
Grill chicken business plan: calculations, equipment, sales outlet

The field of catering is considered one of the most popular areas in business. It has a stable demand, and there are many methods to increase its profitability. For example, the grilled chicken business plan allows you to generate stable profits even during a crisis.

Business planning

Before implementing the grilled chicken business plan, preliminary preparation is required. First, you should register your business, that is, register an IP or LLC. If the business is small, you need to get the status of an individual entrepreneur. The type of activity that should be registered will be the manufacture and sale of our own products.

grill chicken business plan

In practice, it is clear that entrepreneurs who engage in such a business have disputes with regulatory organizations regarding the taxation system used. The most optimal mode is UTII. But you can apply a single tax on imputed income when conditions are created for the use of the product near the point of sale.

If you decide to open a grilled chicken business, where to start it? We need to work out a business plan. It should indicate the main nuances:

  • Location of the outlet.
  • Volume of sales.
  • Costs.
  • Gross revenue.

Each item is calculated based on a situation that depends both on the business owner and on conditions that have an impact on the development of the latter. Entrepreneurship is built on the basis of the plan.


To implement the grilled chicken business plan, you need to prepare the necessary documents. This activity is specific, so to start it you need to pay attention to all the legal nuances. It is advisable to consult with specialists, collect the necessary documents, apply for a license, register activity.

chicken grill equipment

As already mentioned, it is best to choose registration on a single tax with imputed income. Also, permission of the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and a medical book will be required, since working with food involves the implementation of many standards and requirements. In addition to the above conditions, you will need the following list of documentation:

  • The agreement on garbage removal and the work of the janitor.
  • Vehicle passport, if a tonar was rented or purchased.
  • Permission of the sanitation station to sell products.
  • Firefighters safety report.
  • Work permit agreement.

Keep in mind which equipment will be used. For stationary premises, it is advisable to choose electrical equipment, and for outdoor work - gas. If the second type of equipment is selected, additional papers are needed: a certificate of registration by the technical inspection of gas equipment and an agreement on its service and repair.

Seat selection

The grilled chicken business plan involves choosing the right place, as this affects the success of the whole business. Such products are in demand during the lunch break, they buy it for dinner, as well as a snack on the road. Therefore, the outlet should work in a busy place. It can be located in a shopping center, train station, market, near the entrances to suburban roads.

grill apparatus

A point of sale can be selected indoors, as well as in the form of a pavilion or kiosk. The second option is considered more profitable, since not everyone visits shopping centers. The location of the pavilion is agreed with the city administration. It is necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate, especially if gas equipment will be used.

From the location of the outlet depends on its working time. For example, a pavilion can be opened around the clock.In this case, additional expenses for employees and energy supply will be required, but often they are justified. If the point is located near the highway, then it will bring a lot of income, as customers visit it at night, because many establishments are closed at this time. Not only in the pavilion can be sold grilled chicken. Home delivery is also considered a popular service, you just need to organize it correctly.


The outlet can be of 2 types:

  1. Stationary. In the supermarket, a room is rented that meets the technical standards.
  2. Mobile This is a tent, a small-sized kiosk, where the preparation and storage of products will be carried out.

The main thing is that it should be located in a profitable place, and what it will be - stationary or mobile - is not important.


To cook chickens you need a quality grill. It comes in many forms, depending on performance, cooking principles, dimensions and operating standards. In whatever room grilled chickens are prepared, the equipment must comply with the standards.

a store

During operation, the device heats up, so it should be conveniently placed in the room so that it does not interfere with the work of the seller. The most popular is a device with a transparent wall through which customers can see how grilled chicken is being prepared. Equipment of this type is chosen by many entrepreneurs. To the grill you need to buy and install a counter, fan and hood.

In addition to the grill, you need a freezer to store food. It should contain a daily supply of poultry. Scales will also be required, as products are sold by weight. Sometimes chickens are sold individually, but it is not economically advantageous, since it is difficult to choose carcasses of the same size. You can purchase scales that are combined with the packaging device. Then the chicken will be weighed and packaged. The cost of such a device is more expensive.

You can buy equipment that was in operation. But you need to consider that the grill apparatus also has a working resource, after which a major overhaul is needed. New equipment costs about 350-500 thousand rubles, and used equipment - 100-250 thousand rubles. It is important to pay attention not only to the price, but also to the quality of the device.

Supplier search

In a food service establishment, the quality of the food is important. Even a carefully thought-out business will not be in demand if consumers do not like the taste of products. Select suppliers should be careful. It is advisable to work with those manufacturers whose products are already known to the owner of the business.

home delivery grills

Chicken is pre-marinated in different sauces. Because of this, unscrupulous entrepreneurs use low-quality chicken. But this should not be done, since the poor quality of the product cannot be hidden by the marinade. You need to use fresh raw materials, due to which there will be many buyers.

The supplier must have documents on product quality. This is necessary for verification by regulatory authorities. For grilling, choose medium carcasses that have not previously been frozen. Products that were already in the freezer can also be used, but then cooking will be longer.

Business performance

The business plan should include the volume of sales of goods per month. Be sure to take into account the norms of the outlet and the mode of operation. One point sells about 60 grills per day. Consider how much grilled chicken is. For 1 kg of products, the buyer must pay about 160 rubles. It turns out that per day the revenue may amount to 14.4 thousand rubles. In a month the income will be over 400 thousand rubles.

grill business chickens where to start

At the same time, the cost of acquiring raw materials is equal to 240 thousand rubles per month, if you purchase chicken at 90 rubles. for 1 kg. By the way, if suppliers constantly order products, then they reduce its cost. About 50 thousand rubles are spent on renting a place and paying utility bills. It will take two employees who will work in shifts. They will spend 40 thousand rubles on wages.

About 20 thousandrubles can be spent on taxes and insurance contributions. It turns out that net profit from 1 point is about 45 thousand rubles. Typically, investments in starting a business are reimbursed in 6-8 months.

In addition, it is not only stationary that you can sell grilled chicken. Home delivery will be a convenient service for many people, which is why it is possible to increase profits.

Business development

Increasing the profitability of the business is possible by expanding the range. At these points in great demand:

  • Pita.
  • Hot bread.
  • Cool drinks.
  • Bakery products.
  • Chocolate bars.
  • Salads.
  • Sauces and ketchups.
  • Chips.

how much is grilled chicken

As can be seen from the reviews of entrepreneurs, grilled chickens are considered a demanded business, since there are always buyers with it. Half of the revenue is generated from regular customers. The business owner only needs to choose a suitable location, produce goods of excellent quality, as well as provide high speed service. Then success is guaranteed to this business.

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