the parties.

The form of the act of acceptance of the transfer of property is quite simple.

2. The act of acceptance-transfer of property for safekeeping concerns material assets. Its signing means the acceptance by one party at its own responsibility of any things, property for storage. Everything should be described and listed in detail with an indication of cost, units of measure or quantity. Upon return, the same act of acceptance of the property for storage is drawn up, only the parties change roles.

3. The act of acceptance of the transfer of leasing, ie, long-term lease with subsequent redemption. In this case, the act of "acceptance" is, if not planned, a subsequent ransom. Here, the condition of the object is also described in detail, and in the case of a return (property or real estate), the act must be executed again, but the receiving and giving parties change roles.form of the act of acceptance of the transfer of property


A correctly drawn up acceptance certificate guarantees the parties to the contractual relationship the absence of mutual claims. If the conflict still arose, the court will accept this document for consideration. The main condition for the validity of this document is the presence in it of all the paragraphs provided for by law.

We examined a simple sample of the act of transfer of property. In what cases it is clear now.

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