
Marriage with a foreigner in Russia: documents

Marriage with a foreigner is a dream of many women. Just becoming a legal wife of a foreign citizen is not as easy as it seems. In the article we will talk about what awaits a couple in which one of the future spouses is not a citizen of Russia. With the right preparation of documents, you can minimize the likelihood of problems. Unfortunately, this is not always possible to do the first time.

Family legislation of the Russian Federation

Is marriage with a foreigner possible in Russia? Or will it be possible to conclude it only outside the country?

Family law of the Russian Federation allows marriage with foreigners. Only a couple will encounter certain difficulties. If you get around them, the family will be registered in the registry office without any problems.

In general, the procedure for registering a marriage with a foreigner is no different from a wedding with a citizen of the Russian Federation. The difference is only in the package of documents necessary to satisfy the request.

Marriage certificate

Marriage conditions in Russia

Marriages with foreigners in the Russian Federation are increasingly common. And therefore, citizens are interested in this event.

As already mentioned, a couple in which one of the spouses is a foreigner will encounter certain problems. For example, with the need to comply with Russian legislation.

To get married in Russia, you must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Only competent and full age adults can apply for marriage registration (in some cases, from 16 years of age).
  • The decision to sign must be voluntary.
  • Future husband and wife cannot have a blood relationship.
  • Marriages between same-sex applicants are not allowed.
  • When submitting an application, the parties must confirm the fact that there is no currently valid marriage relationship.

These rules apply to any wedding in Russia. If they do not comply and do not follow, the registration authority will be denied the appropriate service.

Application for painting

Rules for foreign grooms and brides

Marriage with a foreigner has many burdens. The thing is that, in addition to the registration procedure complying with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen must comply with the principles of painting in his country.

Such requirements may be different: reaching a certain age, preliminary engagement, consent of the state or parents, and so on. It all depends on which country one of the future spouses is a citizen of.

Important: in the local registry office, a person will have to prove and confirm compliance not only with Russian requirements, but also with the laws of his country.

Multiple nationalities

Marriage to a foreigner on the territory of the Russian Federation causes a lot of problems and troubles if you do not prepare for the operation in advance. What if the spouses have two or more citizenships? For example, foreign and Russian?

In this case, the foreigner will be considered in Russia as a local resident. For marriage, he will have to take into account only the laws in force in the Russian Federation.

In order for the concluded marriage union to be recognized valid in the country where the foreigner arrived, you will have to fulfill the conditions applicable to the marriage in a particular state. Otherwise, the union is recognized as valid only in Russia.

Without citizenship

But what if one of the spouses does not have citizenship? Suppose that this is a person who arrived from another country and is legally in Russia.

In this case, only local laws apply to the pair. If a stateless person constantly lives outside the Russian Federation, it will be necessary to take into account the rules in force in the state where the foreigner resides.To get married, he needs to present a residence permit in Russia or a temporary residence permit.

Passports of the parties

Where to go

Are you planning to register a marriage with a foreigner? Where to spend it? The answer to this question is extremely important. To prepare the documents necessary for painting is only half the battle. It is necessary to correctly submit the application in the established form.

To date, the statement "on painting" can be accepted in:

  • MFC.
  • Single Window Services.
  • Wedding palaces.
  • Organizations "My Documents".

Through the Internet, you can also get such a service. Then the application is submitted on behalf of a citizen of the Russian Federation through the website of the State Service. This is not the most popular trick, but we'll talk about it anyway later.

In case of marriage with a foreigner, you can conclude it at the consulate of the country from which the second future spouse arrived.

Inquiries for citizens of the Russian Federation

Now we will get acquainted with the certificates necessary for the implementation of the task. What documents for marriage with a foreigner will have to be prepared in a particular case?

First of all, we will consider the documents presented by a citizen of the Russian Federation. From a person entering into marriage:

  • ID card (national).
  • Divorce certificate (if a person previously entered into a marriage)
  • Parental permission (for minors).

If the woman is pregnant, the couple can be painted ahead of schedule. To do this, you must necessarily bring a certificate from the doctor, testifying to the "interesting position" of the girl.

Help for foreigners

Are you planning a marriage with a foreigner? What documents must be presented for the implementation of the task? Unfortunately, papers are required different. They depend on which state a foreign citizen belongs to.

Divorce certificate

In general, the applicant is required to:

  • A document issued by the embassy or government of his country confirming that a person can marry and does not violate the laws of the country of which he is a citizen.
  • Certificates indicating the absence of registered marriage at the time of application to the registry office.
  • National passport.
  • International passport.
  • Extracts from the place of registration of the applicant.
  • Migration card.
  • Visa or residence permit.

