
What to bring from America as a gift?

Almost every traveler, being in any of the tourist places in the world, seeks to bring a classic souvenir to his memory or as a present to his relatives. In Berlin, this is usually a beer mug, in Paris - a box of pasta, in Venice - a mask. And what to bring from America as a gift? The first thing that comes to mind is the figure of the Statue of Liberty. After this, the fantasies almost run out.

what to bring from america

Indeed, what to bring from America if you don’t get, for example, an iPhone as a souvenir? This gift item is still a little expensive. You should not consider Victoria's Secret swimwear brand so popular with our girls as souvenirs. Giving them is not very decent, as well as lace underwear. It is worth remembering that a souvenir should be, first of all, a pleasant trifle that would suit almost everyone, regardless of age. At the same time, she should delight relatives and friends. Well, if a thing is acquired for itself, then for a long time it should give its owner pleasant memories of the journey.

What to bring from America to Russia? Of course, among all the goods that fly from the USA to different countries, clothing, electronics and cosmetics are especially prominent. At the same time, tourists are happy to visit American stores. After all, shopping in this country is considered one of the best in the world, attracting customers not only with a huge variety, but also with favorable prices.

Where to buy souvenirs?

Anyone who comes to America, simply can not ignore the shops and shopping centers of this country. Here they are very large, and there are also a lot of goods in them. That is why, on the advice of experienced tourists, it is worth leaving as much time as possible for shopping in America. The fact is that visiting only one shopping center can take almost a whole day. And this despite the fact that the purpose of the acquisition was only a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Indeed, advertising about discounts will surely catch your eye or the seller will offer additional accessories that are just being sold under the promotion. As a result, the buyer leaves the shopping center literally loaded with packages of things that he did not intend to buy at all.

Where is the best place to shop in America? First of all, these are shopping centers. Such large shops are necessarily available in any residential area. They are considered classic and are intended for people with average incomes. It is these places that are recommended to be visited by those who want to buy things at once for the whole family.

There are also large shopping centers in America, in the shops of which, in addition to standard collections, old models are offered to customers. Purchasing such things is very profitable, as they are subject to significant discounts.

In addition, you can always make an order on the Internet. Standard delivery times in the United States range from 3 to 8 days. At the same time, various promotions and impressive discounts are offered on the sites. Having made an order on the Internet, you can get something as a gift. Another nice bonus is free delivery to the door of the house.

So what to bring from America to Russia? Consider the list of the most popular gifts that tourists prefer to purchase.


What to bring from America? This of course, trinkets and magnets. Such products are easy to find in any tourist place, where they are presented in huge quantities. But it should be borne in mind that if you go to a souvenir shop, located away from a large concentration of foreign guests, then the prices there will be much lower.In such a retail outlet, every tourist will certainly be offered a thousand little things that correspond not only to the themes of this country as a whole, but also to its individual cities and states. So, a figurine of the Statue of Liberty will serve as a souvenir, which is a symbol for New York, for San Francisco it will be a miniature copy of the Golden Gate Bridge, for Los Angeles - small Oscar figurines, and for Philadelphia - miniature Liberty Bells.

What to bring from America to Russia

What other souvenirs from America are popular with Russian people? What to bring to the tourist from this country? These are mugs, T-shirts, trinkets and magnets, which depict the symbols described above or decorated in the colors of the American flag. But it is worth keeping in mind that such gifts have one small minus. Almost all of them are made in China.

Peanut butter

Each country has its own unique culture and cuisine. The USA is no exception. What to bring tasty from America? Peanut butter. This simple product, most Russian people saw only in American films. But in the USA, this sweet is considered nutritious and healthy, using it, as a rule, during breakfast.

what gifts to bring from america

Interestingly, the product was originally prepared for medical purposes. Peanut butter was supposed to replace meat with people unable to chew solid foods. However, after consumers evaluated the quality of this food, it became very popular in the country, which allowed to establish its mass production.


What can you bring tasty from America?

  1. Marshmallow. This is a sweet which, in its taste, is similar to marshmallows, but differs from it in composition and cooking technology. Marshmallow contains gelatin, sugar, and corn syrup. This delicious food is eaten either just like that, or added to desserts, salads, and also decorate cakes with it.
  2. Chewing Beans Jelly Belly. These multi-colored dragees in a hard shell have a jelly filling. The word "beans", mentioned in the name, is associated with the shape of these sweets. A distinctive feature of such chewing beans is that for a long time they retain their texture and taste.
  3. Chocolate brand The Hershey Company. This company is America's leading manufacturer of chocolate bars, and its products are popular all over the world.

Maple syrup

The largest producer of this product is Canada. But, despite this, maple syrup is considered the hallmark of the United States.

 what cosmetics to bring from america

They make it in early spring. It is at this time that juice is extracted from maples of special breeds, which are then evaporated to the desired consistency. Waffles, ice cream and pancakes are watered with this delicious product. Add it in the manufacture of baking.


