
What is the difference between a national driver's license?

National driver's license is the main document that every driver should have. Without this paper, driving a vehicle is prohibited. This is dictated by the traffic rules of different countries. We will focus on a document drawn up in Russia. What are “local” rights? And for what purposes are they used? What is the difference from the international sample of relevant documentation? Every driver needs to understand all this and not only. In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to remember just a few legislative aspects.

How to get rights


The national driver’s license is a document that allows you to drive a car in the territory of the state in which the license is issued. Without this extract, a person will commit an administrative violation.

"Local" driver's license must be mandatory for each driver. And how do they differ from the international model of the corresponding driver’s card? To answer this question as accurately as possible, we will consider key legislative issues related to the manufacture and use of both papers.

Interpretation of a "local" document

What does a national driver's license look like? In Russia, such a document has several interpretations - on paper and a plastic card. Most often, the second type of rights is found. We will stop on it.

"Local" driver's license is a plastic card. It resembles bank plastic in size. On one side of the document is a photograph of a citizen and information about the driver, on the other - information about driving skills.

Russian rights

No third-party information is indicated in the higher education institution. The document is used exclusively when driving.


The Russian driver’s national license, as already mentioned, contains certain information about the driver. What exactly is written in this paper?

At the moment, on the driver’s card you can see:

  • F.I.O. of the driver;
  • open categories of transport that a person can drive;
  • date of birth;
  • city ​​of birth;
  • driver's place of residence;
  • information about the authority that issued the rights;
  • date of receipt of documentation.

Nothing extra or incomprehensible. And how is this document different from international law? To clarify the answer to this question, a person needs to clearly understand what constitutes a "local" driver's license. Therefore, we first consider this paper in more detail.

Grounds for registration

The issuance of a national driver’s license is only subject to certain conditions. Which ones?

A person must reach a certain age, as well as undergo training and pass driving tests. Only after that the applicant will be given the mentioned paper.

When can I request

The Russian national driver's license is issued upon reaching a person of one age or another. Which one?

What is the difference between national I / O and international

A definite answer will not work. The thing is that a person will be able to apply for a "local" type only at a certain age and subject to additional conditions.

Here are guidelines to rely on:

  • A1 / M category vehicles - from 16 years old;
  • rights with categories B, C, A - after adulthood;
  • category D / Tb / Tm - only after 21 years;
  • Driving license of category E vehicle - after having an annual experience of driving a vehicle of category B, C or D.

Accordingly, for mopeds and small motorcycles, you can request national rights from the age of 16. People of the same age are allowed to learn driving a vehicle of any type in Russia.


Under certain circumstances, an exchange of national driver's licenses is necessary. There are many reasons for this operation. Moreover, the driver will encounter certain difficulties in the process of translating ideas into reality. Just first find out how many issued "local" rights apply.

Today, such a driver’s license is valid for 10 years. After this, the document must be replaced with a new one if a person wants to remain a driver. Otherwise, the operation is allowed to refuse.

Reasons to share

And when is a replacement national driver's license required? As already mentioned, there are a lot of options for the development of events. The main thing is to act correctly in a particular case.

The grounds for reissuing a military-type national type are:

  • expiration of paper;
  • typos or errors in the driver card;
  • opening a new category of vehicles for management;
  • adjustment of the state of health / personal data of a person;
  • strong external changes that do not allow you to recognize the driver from the photo on the right;
  • lost or stolen driver card;
  • damage is right.

Obtaining a national driver’s license and re-issuing this paper is not a lot of trouble with proper preparation. Especially if you prepare in advance for such an operation.

Manufacturing cost

The issuance of rights in Russia is a paid procedure. For it will have to pay a state fee in one size or another.

How much to transfer to the state treasury in a particular case? You will have to pay 500 rubles for a paper driver’s license. If you need a plastic card, you need to transfer the traffic police 3,000 rubles.

These duties can be reduced by 30%. For this, payments must be made through "State services". The rule is valid until the end of 2018.

Important: until August 2018, 2,000 rubles were required to pay for a "local" type of plastic on plastic.

The state duty for issuing a national driver’s license should ideally be paid immediately before requesting the relevant paper. This technique will save a lot of effort and time.

State duty for rights

Where do they give out

Driving license of a national type can be issued in various public services. In which specifically?

