
Business Idea: Plastic Card Making

Plastic cards appeared in our life almost a hundred years ago. Now they have become the same everyday object in our lives, like a TV or a switch. In Russia, cards began to be widely used only at the end of the twentieth century.Plastic Card Making Today in the world there are about a billion plastic cards; their production will be in high demand. They are used in banking, trade and services. Allocate debit cards, savings, club and discount. Quite often, plastic cards are used as an identifier. So many organizations can become customers, the production of plastic cards is an excellent, profitable and highly profitable business.

Many people use plastic cards of banks in their daily lives - debit or credit. They receive wages, store their savings or borrow money. Almost everyone at least once in his life used a system of discount cards. It is very convenient, all information is stored electronically and is reliably protected. Card holders may not worry that any information about the accumulated points may be lost.

The manufacture of plastic cards is the business that does not require large expenses at the start. A plastic card is a rectangle, usually having a size of 54 by 86 mm. A card is made of PVC or other similar materials. To protect against mechanical damage, the card is covered with a special film. It also bears the logo, card number and information according to the rule of use. To read information on the card, there is a mini-chip, bar code or magnetic strip.

To start manufacturing plastic cards, you will need to purchase equipment: a die cutter for making blanks, a printing machine - a special printer, a device for laminating cards and devices for installing various security elements. The most common protection option is applying a magnetic strip. According to an average estimate, equipment for making plastic cards costs about one hundred thousand rubles. The cost of one of the easiest to manufacture cards is from 3.48 rubles.

The card production market is growing every year. The system of discount cards is rapidly developing in stores and service organizations. In addition, many residents of the country have plastic cards of banks today. Moreover, one bank can issue to the holder several cards serviced at different rates. Widely used salary plastic cards and social cards. State policy today is aimed at an innovative approach.

According to statistics, each citizen uses five cards.

Based on such data, one can understand that the production of plastic cards will always be in high demand. Over time, it will be possible to expand production - to purchase a larger number of units of equipment, as well as purchase new devices with which you can produce more complex products. There may be cards with holograms, microchips or embossed inscriptions.

And if you add to the manufacturing service the development of the layout and design of the card, you can significantly increase the customer base.

Thus, the business of producing cards in modern conditions is very cost-effective and least costly.

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Reason for complaint
I always thought that the production of plastic cards was taken under control and carried out by state enterprises.


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