
Unemployed citizens are ... The concept, rules of registration, recognition of a citizen as unemployed, training for the unemployed

The unstable economic situation, the bankruptcy of organizations and the downsizing are all the reasons why citizens are in the category of unemployed. At first, they begin to frantically search for a new place, but after a series of setbacks they despair and think that they need to agree to the work that is, even if the conditions on it are worse than on the previous one. In this case, employment centers will come to the rescue, since helping this category of citizens is their main task.

unemployed citizens it

Unemployed - who is it?

Unemployed citizens is a category of citizens who, for whatever reason, has lost their permanent place of business and source of income and, in order to find a new one, is registered at their place of residence in the center of employment.

In this case, the source of income is not considered severance pay and the retained average earnings paid to citizens after a layoff or liquidation of the organization.


The procedure for registering unemployed citizens is that they present a list of documents to the employee of the employment center, and after consideration by their bodies they receive this status. It is issued 10 days after the filing of the documents, and during this time an employee of the center selects a suitable vacancy for an unemployed citizen. This rule has an exception - if the applicant was not selected at least two options, then he receives the status from the first day of submission of documents. This is a very important nuance, since the payment of benefits depends on the date a citizen is recognized as unemployed.

After that, he passes re-registration 1 or 2 times a month.

loan to unemployed


The list of documents depends on whether the person worked earlier or not. For the first category of unemployed citizens this is a passport, work book, diploma and certificate of average earnings.

People who do not even have work experience need to provide a passport and a document of education.

Those with disabilities apply to the above list of IPR.


In order to obtain unemployment status, a citizen must register at the employment center at his place of residence. There it is necessary to fill out a specific application form and provide the originals of the above documents. This means that if a person is registered, for example, in the Krasnodar region, and constantly lives in Moscow, then he does not have the right to register with the employment authorities of the place of residence, even if he has been and has been working here for several years, but this fact may confirm with friends, colleagues, the employer or himself using his documents.

Although today almost all government organizations have their own official website and even receive documents electronically, it will not be possible to register as an unemployed citizen at the place of registration remotely, since this procedure takes place in person and upon presentation of the originals of all documents. But on the site you can find out about open vacancies and the exact address of the employment center, which is fixed at the place of registration of the person. There is also information about the approximate number of unemployed in the region.

 recognition of a citizen unemployed


There are no specific dates for writing an application for registration as unemployed. Therefore, you can visit the institution on any weekday during business hours.

For citizens who were dismissed due to downsizing, there is one nuance that will allow them to get paid three months after leaving. To do this, they must write a statement to recognize them as unemployed no more than 2 weeks after dismissal.

Who can not be recognized as unemployed?

Citizens cannot confirm this status if:

  • they are under 16 years old;
  • they have reached retirement age and receive a retirement pension for old age or for length of service;
  • within 10 days after their recognition by the employment authorities as unemployed, they refused two offered vacancies or vocational training if they had no education;
  • they did not appear within the time period established by the employment center for re-registration as unemployed;
  • by court decision, they are deprived of their liberty or convicted of corrective labor without imprisonment;
  • provided deliberately false information and documents about their work and earnings;
  • they are founders of firms or enterprises or are engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

Citizens who are denied unemployment status have the right to apply for registration one month after refusal. This is completely legal.

number of unemployed

Rights and Warranties

Unemployed citizens is a category of people who, after receiving status, has a number of certain rights and guarantees. They are protected by employment law. According to him, the rights of the unemployed are that he can:

  • choose a place of your activity;
  • consult, find out your vocational guidance, receive psychological support, vocational training or retraining, as well as receive information related to the activities of employment agencies;
  • carry out professional activities outside the Russian Federation;
  • appeal the actions of the employment service authorities and their officials.

It is worth noting that the employee of the population’s employment authorities should not repeatedly offer the citizen the same vacancy or the direction of training, retraining or advanced training.