You can request study paper through:

  • MREO;
  • single window services;
  • multifunctional centers (including mobile);
  • state traffic inspections;
  • traffic police departments of a particular district;
  • portal "Public services".

There are no more options. Although some private companies offer assistance in obtaining a driver's license for a fee. This option is not in great demand among the population.

Important: international driver cards are also issued at the listed locations.

How to get rights: instructions for the population

The exchange of national driver's licenses on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out almost in the same way as their initial receipt. But with some reservations. We will get acquainted with them later.

In general, the instruction for registration of a high-end national type looks like this:

  1. Take training and pass driving exams.
  2. Get a medical commission. It is not required in all cases.
  3. Submit an application for the issuance of rights to the registration authority, having prepared a certain package of certificates in advance.
  4. Pay the state service fee.
  5. Get a ready-made driver card in your hands at a predetermined time.

Similarly, the re-issue of rights. This algorithm of actions will help to personally enforce "local" rights.

Driving license in the Russian Federation

"Government services" and the order in /

But, as already mentioned, a person can order rights via the Internet.To do this, you will have to register on the portal, then fill out the questionnaire and verify your identity.

Assume that these conditions are met. Then the registration of the national driver’s license will look like this:

  1. Go to gosuslugi.ru and open the catalog of available options.
  2. Select "Driving License" in the "Driving and Transportation" section.
  3. Indicate the reason for contacting the registration authorities.
  4. Click on the "Receive" button, and then specify the data requested by the electronic form.
  5. Sign up with the traffic police or at the IFC for further action. It is proposed to do this using a special electronic calendar.
  6. Agree to the terms of the provision of electronic services. To do this, at the end of the application, you need to check the corresponding item.
  7. Click on the "Submit Application" button.
  8. Open LK on "State services", and then click on the "Pay" button.
  9. Indicate the details of the payer for the payment of the provided service.

After that, it remains just to appear at the registration authority with a pre-formed package of certificates. In the same way, a national driver’s license is replaced.

Documents for rights

A few words about what papers are useful for obtaining a national driver's license. We focus on the initial order of documentation.

To achieve the desired result, a citizen will need:

  • passport;
  • certificate of exams;
  • form B / U-003;
  • military ID (eat is);
  • statement of the established form;
  • several personal photographs taken in accordance with the established rules;
  • a check indicating the payment of state duty.

And which components are useful for the exchange of rights? Most often it is:

  • Marriage certificate;
  • statement of divorce;
  • certificate of change of last name or first name;
  • medical report on the health status of the driver;
  • old rights (if any);
  • extract from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the loss or theft of a driver’s card.

In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. We reviewed all the important and relevant information about a national type of driver’s license. How does this paper differ from the international driver’s card?

Issue of plastic I / O

International Law: Purpose

Firstly, by its purpose and area of ​​operation. What is better to issue - a national driver's license or international?

In any case, the driver needs "local" rights. Only if available can you request an international paper sample. Accordingly, the "local" I / O is the main documentation for the management of the vehicle. An international driver’s license card is a complement.

Moreover, this paper is used to control vehicles outside the home country. But without national rights, such documentation will not be considered valid.

Important: in an international certificate a person can see information about driving skills, driver’s citizenship, his photo. F. I. O. and other personal information is not indicated here.

Validity of the international certificate

Secondly, "local" rights in Russia have a longer duration than national ones. As already mentioned, the first sample of the document is valid for ten years.

International rights are issued for 3 years. Moreover, their validity ends ahead of schedule along with the expiration of the national military.

How much is an international w / y

But that is not all. International rights differ from national ones in their value. You need to pay less for this paper.

In 2018, the state duty for international-type rights is 1,600 rubles. If you pay it through "State services", a person will be entitled to a thirty percent discount.

Interpretation of International Rights

We found out what a national driver's license is. A foreign sample of the document is a kind of addition to the "local" rights. With their help, you can control the vehicle outside the home country.

International law

Externally studied documents are also different.International law is a small book with several spreads. It contains information about the skills of driving a car by one or another person.

Production time

But the examined papers do not differ in terms of registration deadlines. At the moment, it takes about 1 month to produce the relevant documentation.

If one or another driver’s card was stolen, they will be restored for about two months. It is better to find out more accurate information in a specific registration authority.

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