
What is a police officer required to do?

A police officer is a citizen of the Russian Federation who performs his official duties while performing public service in the ranks of the police department. After successful enrollment, each employee is assigned a rank in accordance with the established procedure.

General Police Service

Police officers salute

A police officer performs his duties in the service when he is at the disposal of the federal executive body, a territorial unit that is part of the police structure.

In the Russian internal affairs system, in addition to special ranks, there are also ranks of internal service and justice. Federal law number 3 lists the rights, responsibilities, duties and requirements of a citizen who wants to get a job in the ranks of the police. Each policeman is guaranteed various benefits and subsidies.

What is the challenge facing the police

Each police officer is required to adhere to the laws of the Russian Federation. The main regulatory document in our country is the Constitution. In addition to the Federal Law, the activities of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are regulated by the statutes of service, job descriptions, and regulations. In addition, there is the Law on Police, which lists what a police officer must do in the service. Responsibilities can be divided into several groups:

  1. Protection and security in the country. This means that a law enforcement officer, while in execution, is obliged to suppress any illegal actions, to ensure order during mass actions, such as rallies, meetings and strikes. Also, any employee in the internal organs is obliged, if necessary, to carry out rescue measures, by all means to implement quarantine measures in the event of an epidemic. This work can be carried out both independently and jointly with other government agencies.
  2. Search activity.
  3. Investigation of offenses. This group includes the adoption of applications from citizens about a crime or other unlawful acts, the organization and conduct of inquiries, the opening of administrative proceedings, etc.
  4. Monitoring and ensuring safety on public roads. This task is performed by the traffic police.
  5. Control over the circulation of weapons. This item includes duties such as issuing and issuing permits, checking compliance with the rules for storage, transportation and use of weapons.
  6. Taking measures to prevent the terrorist threat, as well as combating extremism.

Rights of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Mounted Police in Russia

Any civil servant working in the police is given additional powers. Also, a police officer, when entering the service, must observe a number of duties. According to Federal Law No. 3, a police officer is allowed to:

  1. Check documents from citizens and legal entities if there is reason to suspect them of breaking the law.
  2. Make a request and receive information that is necessary for the internal affairs officer to fully perform his job and official duties.
  3. Demand from individuals and legal entities the cessation of actions that violate the law of the Russian Federation.
  4. Call citizens to testify and explain in the process of investigating crimes, administrative cases, as well as during inspections of reports received on duty of illegal actions.

The employee does not have the right to carry out actions other than those that are fixed at the legislative level.Abuse of one's official position entails criminal and administrative liability.

Policeman Responsibilities

Future police officers

In addition to rights, any police officer has duties that he must strictly observe. They are listed below:

  1. Be cautious of state property.
  2. Performing official duties, contact senior officials.
  3. It is good to know, be guided and comply with all laws adopted in Russia.
  4. Unquestioningly comply with the legal requirements of management.
  5. Maintain and improve professional qualifications.
  6. Report to the state about your income.
  7. To inform the higher management about a possible or already arisen conflict of interests of other employees who are performing official duties in state structures.
  8. Notify the authorities and, if necessary, other relevant structures of attempts to bribe or engage in corrupt activities.
  9. It is worthy to perform all the functions assigned to the policeman in the framework of official duties.
  10. Keep state secrets, confidential information, including information received from citizens during interrogation.
  11. Promptly notify government agencies of citizenship in another country, as well as with the renunciation of citizenship of their country.
  12. Adhere to the daily routine adopted at the duty station.


Police officers are required to fulfill their duties not only during working hours, but also on weekends, holidays and even on vacation, if required by official need. Each police officer must:

  1. Provide assistance to people who are victims of crime or injured in an accident.
  2. Take all possible measures to stop unlawful behavior that violates the laws of the Russian Federation. If necessary, the police officer, even when not in execution, has the right to detain a person who has crossed the line of the law and to hold him until the arrival of his colleagues for further proceedings. At the same time, the police officer must explain to the person detained his rights and the reason for the restriction of freedom.

Responsibilities of the district commissioners

The police are not only men

Most often, citizens who contact the police on various issues interact with the district commissioner. It is these police officers who are obliged to monitor compliance with the law, to ensure law and order in their area, and to contribute by all means to the cessation of actions that violate the law. The district police officer is obliged to fulfill the general duties of a police officer, namely:

  1. It is good to study your site, to know the house numbers, street names, road junctions, detour routes in case of repair work on the main road. The policeman should be aware of relevant information about the road system in the territory entrusted to him, and know the name of enterprises operating nearby. He also needs to know the possible places of crime (back streets, clubs, forest belt, poorly lit parks, etc.). The internal affairs officer should understand and determine the plants and narcotic substances prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. To know the residents living in the entrusted police station, especially the individuals who were brought to administrative and criminal liability.
  3. Accept and consider applications received from citizens. Conduct preventive discussions with residents about the inadmissibility of breaking the law. At the same time, during an appeal to a citizen, a police officer is required, upon request, to present a certificate confirming his service in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  4. Suppress any crimes and offenses.
  5. To know, visit, talk with people who have returned from places of imprisonment. Monitor persons suffering from alcohol and drug addiction.
  6. Work, if necessary, with other units and police departments.
  7. Timely report to the authorities about the committed or planned crimes in the entrusted area.