The guarantees of unemployed citizens include:

  • unemployment protection;
  • freedom to choose a specialty, profession, occupation and nature of work;
  • free assistance in finding and finding a suitable position with the help of employees of the employment center;
  • informing about the situation on the labor market.

In addition to these, there are additional guarantees for the category of unemployed, who are particularly in need of help finding a new place. These include:

  • youth;
  • disabled people;
  • persons of pre-retirement age;
  • citizens released from penal institutions;
  • large and single parents;
  • internally displaced persons and refugees;
  • citizens discharged from military service.

For this category of unemployed citizens, programs to promote employment are developed and implemented, additional jobs are created, specialized training organizations, and quotas are created. And employers who create additional jobs for this category of citizens are provided with subsidies and some tax benefits.

registration of unemployed citizens

Unemployment benefits. How many?

To support unemployed citizens, the state pays them benefits. Everyone has the right to receive it. How much do unemployed pay? The size depends on the salary of a citizen for the last 3 months at the last place of work. In 2017, the amount of benefits ranges from 850 to 4900 rubles. In the first three months, the unemployed are paid a payment of 75% of average earnings, from 4 months - 60%, and from 7 months - 45%.

The unemployed has the right to receive benefits only for 12 months. If at this time he could not find a job through no fault of his own, then the payment can be extended for another 1 year.

Cost Compensation

Another significant help to the unemployed, in addition to the payment of benefits, is the compensation of expenses for moving and living during training if the unemployed was sent to prepare, retrain or work in another locality. All expenses of a citizen related to relocation are paid from the federal budget.

In order to receive compensation, after moving a citizen must apply to the employment center at the new place of residence and provide the following documents:

  • passport or equivalent document;
  • a statement indicating the new address and bank account details to which funds will be sent;
  • a copy of the employment contract or the training and retraining of the unemployed;
  • documents confirming the expenses incurred by the unemployed in connection with moving and settling in a new place.

Citizens who were sent to study, submit documents to the center of employment at the place of residence. Compensation is paid within a month after submitting the application.

how much do they pay to the unemployed

How are unemployed trained?

Employment centers cooperate with universities and private educational organizations that offer to complete full-time and part-time studies in 70 professions. Education for the unemployed implies:

  • training - the acquisition of new skills;
  • retraining - the acquisition of additional skills, knowledge and skills;
  • advanced training - improving existing knowledge and skills.

Courses last from 1 to 6 months. The set is open all year round, and you can find out about it and the list of necessary documents for enrolling in the course at an employee of the employment center.

unemployed rights

Is a loan possible?

Banks are wary of giving loans to citizens who are not officially employed anywhere, and therefore issuing a loan to the unemployed seems more like a fairy tale, not a reality, since it is highly likely that the debt will not be repaid. But here there are some exceptions, since not all banks adhere to such a policy.

It’s worth mentioning right away that financial organizations give out loans to the unemployed at a very high percentage.

  1. Express loans issued by banks along with consumer loans. For a loan, you do not need proof of income, and from the documents you need only a passport and TIN. The rate is 50-60% per annum.
  2. A microloan, the amount of which does not exceed 30-40 thousand rubles, is issued at a very high percentage (up to 70% per annum) and for a short period (2-3 weeks). The advantage of such a loan is that it can be issued online, and the money will go to a card or electronic wallet.
  3. A credit card is also an option for the unemployed. The main condition of the loan is to pay interest on time. But here, in addition to a high percentage, there is a significant minus - after repayment of the loan, you need to control the closing of the card.
  4. A loan secured by real estate or a car is one of the guaranteed methods of obtaining a loan, regardless of the amount. But before you arrange such a loan, you need to be sure that it is possible to repay it precisely, since otherwise you can be left without a roof over your head or vehicles.

Of course, having the status of “unemployed” is unpleasant, but here there are some advantages. Perhaps it will allow you to find something to your liking, open a business, have a stable income and no longer need anything.

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