
Brick Business Plan

Many novice entrepreneurs who turn their attention to the building materials market do the right thing. This area is developing rapidly and will continue to develop, since brick production will always be in demand in this area.

It is worth starting with the fact that brick production is a very profitable occupation, since at any time of the year the demand for it is always quite stable. The level of competition in the market is high, but with an increase in the pace of construction, potential entrepreneurs have a chance to occupy their niche. According to experts, in the next few years, the production of ceramic bricks will grow at a rate of 4-5 percent per year.

Business investment

First you need to find premises to start production. The minimum size of the room on which brick production takes place is at least 500 square meters. This size is necessary to accommodate a full-fledged production line. It is worth noting that the premises do not have to be purchased, you can rent it. In this case, the rental price will not be high.

It is worth noting that, unlike other types of production, brick production does not require a connection to the sewage system. This saves a lot of effort and money. The room consists of three zones: a warehouse for finished products, a warehouse for raw materials and a production workshop. The ceiling must be at least five meters high. After the premises are found and everything is ready for work, it is necessary to purchase equipment for the production of bricks. It is necessary to purchase equipment based on how you plan to make bricks.

Brick Making Methods

Today, there are several ways how to make this type of building materials. The first method involves the production of silicate brick, based on plastic formation. This production method is considered the most expensive in cost. Based on the costs, it is possible to produce more than 30 million pieces of bricks. The second method involves the production of bricks using hyperpressing.

This production method has appeared relatively recently, but allows you to get high-quality products. With the costs of this type of production annually produced more than 2 million pieces of bricks. The third method provides a standard technology for the production of bricks by firing. This method is the cheapest and oldest. Annually, it is possible to produce no more than 400 thousand pieces of bricks. You are free to choose how to produce bricks, it all depends on your financial capabilities. The first type of business requires investments in the amount of 100 million rubles, the second - 10 million, and the third - 2 million.

Where to look for suppliers

After deciding on the type of product that you intend to produce, you need to start searching for a supplier. It is very simple to do this, since in almost every region there are places where you can purchase such equipment. It is best to purchase equipment from reliable suppliers located near you. Thanks to this, further operation of brick products will be easier.

For the correct operation of the production line, four workers are required. Despite the semi-automation of the equipment, there is enough work for each employee.

So, the investments will be:

  1. Room
  2. documents,
  3. equipment,
  4. raw materials.

Experts believe that today the building materials market is booming and is happy to accept new participants.If you have a well-planned business plan, you can not fear the influx of competitors, you need to focus on customers, whose number is sure to grow every year. Most of the investment goes into the purchase of equipment. The business plan for the production of bricks should include the acquisition of an expensive and high-quality production line. The quality of your products and the demand for your plant depend on this. The business plan for the production of bricks should include information on production methods that directly affect the volume of investment.

[caption id = "attachment_4649" align = "alignright" width = "300"]brick production Own business: brick production [/ caption]

If you make a choice in favor of plastic formation, then you need to invest about a hundred million rubles, counting on an annual production of about 30 million pieces of bricks. If you choose the method of hyperpressing, then you need to invest at least 10 million rubles when receiving about 2 million bricks per year.

When drawing up a business plan for the production of bricks, it is worth counting on stable incomes. The first step is to investigate all the possible risks of the sales market and focus on the potential buyer. A well-made business plan for the production of bricks allows you to occupy a profitable niche in the market and earn the trust of the buyer. It is worth remembering that customers will actively purchase only high-quality building materials. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the level of income depends solely on your actions.

Also, do not forget about the cost of paying salaries for employees. The maintenance of all elements of production also requires costs. The business production plan also includes a record of semi-automated production. Also included in the expenses are the costs of paying for the premises. A well-designed business plan can make your business quickly payback and efficient.

Project income and profitability

Based on practice, it is known that the payback of the plant occurs within 1-3 years. It is worth noting that this business has serious prospects. Perhaps this business plan will help you create your own successful brick manufacturing enterprise. Thus, brick making is a fairly cost-effective and profitable business.

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Now the construction boom, so that such a business would be profitable, I would also read about the production of foam blocks.


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