All listed documents must be translated into Russian and certified by a notary. Otherwise, certificates will be invalidated. They will not be considered by the registration authority upon application.

General documents binding on all

Want to get married to a foreigner in Russia? Documents for this operation will have to be prepared in advance. This is not always easy to do, so you have to try pretty hard.

Applicants are required to not only previously submitted certificates. When registering a marriage, you need to bring:

  • Application completed by applicants.
  • Receipt of payment of the procedure fee.

That's all. Now it is clear which documents for marriage with a foreigner in Russia need to be prepared by the parties. With timely preparation, implementing an idea will not be so difficult.

Service cost

As already mentioned, registration of a marriage union in Russia is paid. It is not held free of charge under any circumstances.

How much will you pay for a marriage with a foreigner? The size of the fee in this case will be exactly the same as for citizens of the Russian Federation.

In 2018, 350 rubles must be paid for the described operation. This is a payment that is charged to the couple as a whole. It can be produced by both the groom and the bride.

It is advisable to pay a fee in one payment. It is not necessary to divide it into parts for each spouse.

Documents for marriage with a foreigner in Russia

Painting instruction

How is marriage with a foreigner? On the territory of the Russian Federation, as has already been emphasized, uniform rules for joining marriage unions apply. Therefore, there will not be much difference between the wedding of citizens of the Russian Federation and a foreigner with a local resident.

To become a family in an official manner, you will need:

  1. To prepare the certificates and documents requested by the state for the successful provision of the service. With their packages necessary for painting, we have already become familiar.
  2. Translate the documents of the foreign applicant into Russian and assure them. Without this stage, you can forget about further manipulations.
  3. Make a fee for painting. If necessary, pay solemn registration of marriage.
  4. Submit an application with prepared certificates to the registration authority. At this point, you can decide on the time and date of the wedding.
  5. Receive a statement of acceptance of the application for review.
  6. At the appointed time, come with passports to the registry office and receive a certificate of entry into the marriage union.

It is done. As practice shows, if it is planned to marry a foreigner who is a law-abiding resident of Russia, everything will go smoothly and without any special difficulties.

Service Duration

The marriage of a Russian citizen with foreigners is registered according to the rules in force in Russia. How quickly will a couple sign in a registry office?

Applying for marriage through Public Services

Immediately the marriage union is not registered, the couple is given time to consider their decision. The minimum term for the provision of the mentioned service is 30 days. If desired, you can set a wedding date at a later time. In this case, a month before the celebration, the couple should come to the registry office and confirm their intentions.

In the case of accelerated registration, you can hold a wedding in a few days, for example a week. This is quite normal, because often a foreigner comes to Russia with a visa, the validity of which is only 14 days.

"Public services" and painting

How to apply for marriage with a foreigner through the State Services? This approach to painting is not very common. It is becoming more popular among couples where both spouses are citizens of the Russian Federation.

To submit an application in the established form for registration of a marriage, you need:

  1. Register on the Gosuslug website and confirm your profile here.
  2. Log in to the portal and open the catalog of available services.
  3. Find the item "Registration of marriage". For example, through the "Popular Options" or the search bar.
  4. View information on joining the marriage union and click on the "Get a Service" button.
  5. Fill out the application and load the scans of the previously listed papers in a specially designated form.
  6. Choose a place and date of painting.
  7. Click on the "Submit Application" button.
  8. Wait for it to be considered. The status of the application can be seen in the "My Account" on the portal.
  9. Pay the state fee for painting and pay for the celebration, if necessary. Payment for the service will become available only after considering the application for registration of marriage.
  10. Confirm mural intentions.
  11. Appear to the registration authorities with the previously listed papers for marriage.
  12. Wait for the date of the celebration and receive a certificate of registration of marriage of the established sample.

After the actions taken, the union will be officially registered. The main difficulties for citizens arise during registration at the State Service and during the verification of identity. These procedures take about 10 business days, so they will have to be done in advance.

Sample marriage certificate


Documents for registering a marriage with a foreigner are not so difficult to prepare. The main thing is to take into account the rules for joining a marriage union in two countries at once - in Russia and in the state where the second potential spouse came from. Then the painting will pass without failures, unpleasant surprises and problems.

Marriage with a foreigner is both easy and difficult. Before you agree to such a step, you need to think carefully. Within a month (or before the date of painting), the couple has the right to withdraw the application. Is it then possible to re-apply to the registry office for marriage? Yes. Such a right may be exercised immediately after the withdrawal of the previous application.

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