
Bank "Point": customer and employee reviews

The Tochka Bank for Entrepreneurs quickly burst into the banking business services market four years ago and made a unique offer for entrepreneurs to use a modern Internet bank. According to reviews, the bank "Point" already a year and a half after its opening broke the breakeven point. The main customers of the bank at the beginning of its formation were the clients of the closed institution "Bank24.ru".

Documents for opening an account.

the main goal

According to employees in Yekaterinburg about the Tochka bank, the main goal of a credit institution is to become the best online bank for business owners in the country. In the world of modern technology and innovation, a convenient online banking is the key to attracting and retaining a client in a particular lending institution. Bank "Point", according to customers, is constantly improving its Internet bank, offered to individual entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses.

Work principles

According to reviews of employees of the bank "Point", the company management believes that only happy employees can make happy customers of the bank. This principle explains the main points on which the work in the bank is based:

  • Horizontal management structure.
  • Lack of regulations, corporate culture, instructions and bureaucracy.
  • Stable official salary.

Work rules

Bank "Point" is the best Internet service for entrepreneurs, part of the financial group "Discovery". According to employees, the bank "Point" does not have standard offices. At the first acquaintance with this financial institution, it seems that the rules are more likely to be absent than are present in the work of the bank, but this is not so.

Attentiveness to customers.

We list the basic rules of work:

  • Live and work on aggail. Agile is a way of thinking with a certain value system. This is a set of attitudes that a person and the whole team believe in and which influence the behavior of an individual and the whole team. Agilists believe that teams of independent professionals create ideal products. The agile development methodology allows you to create something new every day, quickly implement changes and see the result of each member of a friendly team. All tasks, according to employees of the bank "Point", are written on stickers and pasted on the walls of the company. Agile calls for a team of professionals without bosses.
  • According to employees, the Bank introduced the holochocracy "Point". This is such a management method that allows you to build a hierarchy in such a way that the employee can independently influence the life of the company, having full authority in the framework of his tasks. Holacocracy is governed by the idea of ​​a bank, expectations and metrics. Formally, employees do not have superiors and clear job descriptions, but any colleague in the company has the right to know what his other colleague is doing and how efficiently he performs his tasks. Each employee decides how to fulfill his duties and meet the expectations of colleagues and the whole team.
  • According to employees, it is customary for the Tochka Bank to hold festive events in a bright, friendly and large-scale. Employees of the company are united in interest groups and have fun together.

welcome aboard

Every person who wants to become part of the Tochka Bank team must:

  • Respond to an existing vacancy.
  • Wait for feedback from the HR manager and answer his questions, express wishes for future work and express willingness to become part of the bank's staff.
  • To pass, according to the reviews of employees of the bank "Point", a simple test task.
  • Approach for an interview with the company.
  • If you pass the test and interview successfully, become part of the Tochka Bank team.

Newly made employees begin their work in the company with welcome words from their colleagues: "Welcome aboard!" The beginning of the professional activity of any person, according to reviews of work at the Tochka Bank, begins with an acquaintance with a team of colleagues, the history of the company and the rules of interaction within the bank.

List of basic documents for individual entrepreneurs

Documents for opening an account.

If the business owner wants to open an account with the bank "Point", then he must provide the following package of documents:

  • Management passports.
  • Documents characterizing the financial situation of an individual entrepreneur (balance sheet, audit report, tax return for the last annual date, certificate of fulfillment of the obligation to pay taxes).
  • Certificate of registration with the tax office of an individual at the place of residence in the country.
  • Statement of desire for service in the bank "Point" and to open an account.
  • Self-certification questionnaire for customer identification.

List of additional documents for IP

Bank "Point", according to customers, works very quickly with individual entrepreneurs. Although the bank asks for a very impressive list of documents for opening an account. The IP reviews about the Tochka bank state that the bank employees may ask for additional documents if the client has them:

  • Licenses, patents.
  • SNILS of the founder.
  • Reviews of other customers of the bank "Point".
  • Reviews from other credit institutions in which the company was previously serviced.

List of documents for a legal entity

Work in the bank.

If the business owner wants to open an account with the bank "Point", then he must provide the following main package of documents:

  • The charter and lists of amendments to it, if any.
  • Protocol on the election, extension of powers of the head of the company. If management functions are transferred to the management company, it is necessary to provide an agreement confirming the transfer of authority to the management company, and its constituent documents.
  • Information about the participants (F. I. O., address of residence, and so on) for whom the amount of participation in the authorized capital is more than a quarter.
  • Management passports.
  • Register of shareholders.
  • Documents characterizing the financial position of a legal entity (balance sheet, audit report, tax return for the last annual date, certificate of fulfillment of the obligation to pay taxes).
  • Statement of desire for service in the bank "Point" and to open an account.
  • Self-certification questionnaire for customer identification.

