
Emergency "HIV first-aid kit": composition, features, requirements and recommendations

According to statistics, the number of Russian citizens infected with the human immunodeficiency virus has exceeded one million people. Today, every student knows what HIV and AIDS are. Nevertheless, the layman has many misconceptions regarding this deadly infection, its transmission and prevention of infection.

Health authorities adopted relevant regulatory documents obliging many institutions to have special “HIV first-aid kits”. The composition of such a first-aid kit and its correct use can prevent or significantly reduce the possibility of infection. The prejudice and AIDS prevention measures will be covered in the article below.

first aid kit anti speed hiv

A Few Facts to Know

Worldwide, people wear red ribbons on the 1st of December and take to the streets to support 37 million people with HIV / AIDS. Today, such a diagnosis is no longer a sentence. With a responsible attitude to the disease, the patient has a chance to live a normal and socially active life.

HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus that infects T lymphocytes, which are responsible for fighting the body against infections. Infected people become more susceptible to pathogens, and the most innocent infections in them lead to dire consequences. The virus is not resistant in the environment, it is inactivated within a few minutes. Therefore, traces of biological fluids are not contagious and pose no danger.

In the second stage of the disease called acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, there is no clinical symptomatology. The virus attack continues even if the patient feels healthy. Taking antiretroviral therapy at this stage most effectively minimizes damage and reduces the likelihood of virus transmission.

first aid kit

Routes of transmission and vaccines

The main routes of transmission are unprotected sex and non-sterile syringes. Infection by the mother during pregnancy or during breastfeeding is quite rare. Kisses, dirty dishes, tools and ink for tattoos and piercings become extremely rare sources of infection. Mosquitoes have nothing to do with it.

There are no vaccines or drugs that completely destroy the virus in the body in the world. But infection can be avoided with the correct use of prophylactic drugs (condoms or first-aid kit “Anti-AIDS / HIV”). The composition of the first-aid kit and its correct application is the key to minimizing risks in emergency situations. That is why it is so important to have it at hand.

Numerous public organizations and societies supporting HIV-infected people carry out many actions and explanatory propaganda, proving that life with the onset of this disease is possible. The media give many examples of people who, despite the terrible diagnosis, continued their professional and personal growth and reached certain heights in society. Persistence and perseverance in the fight against AIDS are clearly demonstrated by the stories of Charlie Sheen, Isaac Asimov, Nadi Benaiss and many others.

first aid kit for what is needed

When a first aid kit is required

Anti-AIDS first-aid kits for HIV are individual preventative measures that prevent infection with HIV and hepatitis. Such prevention is primarily concerned with individuals whose professional activities are associated with an increased risk of infection (medical workers and laboratory assistants). But even a simple layman, she can maintain health in an emergency. Such a first-aid kit must be in:

  • School and preschool institutions.
  • All medical facilities.
  • In sports halls, pools, arenas.
  • In medical centers of enterprises and institutions of all forms of ownership.
  • Beauty and hairdressing salons, tattoo parlors and in manicure and pedicure halls, spas and solariums.

Also, the emergency kit “Anti-HIV” is useful for motorists in case of accidents and unforeseen situations. It is recommended that these medicines be available in first-aid kits of tourist groups and all those involved in extreme sports.

first aid kit anti hiv

First aid kit

The emergency kit “Anti-HIV” cannot be called a miraculous panacea. But with proper installation and use, its help is invaluable. In this case, we are talking about cuts and bites, injections and getting infected or suspicious blood on the mucous membranes of a healthy person.

In such emergency cases, infection can be prevented by treating the wound with the contents that are part of the emergency medicine kit (HIV). That is why proper equipment and installation is so important. The components of this kit are developed by physicians and scientists whose specialization is associated with the treatment and prevention of this serious disease.

First-aid kit "Anti-AIDS" from HIV: composition

The standard composition of the Anti-HIV first-aid kit includes medicines, dressings and components that are designed to prevent infection with human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis (the standard composition is shown in the figure).

first-aid kit detailed composition

“HIV first-aid kits” are widely represented in the Russian market. They are sold in plastic containers, although it is allowed to store medicines in metal boxes. The main thing is not to disturb the styling and contents. In the medicine cabinet, in addition, there must be 2 pairs of medical gloves, fingertips, soap and scissors.

