
Are gays taken to the Russian army? What are the reasons for exemption from service?

In recent years, the attitude of young people to the army service has changed. Most modern youth do not seek to avoid conscription in any way. So the circumstances were that it was time to consider the problem of homosexuality. It is in our country, silence will not lead to anything good. The question arose sharply in society: "Are gays taken into the army, can these people be legally exempted from service?"

Draftees on check

Is it a disease or licentiousness?

Lesbian orientation in our country is considered from the side of medical disorders in the body. A hormone failure that was not understandable to anyone has occurred and a person ceases to be interested in the opposite sex. At the same time, “blue” or “pink” try to avoid ridicule, bullying from the outside. It is completely incomprehensible how they treat such people in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and whether they take gays into the army?

Criminal punishment for such manifestations in human behavior is a thing of the past. There is no clear definition of the sexual orientation of doctors, they redirected responsibility for calling psychologists who are on the commission of doctors to check the health of young people. Specialists, when they need a diagnosis in the presence of a disease in the conscript, decide whether to sift it or not from among future soldiers, based on a list of diseases.

A kind of reference points to the diseases with which you receive "white" tickets. That's just a paradox - there is no such ailment on the list. With full confidence, we can say that the conscript will not receive a negative answer to the question: "Are gays enlisted in the army?" It means that homosexuals are not commanded, but there are opportunities to avoid the call: add an additional mental deviation or get help with a full range of diseases. If a gay man enters the service, he does not have to emphasize his unconventional feature.

Society response

What deviations preclude the call?

It was always an honor to serve in the ranks of the Russian army. And whether a person with disabilities will be called in depends largely on the competence of the draft medical board. Perhaps, having learned about the peculiarities of the draftee, by the kindness of their souls, doctors will add another mental disorder to the physical examination card.

In our country, most people do not even think about whether they take gays into the army. The experts have a definite answer - there is no reason not to call on such youth. But a sufficient basis for exemption from service will be the detection of at least one more violation in the body, and better in the psyche.

Never become a soldier to a young man if you have:

  • Visionism - a deviation in which patients spy on the intimate behavior of citizens, changing their clothes, bathing;
  • exhibitionism - people with this diagnosis love to show their exposed causal places to the opposite sex and masturbate;
  • fetishism - a person with such deviations sexually reacts to various objects;
  • sadomasochism - partners achieve satisfactory emotions after causing or testing pain;
  • pedophilia - a manifestation of unhealthy interest, sexual desire for children;
  • transvestism - satisfaction is obtained from dressing in women's clothing with an appropriate haircut and behavior.

When the guy has the symptoms listed above, the question of whether or not gays are enlisted in the Russian army will automatically disappear.His place in a special hospital, there will be a thorough check, where specialized specialists will clarify or confirm the diagnosis.

trials for recruits

Where do they serve?

Doctors of the military registration and enlistment office do not see a reason for refusing the draft and do not provide a deferment of military duties in accordance with a diagnosis that is not confirmed by regulatory documents.

A young man should not even ask the military enlistment office whether gay men are being called up for military service, as it will not work to evade service for this reason. A similar fact was confirmed by lawyers, military commissars. Lesbian soldiers serve along with everyone. If they openly declared their inclinations, and other health problems could not be identified, the military will be sent to the construction battalions to build roads and other military facilities.

Recruits before the oath

How do officers recognize homosexuals?

There are gay men among the military who are enlisted in the military unit, as they hide their orientation. Perhaps a country with moral principles of a certain orientation will someday become tolerant, but so far the time has come when society will accept homosexuality without indignation.

To avoid bullying in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to abandon such soldiers. In this context, the legislature has addressed this issue. At present, some young people also have a question: "Are they being drafted into an army with a non-traditional orientation?" There is nothing to please them, since everything remained in their places, the legislators did not come to anything.

So far, they have found a way out in the transfer of brochures to the commanders, so that, in special units, they recognize gays and protect them from forced harassment. The military leadership, non-commissioned officers and rank and file take their measures for re-education. Such actions do not bring positive results, some negative points.

Police save a gay

Features of medical commissions

The international classifier of diseases specifies criteria for determining diagnoses. None of them can appear during the examination of draftees at their request. It would be an unreasonable act if a young man knows for sure whether they are enlisted in an unconventional army, but he will come to the commission and openly declare his preferences, such as:

  • monitor through the holes in the wall for changing clothes, intimate behavior;
  • swing the whip, beat sexual partners;
  • wear women's clothing.

A specialist sent to the military registration and enlistment office to work in the medical commission will not be able to make a diagnosis himself. When a draftee is found to have a mental disorder, they will be transferred to a clinic for a comprehensive examination.

Research Order

A military psychiatric examination is carried out within a month, after which a conclusion is made on the basis of:

  • repeated meetings of doctors and the patient;
  • answers to specialized questions;
  • life history studies;
  • detected concomitant diseases.

In our country, homosexuals have to choose for themselves: to declare or hide their inclinations. The lie will be quickly revealed by qualified doctors, and the attempt to evade will remain a stain on a potential recruiter.

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