
What if the boss is a tyrant? How to behave?

Relations with a manager play an important role in career advancement. Communication with the boss is a serious psychological test for many people, and when he does not know how to control himself, does not adhere to business ethics, the problem is gaining momentum. The relationship between the subordinate and the boss does not always work out well, and often interfere with effective work. Not everyone is capable of tolerating rudeness, but it is extremely difficult to respond to such behavior with dignity. How to resist the boss-tyrant? When is it better to remain silent, and when it is necessary to make it clear that his behavior is unacceptable? The answers to these and other questions can be found in our article.

Types of bosses

Managing people is a complex art that requires a person to have certain qualities: flexibility, self-control, sociability, ambition, organization, and so on. And when the work in the team does not work out, the atmosphere is oppressive, then it is worth thinking about the competence of the boss.

It is the destructive behavior of the bosses that destroys the world and order in the team. So, the types of bosses-tyrants:

  • A reptile is a petty leader who is always at the beck and call of big authorities; today he is in the mood and pleased with the work of his subordinates, and tomorrow he is satisfied with the job because he was criticized by the leadership. He is the god of the middle class.
  • A dictator is a boss who will not let you say a word against. He does not accept criticism, does not hear wishes, does not listen to advice. He thinks that he knows everything better than others. His desires are undeniable, even if he does not quite understand the issue.
  • Slop - he is not organized, not assembled, forgets about important meetings, assignments, deadlines. Absolutely does not control the progress of work, but at the same time breaks down on subordinates for their mistakes and mistakes.
  • A sadist - he knows all the weaknesses of his subordinates, it gives him pleasure to mock them, he seems to be attached to the victim, skillfully steps on her wounds, humiliating and insulting a person.
  • Tyrant - he experiences sadistic love and affection for his subordinates, he cultivates slave humility and dependence in the collective, inspiring subordinates with fear.
  • Actor - he plays a competent specialist and strongly supports the image, even by humiliation.
  • A coward - this boss is very afraid of competition, he is very suspicious, he always sees his subordinates who want to take his place, he humiliates them and by all means kills the team spirit of competition and the ambition of his subordinates.

If the boss is a tyrant, what should I do? The answer option depends on the forms of his behavior. Increasing intonation, ridiculing the actions of a subordinate, rude speech, belittling, familiarity, obscene jokes, flirting - these are signs of managerial unprofessionalism. But before embarking on a fight against inappropriate behavior, one should assess one's strengths and capabilities. The slightest mistake will significantly worsen the situation.

True employee behavior tactics

What if the boss is a tyrant? Advice to subordinates that depend on this leader is the simplest. First of all, employees need to understand that it is impossible to arbitrar in response to the behavior of the boss. Open confrontation will only hurt, and the boss will come out of the water dry. How to behave with a boss-tyrant:

  • Carefully make any decisions.
  • Be calm and restrained.
  • Always secure yourself, perform any of your actions in the presence of witnesses.
  • With strangers, treat the boss with respect.

If subordinates think out a plan on how to get rid of a boss-tyrant, then a secret and clear strategy of action should be thought out. The main thing in this struggle for workers is to save their places and not lose their jobs. The main rule in the confrontation is never to complain about the boss to the higher management. In companies, denunciations and complaints are not welcome and severely punished.

Home-boss: how to behave?

Do not flirt with the boss. The employee must be responsible for his work and perform it efficiently and on time and only then deal with the device of the psychological atmosphere in the team.

Ways to put a tyrant in place

There are legends about the bosses-tyrants, many employees discuss their behavior and personal qualities. But few people know how to behave with such a leader. What if the boss is a tyrant? Psychologist's advice:

  • You can not give in to emotions. In a state of anger, anger, irritation, a person is most easily controlled. You need to prepare for the conversation in advance. Set yourself up for a difficult conversation. The boss should be kept calm, calm, and not show him emotions. Calmness in response to aggression will temper his ardor.
  • If the boss is rude - you need to ask him to argue the reasons for this behavior. Talk to him in a cold and restrained manner. Uncultured behavior is the main sign of low intelligence, and restraint and politeness are signs of courage. If a subordinate knows how to control himself and his emotions, he becomes uninteresting for the sadistic boss or actor.
  • Do not publicly argue with your boss. Talk should be in private with him. It is necessary to find out what exactly does not suit him at work. Anything that does not suit him is best written down. If any of the items listed does not correspond to reality, you need to ask the boss about it. Forcing him to repeat the lie, you focus on the incorrectness of his actions.
  • Do not hurt his pride, otherwise tyranny will become even tougher.

