
How to start a business without start-up capital

Today, more and more often we come across attractive offers of earnings without financial investments or, as they call it, business from scratch. People who are trying to attract others to such a business are most often supporters of network marketing, where a higher person gets almost all the profit. It is important to know that a business without start-up capital exists and it is necessary to do it exclusively by oneself, without delving into other people's developments, pyramids, strategies, etc.

How to start a business without start-up capital

All ingenious is simple and even an ordinary business can really be untwisted without any investments. The most acceptable area of ​​activity where anyone can enter is the service sector, where the company receives an advance payment for its work.

Plastic windows - this is the sphere of construction services, where the company purchases products from the manufacturer and sells to its customers, who leave prepayment at the conclusion of the contract. The business with plastic windows is already quite developed, but it is still capable of letting in newcomers.

So, open the plastic windows. First of all, you need to conclude an agreement with official representatives of window profile manufacturers. To do this, you may need a certificate of registration with the tax authority. The cost of registering an IP is 800 rubles. Having received all the documents you can do active advertising. The most effective advertisements are ads that are posted at the doorways and scattered in mailboxes. Ads can be created and printed by yourself, spending only on paper and paint. The cost will be no more than 500 rubles. As a rule, the first customers appear among relatives, friends and acquaintances. After receiving the first order, you receive an advance payment in the amount of half the cost of a turnkey window.

We will carry out arithmetic calculations:

5000 - prefabricated double-leaf window construction

1000 - materials

200 - delivery in the city

1200 - payment for the work of installers

Total 7400 rubles - this is the cost of window construction.

The average price of a plastic window is 12,000 rubles.

It turns out 12000-7400 = 4600 rubles

In such an easy way, you can promote a company of plastic windows without start-up capital. The minimum investment of 800 and 500 rubles can hardly be called start-up capital, as this money can only be used to visit the grocery store.

A business without start-up capital can also be launched in the field of sales. For this, social networks are actively used, where many people offer various products, ranging from jewelry to household appliances.

Business without start-up capitalSo, we will analyze the creation process. In every major city there are wholesale warehouses of any product. The cost of goods is much lower than in retail. In most cases, the products are not available to ordinary customers, and deliveries are made through the conclusion of a cooperation agreement. Next, we create a page in a social network, post photos and a description of the offered goods there. Such a simple sales strategy works great when promoting, that is, adding more and more people from your city to your group.

Regardless of the large number of ideas, the question of how to start a business without start-up capital remains relevant. This is facilitated by the desire of people to receive high income, doing virtually nothing. It is hardly possible to find such a field of activity that will bring easy money, since before you get the desired profit you need to work long and hard on your business projects.

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