What can I bring from America as a gift? For those who prefer to drink coffee in the morning, a pack of this invigorating Starbucks brand will be an excellent souvenir. Experts say that the quality of the ground grains offered by this company in the United States far surpass those sold by franchise in other countries. Souvenir cups bearing the company logo will also be an excellent present.

Experienced tourists say that you can bring from America such brands of coffee as Marshall and Taster's Choice.

Strong alcohol

What gifts to bring from America? A win-win option for men is alcohol produced in the USA, because it has a unique character. The taste and aroma of American spirits are reminiscent of those that were produced in former times in the Old World. Nevertheless, in the USA, in the manufacture of alcohol-containing products, our own raw materials and technologies that are time-tested are used. So, tequila surprises with its original notes of agave, and sparkles of corn are felt in a bouquet of bourbon.

Of the most popular drinks that tourists prefer to purchase, we can distinguish:

- rum;

- pisco;

- kashasu;

- mezcal;

- American and Canadian whiskey.

what can I bring from America as a gift

US residents themselves most prefer "root beer." This drink does not contain alcohol and is an analogue of ginger beer. It has almost no taste, but tourists also like to buy it as a souvenir. After all, “root beer” is part of American culture.

T-shirts with the inscription I love NY and other clothes

These t-shirts are a classic gift that many tourists are sure to bring with them from New York. In other major US cities, sellers also offer similar T-shirts, only adorned with other names. This idea can be developed further. Indeed, in America, clothes are very popular on which the names of local sports clubs or universities are printed. These things are presented in different colors, they come in a shelf or in a box. Applied to such clothes can be images of animals.

 souvenirs from America what to bring

What is profitable to bring from America? It can be various original goods of famous brands. In Russia, their cost is certainly several times more expensive or branded items are simply not available on store shelves.

Cowboy paraphernalia

One of the most popular destinations in the USA is the theme of the Wild West. That is why cowboy hats, boots and trousers are an integral part of modern fashion in this country. These things are very popular not only among American, but also among European designers.

In US stores, you can buy unique items at affordable prices that fall into this category. But the most popular of all items are boots. Most often they are released from cow leather, but you can find models from a snake and a crocodile.

Native American paraphernalia

The culture of this people is an integral part of the entire history of the United States. What souvenir to bring from America from this subject? The most popular tourist goods are dream catchers. These are very spectacular and beautiful souvenirs.

what to bring from America is profitable

In addition, leather goods and clothes, as well as jewelry made in the traditional Indian style, will be a great gift for friends and relatives.

Health Products

For those who come to America, experienced tourists recommend visiting a pharmacy. The medicines offered here cannot but surprise with their huge selection. From this large list you can always choose exactly what you need. In addition, the drugs offered in US pharmacies have proved to be very effective and have a small number of side effects.

Hollywood smile

Often, tourists buy toothbrushes for themselves and as a gift to their loved ones. They are products that can produce a remarkable whitening effect for a short time. After their use, the teeth begin to glow in the dark. But it is worth bearing in mind that owners of sensitive enamel are not recommended to use such strips.


Many of the tourists who come to the United States try to take away from this country not only trinkets and magnets, clothes and various accessories, but also such necessary and useful goods as varnishes, lipsticks, creams, shades and much more.

What cosmetics to bring from America?

  1. Palettes. For women who are more or less familiar with cosmetics manufactured in the United States, such a little thing will be familiar. These are palettes in which a set of eyeshadow is located. They are one of the most versatile cosmetics. The combination of shades contained in the palettes allows you to use them constantly not only for daytime, but also for evening makeup.
  2. Lip balms. They help save weathered and dry lips. To their taste and smell, these cosmetics are very different, but they all have a natural composition and good quality.
  3. Tweezerman Tweezer Eyebrow Tweezers. This thing is necessary for every woman. Such tweezers are popular due to their quality. They have sharp edges.With the help of such tweezers, everything, even the smallest hairs, is very easily plucked.
  4. Face scrubs with apricot pits. This is a great cosmetic product for a low price. It perfectly eliminates black spots and cleanses the skin.

Buying cosmetics in the USA is very profitable. After all, all the accessories necessary for a woman are much cheaper in this country than in Russia. But in addition to the low price, American cosmetics also have a huge assortment of a wide variety of products.

What brand should a tourist pay attention to? The most proven option is cosmetics offered by Urban Decay Naked 2. For those who want to make sure of the quality of its products, it is enough to read the numerous reviews of women. Fashionistas especially like the stunning palette of shadows from this company.

In addition, any beauty knows such a wonderful company as MILANI. She became famous throughout the world for her magnificent blush. It is very difficult to find such cosmetics in Russia, so those who go on a trip to America should certainly bring one of these gizmos as a gift.

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