List of additional documents for a legal entity

According to customer reviews, the bank "Point" opens an account very quickly. Although it is noted that the bank requires an impressive list of documents to start cooperation. Responses of legal entities about the Tochka bank state that the bank employees may ask for additional documents if the client has it:

  • Licenses, patents.
  • SNILS of the founder.
  • Testimonials of other partner companies serviced by Tochka Bank.
  • Reviews from other credit institutions.
  • Memorandum of association.

Transactions with foreigners

Foreign currency payments.

Any company can have relationships with partners from other states. In this case, settlements with such counterparties are usually conducted in the currency of another state. Still operations with foreign currency can take place when a company employee is sent on a business trip outside the country. To conduct settlements in foreign currency, companies open foreign currency accounts with a bank. A separate account is opened for each currency.

Almost every developing company sooner or later needs a foreign currency account. According to customer reviews, it is opened at the Tochka Bank in one hour without documents and visits to a credit institution.To open a foreign currency account, you must:

  • Send documents on transactions with foreign partners via Internet banking to “Point”.
  • Wait for the transaction passport from the bank, if necessary.
  • Continue to work and remember that exchange rates change at the bank in real time.
Foreign currency payments.

Deposits for business

According to customer reviews of the Tochka bank, legal entities have the opportunity to receive additional income by placing funds in the bank.

Title Minimum amount Minimum interest rate Minimum term Additional terms
Overnight 100 thousand rubles 4,25 for one business day
"Growth trajectory" 3,5 from 2 to 45 days Without replenishment and partial withdrawal. Payment of interest at the end of the contract.
Urgent 5,95 from 31 to 365 days Without replenishment, partial withdrawal and early termination. Payment of interest at the end of the contract
Currency 2000 euro 0,05 Without replenishment and partial withdrawal. Payment of interest at the end of the contract. Early termination at 0.01% per annum.

According to businessmen, the Tochka Bank created an opportunity for them to earn money by paying fiscal payments. When paying taxes from an account opened with Point Bank, the client receives a refund of two percent of the amount of payments.

Trading Acquiring

The emergence of bank payment cards was primarily associated with the cashing of the amounts from the card account and the introduction of cash into the cashier's shops when buying goods. However, with the development of the functions of the cards expanded, devices (terminals) appeared, allowing customers to pay for purchases in retail chains, without leaving the cash desk to withdraw cash. The owners of modern banking plastic quickly appreciated the service of cashless payments. The heads of trade organizations began to think about what acquiring is and what advantages it provides at its points of sale. For whom is acquiring designed? It is suitable for stores selling goods on the Internet, and those who want to accept card payments directly on the company's website. The procedure for installing a card in a terminal and entering a four-digit secret code to confirm that an expense transaction is carried out in a store is only part of a huge system for transmitting and processing information, verifying and approving a customer’s payment for a product or service.

According to reviews of the Tochka bank, the institution has developed two tariffs for acquiring:

  • With the tariff "Minimum" and "Optimal", the rate is 2.3% of the turnover.
  • At the “Ideal” tariff, the rate is 1.3% for a turnover of up to two hundred thousand rubles, then 1.8%.

The quick replacement of cash for non-cash payments showed how much the acquiring function is in demand. Modern banking, trading activity is impossible without payment cards. More recently, to pay for utilities, queues were arranged at the cash desks, and now it’s enough to insert a card in the terminal and conduct expenditure operations, and upon completion of the procedure receive a receipt for payment.

We describe the main advantages of acquiring in the bank "Point":

  • The client can connect acquiring free of charge and not pay a security deposit for it.
  • The client pays the financial institution "Point" only a fixed commission on purchases. At high speeds, it can be selected individually for the client.
  • The client can receive money in his account after two business days.
  • It is possible to sign documents in the Internet bank without contacting the bank.

Mobile Acquiring

Mobile acquiring.

You can purchase a LifePay payment terminal at Point Bank, which connects to a smartphone or tablet and turns it into a payment terminal. The funds will arrive at the company’s current account no later than three business days, and the buyer will receive a check by e-mail or message to a personal phone. The company only pays a transaction fee of not more than two and a half percent. The cost of the terminal is slightly less than eight thousand rubles.

Salary projects

Clients of Point Bank can conclude a salary project agreement:

  • With the cards of the bank "Point" and any other banks. The transfer fee will be 0.55%.
  • With rocket cards. The transfer fee will be zero percent. To activate the Rocket card, you need to install the Rocketbank application on your iOS, Android, Windows Phone smartphone.

We describe the main advantages if customers transfer salaries to their employees through the Bank "Point":

  • The client concludes an agreement in the Internet Bank "Point" without signing additional securities in the bank's office. All necessary documents are signed in the Internet bank.
  • You can transfer salaries to employees in the Internet bank promptly, in just five minutes. Salary comes to the cards of "Rocketbank" and "Points" in real time, on the day of transfer.
  • You can withdraw money to employees at ATMs of any bank for free.
  • The Tochka Bank provides free issuance and delivery of cards for all employees of its customers.
  • Integration of Internet banking with 1C program version 8.0 allows you to transfer salaries to cards of other banks.

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