
The fight against economic crime in Russia

The fight against economic crime is an important and integral part of ensuring the functioning of the state mechanism. After all, it allows you to maintain in tone the skeleton of the structure of society - employees and economically active citizens. What is the fight against economic crime? What organs and structures are involved in it? How successful are they? These and many other similar issues will be covered in this article.

general information

combating economic crimeWhat is the current situation? If you believe the official data of Rosstat, then about a quarter of all capital is outside the official turnover. Some experts argue that in practice the size of the shadow economy even reaches sixty percent.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is engaged in this problem, in the structure of which a department for combating economic crimes has been allocated. There are also units within the Ministry of the Interior. The Federal Security Service is also interested in this problem. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, accounts of allegations of such offenses amount to thousands per year. Palm hold the so-called corruption crimes. They are followed by offenses in the tax sphere and housing and communal services, which took second and third places respectively. Although there has been a rather dangerous tendency to increase the number of applications that are related to raiding.

What is being done?

For the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the fight against economic crime is a priority. It should be noted that such cases are quite specific and they are usually difficult to investigate. It should be noted that, alas, only a small part of the funds stolen by criminals is withdrawn in favor of the state. And there is nothing surprising, because they are doing everything possible to stash their money.

Therefore, a department was established to combat economic crime, in which specialists work in this area. It should be noted that materials from the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs on combating economic crimes are often sent to the investigative committee. The result of the general high-quality work of the operatives and the investigator is a criminal case, which is sent to the court.

Legislative influence

Economic Crime UnitThe fight against economic crime is not only of interest to the executive branch. It includes both the State Duma and the Federation Council. There are various committees and groups that deal with this issue. Their tasks include ensuring the rule of law. So, one of the pioneers in this area, for example, is such a famous person as Natalya Poklonskaya, who is certainly a charismatic and self-confident prosecutor, then a state adviser to justice, and now the head of the profile committee of the State Duma. This woman strongly opposed such negative phenomena as economic crimes. But, alas, there is no hint on the part of the deputies - the profile committee of the State Duma, under its leadership in its entirety, never intended to.

The influence of the executive on legislative

economic crime departmentWe should not forget about certain powers that relate to lawmaking. So, law enforcement agencies can develop and submit to the government and the President of the Russian Federation draft laws, regulations and other documents that relate to their field of activity.A significant number of initiatives aimed at improving the current legislation should be especially noted. Not the least role in this is the fight against economic offenses.

What success is there?

From the side it may seem as if law enforcement agencies are not doing anything. This, of course, is completely wrong. No wonder the Office for Combating Economic Crimes eats its bread. So, tens of thousands of corruption cases are detected annually. And more than ten thousand corrupt officials are constantly involved, including high-ranking officials.

So much attention is paid to the fight against economic crime and corruption. But, alas, the broad sections of the population are rather poorly informed about this, because of which there is a feeling that no one is doing anything. Of course, this is not so. Yes, there are people in law enforcement who spoil their reputation, but most employees more or less honestly carry out the tasks assigned to them.

What awaits us in the future?

economic crime serviceNow law enforcement agencies are gaining new powers. The economic crime unit was no exception. But there is a certain negative in this - many entrepreneurs complain that they are working very hard. Often you can find complaints that the number of people deprived of their liberty is growing. Many say that this is bad. But why? Isn't it good that criminals are in prison? But the point is in the details, in which, as you know, love the devil to take refuge.

A careful study of the evidence base often raises certain doubts and fixes cases of misinterpretation of the situation. Let's look at a small example. Who goes to entrepreneurs? People who want to make money. It is logical to assume that the most popular articles should be concealment of income and tax evasion, for which fines and penalties are relied. But in practice, everything looks different. As it turned out, the most popular article is for fraud. Which in itself is rather strange. In addition, almost two-thirds (or more precisely - 64% of entrepreneurs) lose their business.

Alas, in such a situation one does not have to rely on a massive return of capital from abroad. And how much we need it! After all, money is withdrawn not only to minimize taxation, but because of the fear of the owners that in the Russian Federation they may lose their funds.

What are the problems?

economic crime dayA few years ago, it was decided to abolish units that were engaged in organized crime. The official reason is that it is defeated. But, alas, as the case showed, this is not so. Now this is simultaneously being done by the criminal investigation department and units on economic security and countering extremism. At the same time, getting clear and intelligible explanations of where they have a distinction does not work. Indeed, for criminals who engage in organized criminal activities, always based on obtaining financial or other material benefits. Therefore, the service for combating economic crimes does not always operate with the highest possible efficiency.

But that is not all. Quite often you can hear criticism that law enforcement agencies conceal some of the information. So, for example, millions of violations (in annual terms) are regularly recorded during the reception and registration of reports of crimes. This can be said about the department for combating economic crimes. So, for example, the number of cases that were formally sent to court, but in fact never arrived, goes to hundreds in annual terms. Agree, this is a lot.

Alternative point of view

combating economic crime and corruptionBut if you listen to law enforcement agencies, then the situation is not so bad. So, they consider that approximately 4/5 of the enterprises of small and medium business are under criminal groups.Because of this, the economy is criminalized, taxes are hidden, prices for services and goods are rising. In addition, due to the outflow of criminal money, the Russian Federation annually loses tens of billions of dollars.

Quite often, in the police environment, you can hear calls for significant authority to restore order in the country. The department for combating economic crimes does not lag behind in this either. So, he offers to give him opportunities to deal with price collusion and speculators. Let each reader decide who to believe and whose position to take.


economic crime unitThis is how the fight against crime is in the vast Russian Federation. Although some activities are ongoing, there are still enough problems. What can we do? Celebrate the day of combating economic crimes, which falls on the sixteenth of March, morally support those honest and principled employees who fulfill their duties. After all, it is necessary to promote all that is good, to constantly work on improving the existing one - and then we will live in a successful and rich country, in which many other people will want to get. And ordinary citizens will just be pleased to live, give birth and raise children.

But all this is yet to be done. After all, it should be remembered that no one will provide us with a good life for beautiful eyes. You have to fight for everything. It is not necessary to take a machine gun in your hands and shoot at all in a row. No, to live in a civilized world, it’s enough to just behave accordingly, infecting those people who are around us. And then everyone can say that he lives in a successful and attractive Russian Federation, a country that is not ashamed to leave his children.

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