
What does an advertising manager do? Job responsibilities

Thanks to the development of market relations, the emergence of a large number of organizations and new areas of business activity, new professions have appeared. Advertising is the engine of trade, among commercial companies there are many media and other marketing and promotion firms. What the advertising manager does is described in the article.

Profession history

The specialty appeared in the USA at the end of the 19th century. Technological progress and the development of new methods of influencing consumers have led to the emergence of an “advertising industry”. Advertising became widespread, business required specialists who could accurately understand the intricacies of this work and effectively use professional dexterity for business development. That is why we now need advertising workers.

what does an advertising manager do

Why are such specialists required?

The responsibilities of an advertising manager depend on the area of ​​work of the company where he works. To date, these specialists are needed at large trading enterprises, in the media, and specialized advertising agencies.

What does an advertising manager in large firms do? The specialist performs the promotion of goods or services. He runs promotional companies, supports the sales department. In the media, an employee searches for customers who can buy advertising space (for print media, the Internet) or time (for radio or TV).

Basic norms

The job description of the advertising manager consists of the main provisions, where the rules for appointing a specialist to the position are fixed. The document indicates the head of the employee, his replacement persons.

Advertising Manager Responsibilities

In the performance of the duties of an advertising and marketing manager, a specialist must take into account not only instructions, but also regulatory documents, where the rights and obligations of employees are fixed. Work is carried out on:

  1. Internal work schedule.
  2. The charter of the enterprise.
  3. Orders and decrees of the management, recommendations, orders.
  4. The laws of the Russian Federation establishing the rules of labor discipline.
  5. Fire safety, SanPiN standards.

Knowledge, skills

An advertising specialist needs to be:

  1. Creative.
  2. Sociable.
  3. With knowledge of psychology, philology, design, marketing, journalism.
  4. With media connections, the business environment.
  5. With knowledge in the field of activity of his company.
  6. With knowledge of competitors.
  7. With the skills of effective work with small investments.


Advertising managers are subject to the following requirements:

  1. Secondary professional or higher education in the economic or marketing field.
  2. Experience from 1 year.
  3. PC knowledge.
advertising manager

Employers are more willing to hire specialists with knowledge of foreign languages ​​and experience in negotiating. Sometimes specific knowledge is needed, for example, understanding the rules of promotion on the Internet.


Many companies do not need specialized education. Typically, company leaders take into account work experience and efficiency. But the market and the level of competitors have a huge impact.

Advertising Manager raises brand value. Therefore, he must be a professional. This is the person who has not only skills, but also education. People with diplomas of journalism, marketing, psychologist, and sociologist are usually accepted for this position. Different PR courses will help improve qualifications, at which recommendations on brand promotion are provided.

Job description structure

For each employee enlisted in the staff, a job description is needed.Although it is not a binding document, it is still used everywhere. An advertising specialist is no exception. The job description of this employee consists of:

  1. General Provisions They contain information about the position, its place in the structure of the company, requirements for candidates.
  2. Responsibilities. This section includes information on the functions that the employee must perform.
  3. Right It lists those rights that are not specified in labor law, but which are necessary for the effective work of the employee. This applies to the possibility of requesting and receiving documents or information from management, making suggestions for improving the activities of the company.
  4. Responsibility. The section includes in which situations the employee is subject to disciplinary, civil, criminal, administrative responsibility.
advertising and marketing manager job responsibilities

The specified structure is considered approximate, if necessary, change it. For example, in some companies, functions are separated from responsibilities. But in most cases, this instruction can be applied, whatever the specifics of the company’s activities.