What can not be done?

The boss-tyrant - what to do?
  • Silently endure insults. This is a sure way to lose the respect of both the boss-tyrant and colleagues.
  • Answer rudeness with rudeness, be rude to him. This will give rise to a new wave of aggression.
  • To criticize the boss, not one of them likes criticism. If the boss is tyrant, criticism is a surefire way to exacerbate the conflict.
  • To apologize and take the blame. This is a humiliation of dignity and further unties the hands of the tyrant boss. This behavior is especially dangerous with a slobber and a sadist.

How to prevent a conflict

It should be remembered that all conflicts with the boss are much easier to prevent than to deal with their consequences later.

Often conflicts arise due to misunderstandings. The leader does not explain his position to subordinates, and employees silently tolerate his character and vague tasks.

We need to establish a dialogue. Through it, you can convey verbal information and your internal state.

You need to show confidence from the first days of work. Actors and sadists avoid skirmishes with such people. Of course, excessive self-confidence can annoy and irritate the dictator and the cowardly boss, but these are special cases. In addition, they will not come to a clear conflict with such a person. You can find a balance in communication with any leader, the main thing is to be careful and not be afraid of the bosses.


About bosses-tyrants

All difficult situations in relationships overshadow the mood and work process, you need to learn how to overcome them correctly. At first, the boss-tyrant must be observed: his behavior is temporary or permanent, it is associated with turmoil at work or with personal problems. If a person humiliates and insults subordinates for pleasure, he is not worthy of respect and the position he occupies.

Observation will help to develop an action plan: to find the weaknesses of the leader, to collect evidence of his illegal actions.You should be very careful with despots, they always have emergency exits. You should be patient, it will help to act rationally, and not on emotions.

A way to deal with leadership negativity

If the behavior of the boss, despite everything, does not change, you should weigh all the pros and cons. Decide for yourself: resist tyranny or change jobs. If a decision is made to resist, then we should seriously prepare for this.

If the boss is a tyrant: tips

Here are some signs that the fight with the boss is worth starting:

  • The boss does not listen to the advice and competent arguments of employees.
  • Assigns unfair punishments.
  • It lowers the merits of a subordinate, exposes him in a negative light.

Agreeing with such a boss is difficult, and sometimes impossible. He is on his own mind, does not consider it necessary to listen and hear anyone. In the event of a slip, he will always find the culprit - the one he least likes.

You can fight tyranny only through the joint efforts of the entire team. For his dismissal or demotion, real evidence is needed. In no case should they express their position to the tyrant before gathering them.


If the boss is a tyrant: advice from a psychologist

Open confrontation alone is a very difficult way to combat tyranny. A good place to start is with an objection that should be free from aggression or emotion. You need to ask him to explain his decision, while it is better to have a dialogue with witnesses. If in response the boss shows aggression or disrespect, he should be asked to politely observe the rules of business communication and etiquette.

Do not enter into an unequal dispute, in such conflict situations the leader always wins.


How to get rid of a tyrant boss?

The most unfortunate way to deal with tyrant is through top management. In modern companies, they don’t really like “sneak”, so you can only resort to this method of influencing a destructive boss if you have nothing to lose and it’s simply impossible to work on like that. In this case, the rules of subordination should be observed: disrespect for the boss does not give a reason to insult him.

In case of indecent behavior, sexual harassment, you need to contact the company management, in writing, state all the details of the incident. The dignity of an employee on gender or racial grounds is a serious violation of the law of the country, which is fraught with a fine and dismissal.

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