The composition of the first-aid kit for HIV infection includes instructions for its use and a manufacturer’s certificate. The presence of a certificate of compliance with established standards is also mandatory. By the way, there is no federal document establishing the composition of the “HIV first-aid kit”. This gives each institution the right to establish its own list, taking into account possible risks.

A few words about the composition of the kit “Anti-HIV”

Why is a first-aid kit necessary, as well as certain medicines and means? Briefly about their purpose:

  • Zelenka (a solution of brilliant green) is an antiseptic with which the skin is treated.
  • Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is an analgesic with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In the kit for HIV prevention, such a drug has no relation, but with injuries it can be very useful.
  • Ibuprofen or dipyrone in the medicine cabinet serves the same purpose as aspirin.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine are used for extensive open wounds, when the use of brilliant green and iodine is contraindicated.
  • Activated carbon is also not an antiviral drug. It is used when it is necessary to carry out antitoxic therapy.
  • Sterile bandages in the “HIV first-aid kit” must be of three different types (7/14, 5/7, 5/10) and are presented in two sets.
  • Bactericidal adhesive plaster and wipes (alcohol, hemostatic and antimicrobial) are used as dressings.
  • Medical gloves and fingertips are part of the Anti-HIV kit for the safe provision of first aid to the victim.
    first aid kit

Buy optional

An “HIV-bird” or “Anti-AIDS”, the composition of which we have described, can be easily assembled at home. Knowing the list of medicines and the composition of related materials, everyone can choose it independently. The main condition is that all medicines must meet the expiration date.

Having picked up the appropriate container, for example, a shoe box, having made the correct packing, you can be sure that in an emergency you can help the victim and protect yourself from infection, if not AIDS,then at least hepatitis, herpes or papillomavirus.

First aid kit content usage algorithm

The correct use of the composition of the preventive "HIV first-aid kit" is the key to success. The instructions spell out the following procedure when an infected material enters the damaged skin:

  • If the glove is damaged, it is removed and crushed on the wound to bleed. Then treat the wound with alcohol. Then the hands are washed with soap and treated with iodine.
  • If infected material gets on the mucous membranes of the eye or nose, then the organ is washed with running water or a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • If the infiltrate gets on an undamaged area of ​​the skin, it is enough to wipe the area with alcohol and rinse with soap.

But in any case, after a questionable injury, do not neglect the preventive examination for the presence of antibodies to HIV. Today, such rapid tests can be done in almost every laboratory. Remember - the syndrome of acquired human immunodeficiency can be corrected in the early stages of the disease. And the sooner antiretroviral therapy is started, the more chances the patient has to live a long and high-quality life without significant restrictions. Or maybe wait for the invention of the rescue vaccine.

HIV prevention

Encouraging research

Everyone knows that AIDS is an incurable disease that leads to the death of a patient. Scientists around the world are just looking for a panacea that will save humanity from such a virus. Today, more than 10 dangerous viral diseases are already being restrained (for example, smallpox, some types of polio, plague, rabies) and the efforts of scientists in relation to the immunodeficiency virus are likely to succeed in the near future.

So, in 2017, the results of the work of the U.S. National Institute of Health and the Sanofi Pharmaceutical Corporation to develop triple-action drugs became known. The drug, which includes three types of antibodies, is able to overcome up to 90% of immunodeficiency virus strains. Clinical trials in humans will take place this year.

Other studies are conducted at Temple and Pittsburgh Universities. Here, scientists using gene editing to get rid of HIV of several animals. Genetic alteration of the CRISPR / cas9 genome led to the removal of viral DNA from infected human cells that were implanted in the tissue of experimental mice.

hiv first aid kits

Deliverance is not far off

But in the UK, 50 adult volunteers agreed to experimental treatment using a new antiviral technique developed by five leading research institutions. According to the stated results, the therapy was successful for a 44-year-old volunteer, whose analyzes showed complete elimination of the virus. And this is still the first case of recovery of an adult patient.

Research and clinical trials are ongoing. From all parts of the world, there are reports of discoveries in this area. There are no patented anti-HIV vaccines yet, but this does not mean that they will not appear in the very near future. Indeed, it is not without reason that the medical proverb claims that a person is more ferocious in his reprisal against an infection than an infection in a reprisal with a person.

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