Work district with the population

The district police officer is obliged to regularly make a round of the territory. At the same time, he must be dressed in a service uniform. When contacting a citizen, a police officer must introduce himself. To enter a private territory (on a plot, in an apartment or a house) a district police officer is entitled only with the consent of the owners. In this case, the police officer is obliged to provide any feasible assistance to people in an emergency.

The duties of the district commissioner in the execution include the reception of oral and written statements of citizens.

Verification of incoming information

Two comrades stand guard over the law

Many residents of Russia are interested in: is a police officer obliged to check the information received from him from citizens? When an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received information from a citizen about a crime, he is obliged to check it for accuracy. For this, the employee may go to the applicant to take a written detailed explanation from him. In this case, the police officer must explain to the person the purpose of the visit and the responsibility for giving false testimonies. If a civilian permits, then a law enforcement officer can inspect the housing. If the policeman has permission from the court, he has the right to enter and inspect the premises without the tenant’s consent.

Basic rights of a policeman

The inhabitants of our country are interested in the question of whether the police officer is required to know his rights. Each employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while in execution, has certain legal capabilities. Depending on the position held, a law enforcement officer has the right:

  1. Be familiarized with legal acts regulating the rights and duties of a policeman.
  2. On decent working conditions that would allow him to fulfill his duties in the service.
  3. Get paid twice a month in the amount specified in the service contract.
  4. Rest on vacation and on weekends in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  5. Get free access to government organizations to carry out their official duties.
  6. To protect your personal data.
  7. Get professional training, go on an internship, improve your skills.
  8. Receive all necessary information, including those related to state secrets.
  9. To get acquainted with the materials of your personal file and the documents attached to it.
  10. For judicial protection.

Like civilians living in the territory of the Russian Federation, police officers have the right to retirement benefits, as well as life and health insurance.

Opportunities in the police service

Police received new cars for service

Regardless of the position held, any policeman serving on the territory of the Russian Federation can:

  1. Demand to stop breaking the law.
  2. Verify documents confirming the identity of the person. Upon contact, the police officer must introduce himself.
  3. Use someone else's vehicle if there is no other way to prevent a crime or take the victim to the hospital.
  4. Use their service weapons, physical strength, and special equipment to protect their lives and other civilians.
  5. Detain suspected crime, deliver them to the nearest duty unit. At the same time, the police officer must explain to the detained person why his freedom of movement is restricted.

The use of physical force

Work in the police has always been associated with an increased risk to health and life. The Ministry of Internal Affairs daily encounters situations when they are forced to use physical force, firearms and special equipment (gas cartridges and stun guns). Legislation strictly regulates the use of physical measures by policemen in relation to other citizens.An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has the right to use force against a criminal in the following cases:

  1. With the resistance of a citizen during detention. After the alleged offender is taken into custody, the police officer must explain to him the reason for the arrest.
  2. To prevent the commission of a crime.
  3. Self-defense, as well as the protection of other citizens or protected objects.
  4. Forced stop of a vehicle that violated traffic rules. Remember that at the request of a police officer, the driver must stop.
  5. Stopping illegal rallies or riots.

The employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is obliged to be guided by the requirements when deciding on the use of physical force and weapons. First, he must warn about the use of weapons or special means, allowing violators to stop violating the law. However, this rule does not apply when immediate police intervention is required. In this case, the employee is obliged to quickly assess the situation and independently decide on his further actions.

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation, a police officer cannot use force, special equipment and firearms against people with disabilities, pregnant women and minors. An exception is the fact that the above persons illegally use weapons that threaten the life and health of citizens. It is also unacceptable to use protective equipment for employees if this could harm innocent citizens.

The employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who put the weapon on alert, has the right to prohibit citizens from approaching him. In case of failure to comply with this instruction, an employee of a state agency has the right to open fire.


Law Enforcement Detention

Police service is a dangerous and responsible activity. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has a huge responsibility for observing the order and law in our country. That is why to enter the ranks of the police you need to meet the highest requirements.

To ensure safety on the streets, employees periodically undergo training to improve their skills. Also, personnel are often checked for compliance with professional and personal qualities by the testing method.

In the event that the policeman performs his duties improperly, strict disciplinary punishments will be applied to him, including dismissal from the authorities. For gross violations during service, a negligent employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may be brought to court.

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