What does an advertising manager do? These functions are considered standard for an employee of a marketing agency or a full-time employee of the advertising department in a trading company:

  1. The organization of a promotional company to support services or products to attract consumers and increase sales. These events inform customers about the characteristics, advantages of goods, services.
  2. Market analysis to identify the audience of products sold, determining the characteristics of consumers.
  3. Creating a marketing strategy with an indication of the amount of costs.
  4. The choice of marketing tools and methods, media, color, music, text advertising.
  5. The choice of media.
  6. Determining the time for the advertising company.
  7. Management and coordination of activities of subordinates and other specialists of the company.
  8. Creation of promotional texts based on availability for a wide range of customers. The manager must take into account the norms of morality and competition.
  9. Control over the creation of campaign layouts, logos and videos.
  10. Attraction of additional connections necessary for the creation and implementation of an advertising company: specialists, stars, other popular persons.
  11. Optimization of spending on advertising.

Depending on the field of activity of the company where the employee works, the job responsibilities of the advertising manager can be adjusted and supplemented. By strictly following all the rules, the effective work of the company is guaranteed. Therefore, what an advertising manager does depends on the specifics of the enterprise.


The work of an advertising manager may have specific responsibilities depending on the field of activity:

  1. Advertising agency. In this company, a specialist identifies the needs and tasks of customers, and then sells them custom-made or existing advertising texts, printing products, and commercials. If the company carries out not only the creation of promotional products, but also sells them in the media, then the sales manager interacts with the media.
  2. In the newspaper. Specialists sell advertising space for ads or articles of the advertising type, they allow you to create design and text ads.
  3. On the radio / television. An employee sells airtime, radio presenters and television actors are selected, final products are created - audio or video clips.
job advertising manager

The rights

When working as an advertising manager, job descriptions are binding. This document indicates the rights of the employee:

  1. Submitting proposals for improving the labor activity related to the work of this specialist.
  2. Request from the administration for assistance in the performance of functions.
  3. Timely receipt of salary.
  4. Obtaining information support and technological tools for completing tasks.

A responsibility

The advertising manager is responsible for non-fulfillment of his duties. In case of violation of instructions and failure to comply with labor standards, safety precautions and sanitary standards, the employee is subject to financial or disciplinary action.

advertising manager instruction

The employee is responsible for causing material damage to the company due to damage to property or untimely communication of management with problems and factors that could cause unpleasant consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to reviews, the advertising manager should be mobile, because he needs to constantly communicate with various people: from creative to representatives of government agencies. In each situation, you need to be able to find a suitable manner of communication. Managers can adapt to each person.

Most of the creative people managers have to deal with are unorganized, which leads to a waste of time. If a specialist works in a company, it may be difficult to understand the needs of customers. The advantages include the opportunity to get acquainted with various areas. Thanks to this work, the horizons are expanding, experience is emerging that can be used in any other field.

Of the minuses of the profession of an advertising manager, one can single out a big responsibility. Incorrectly selected words can push customers away from the product, which will negatively affect the activity, and therefore the income. An indisputable advantage is the creative type of work, the ability to communicate with interesting people.


When looking for a job, special attention should be paid to compiling a resume, as employers take it into account. Experience and skills, if any, must be indicated. A positive nuance is the transfer of successful promotions in which you had to participate, as well as projects that have been translated into reality.


Advertising manager can become the head of the PR department. If you constantly improve your activities, there is an opportunity to get the position of director or head of a PR company. You can be realized as an advertising consultant or as a invited PR manager in startup projects.

advertising manager job responsibilities

To become an advertising manager, you need to graduate. Suitable specialty "Advertising", "Public Relations", "Marketing". These professions are taught at the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, and St. Petersburg State University. In Moscow, you can enter the Academy of MNEPU, the Institute of International Economic Relations, Moscow Finance and Law University MFUA. Since advertising technology is constantly evolving, periodically required continuing education courses.

The income of managers is different, its level depends on the specifics of the activity. The average income in the capital is 35-40 thousand rubles. And in St. Petersburg, the salary is 20-30 thousand rubles. The level of income is determined by the quality of the services offered and the experience of a specialist. In the future, it is possible to move to a higher salary.

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