
What if the teacher insults the student? Responsibility of the teacher for insulting the student

Cases of insulting a student by a teacher are not uncommon today. And if earlier many people looked at it through their fingers, now parents have become more competent in matters of protecting their children.

What if the teacher insults the student? The son or daughter does not want to go to school because of this. Consider what to do in this situation.

Frustrated girl

Federal Law "On Education"

There is a law on education. In particular, article 48 states that a teacher must respect his students. Respect their honor and dignity.

There is another article, numbered 34, which states: the student has the right to protection from mental violence, insulting the individual. He also has the right to respect for his dignity.

What if the teacher insults the student? What dignity can we talk about?

Teacher is angry

What is an insult?

You need to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. If a teacher in personal contact with a child threw something like "are you stupid or something" - this is not an insult. An insult is considered a public humiliation of dignity. For example, a child walks with glasses. And the teacher in the whole class taunts him. Then it can be seen as an insult to dignity.

What if the teacher insults the student? Due to appearance, poorly absorbed material or the wrong answer? In this case, parents must intervene.


But do not rush to run to school with threats and screams, as many parents like to do. Teachers are threatened with all possible punishments. And the result is only worse for the child.

First, find out if the teacher behaves with all the children? Or just your "lucky". This is easy to do if you are communicating with parents from the class. Ask them if the children complain about the teacher’s behavior. You can also ask your own child a question. Like, the teacher only finds fault with you or scolds the rest too. If the offspring calls the names of classmates, who also get from a tactless teacher, do not be too lazy to contact their parents and talk about this topic.

Does a teacher have the right to insult a student? No, of course not. But for some reason they often forget about this, and they humiliate the child with impunity in the presence of the whole class. After the parents collect the necessary information, you can go to the teacher.

Just do not swear, barely entering the office. Be polite, but firm. Tell us that you heard about the humiliation of a child. And you know that not only your son or daughter is suffering. You want to talk about this topic.

Very often, the teacher has enough of this "preventive conversation." But what if it doesn’t help? About it below.

Angry woman

And again we rely on the law

What if the teacher insults the student? Parents of the latter, in accordance with article 45 of the law "On Education", have every right to protect their child. Up to bringing the teacher to disciplinary liability, including dismissal. Parents also have the right to demand compensation for moral damage from the teacher.

We are writing a complaint

The complaint against the teacher is written in the name of the director. This is the very first step in protecting your child. Before contacting the appropriate authorities, notify the school principal of the teacher’s misconduct.

In your appeal, list in detail all the facts that indicate a violation of the rights of the child to respect for honor and dignity. And ask for action against the teacher.

Just be careful: the teacher can expose the situation in such a way that your offspring will be a slanderer. And your conversion will be nothing but a slander against the teacher.

The ideal option is a collective complaint against the teacher. The more parents sign it, the higher the likelihood that an unscrupulous teacher will be held accountable.

Thirty days are given for trial. During this time, the director conducts an internal investigation and gives the parents a written response.

The appeal is made in duplicate. One is registered and submitted for consideration to the director, and on the second a note is made about the incoming number of the complaint with the date of its filing. Who should do this? Of course, the secretary of the school.

Very angry teacher

We turn to RONO (UNO)

Teachers will be held accountable for insulting students. Parents write a statement to RONO or UNO. In different cities, this organization has different names. If the child is old enough (8th grade and older), he can write a complaint on his own behalf. Thus, both parents complain and the student.

We draw your attention to the fact that the appeal to RONO is written in the event that the director let everything go by itself. The teacher who violates the rights of the child, and the director, who closed his eyes to the situation, will be held accountable. The case may go to dismissal.

Teacher with a pointer

Court or prosecutor

If the proceedings against the teacher did not reveal violations in his behavior, and the children continue to complain, there is nothing left to do but go to court. Or complain to the prosecutor. Just keep in mind that one statement is not enough. Stronger evidence is needed. What could it be?

  • An audio recording in which a teacher is heard humiliating a student or students. Everything can be recorded on the recorder secretly from the teacher.

  • Video recording. Capturing a video will not work. And the child who is humiliated will not have time to do this. Classmates can help him. Is the teacher starting to humiliate? Someone is filming this on video.

If the teacher insults the student, the article "shines" for him. This is an administrative offense, no less. But only if the victim provides strong evidence.

Teacher at the table

Teacher responsibility

What should a teacher be like? Competent, kind and respectful of their wards. In the old days there were such teachers. And now they are becoming less and less. The teacher is able to break on the child due to a bad mood or humiliate him because of the appearance or unprepared homework.

In the event that his guilt is proved, the teacher will be held responsible. What could she be?

  • Disciplinary. The director or RONO after the trial has the right to dismiss the teacher, allowing himself a boorish attitude towards children.

  • Administrative A harmful teacher will have to pay a certain amount for the humiliation of the student. From 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. This is an administrative fine for insulting the honor and dignity of a child.

  • In addition, the parents of the victim have the right to demand compensation for moral damage in court. And its size is voiced by themselves in this case.

Teacher fights

And if the student is to blame?

We examined several options for how parents can act in case of insulting their child by the teacher. And if the opposite is true? The student insulted the teacher, what punishment will he suffer for this?

Several options for the development of the situation are possible:

  • Self-regulation of the problem by the teacher.

  • Appeal to parents.

  • Appeal to the courts with a claim for compensation for moral damage.

Experienced educators recommend to deal with the situation on their own. Modern children are such that they don’t put a penny on teachers. They know well about their rights, only they forget about their duties.

The teacher can:

  • Skip insult past ears.

  • Leave the bully after class and ask him a moral bashing.

  • Wrap the situation in such a way that the student, who allowed himself to offend the teacher, was looking for a way out of it.

  • Announce a boycott to the student.

  • Start underestimating grades.

The last moment is not one of the best. But sometimes the teacher has no other choice. For example, a child is very arrogant. But he studies well, and the teacher knows what bad grades scolded him. Has earned the "four"? Put the three. If you want, you can find fault with everything.

Complaining to parents is not always beneficial. Today's children do not particularly appreciate the work of teachers. Parents quickly side with their beloved children. If the teacher understands that the parents are adequate, you can call them to school to talk.

The court is already in the most extreme case. If there is no government on the child, he himself is constantly rude, his parents protect and support him, it makes no sense to go to the director. Just have to be prepared for the fact that you have to leave work after the trial.


We defended children's rights. We learned how to help your child if the teacher behaves extremely non-pedagogically.

Just do not breastfeed. Be careful in this matter. Children, especially those of primary school age, tend to exaggerate what is actually happening. The child could try on a situation that arose in the classroom with another student. And if mom goes to school, wanting to cause a scandal, you see, it will look strange.

What should a teacher be like? Conscientious, loving his students, able to interest them in their subject. Alas, not all teachers are like that. Sometimes people who do not love children go to school. And one also has to put up with this. Or firmly claim your rights.

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