
What is assa? Several meanings of the word

Many times have heard someone say "Assa." The word has several meanings, and they relate to various areas of human life. The first thing that comes to mind when confronted with this token is the Caucasian dance and the exclamation of “assa” during its execution. About what the word "Assa" means, and will be described in this essay.


As mentioned above, the word "Assa" has several meanings - this:

  • phrase voiced during the performance of the Caucasian dance (lezginka);
  • biblical term related to the creation of the world;
  • the nickname of one of the representatives of the Soviet underground - Oleg Kolomeichuk;
  • Feature Film;
  • river in Italy;
  • river in Ingushetia;
  • river in Kazakhstan;

ACCA is also an abbreviation, one of which stands for Automatic Subscription Service.

Dance and the biblical term

During the performance of Lezghinka, regardless of the ethnicity of the dancer (that is, it does not matter who it is - Dagestani, Chechen, Ingush, etc.), one can often hear such an exclamation as “Assa”. It is shouted out by those watching the dancer or dancers. In this way, they spur the performer of the dance, as well as the audience themselves. What is the “assa” that sounds during the dance is not known; in this case, this term has no exact definition. A similar exclamation can be compared with the Russian "hop" or "op", which can also often be heard only during the performance of Russian folk dance.

Dance lezginka

Considering what is Assa, it should be said about the use of this word in the Bible. In scripture it is written as “Asah,” and is read without pronouncing the last letter. "Assa" means to create. However, there are versions that this is a somewhat erroneous interpretation of the word. This refers to its semantic connotation. Namely, the “assa" is not to create and create, but to create the possibility of the existence of something, for example, life itself as such. However, these are controversial assumptions, and the advocates of various interpretations have not yet come to a consensus.

Feature Film

Soviet film director Sergei Solovyov in 1987 made a film called Assa. Various rock musicians who occasionally performed their songs in the film occasionally appeared in the film. These were quite popular performers of that time, for example, V. Tsoi and the Kino group, B. Grebenshchikov and the Aquarium group, J. Aguzarova.

Director Sergey Solovyov

The picture at that time was perceived ambiguously, since it was clearly different from everyone else. Nevertheless, it has gained great popularity. After 30 years, the director made another film with the name "Assa 2".

What does the word "assa" mean when viewed as the name of a movie? The director himself does not directly give an answer to this question. According to one version - this is an abbreviation - author Soloviev Sergey Alexandrovich. According to another version, this is a reference to the biblical meaning. The film at one time became a cult, largely thanks to rock performers who took part in the filming. In particular, V. Tsoi, who sang the song "Change" in the picture.

Harry Assa

Harry Assa is the nickname of one of the leaders in the underground, Oleg Kolomeichuk. He at one time became quite famous in the circles of rock musicians and creative fateful youth. He was called a rebel and an artist. It should be said that Harry was a rather extraordinary person. Kolomeichuk created clothes for rock musicians, also worked on their images. Periodically arranged various performances, often unusual and provocative, trying to create a resonance.

Harry Assa

In the 90s in Moscow, he created an alternative house of models, called "Aida-Luli."Why he received such a nickname, and what is “Assa” in this case, is not known; some interpret it as an abbreviation - an association of Soviet free anarchists.

Assa River

Assa is also the name of rivers that are in different countries. For example, the Assa River flows in the North Caucasus, which originates from the northern slope of the main Caucasian ridge in Georgia and flows through the lands of Chechnya and Ingushetia. Its length is 133 km, and the catchment area is 2060 km2.

Assa River

Continuing to consider what is Assa, it is necessary to mention the tributary of the Astiko River, which is also called Assa.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Asy River, also called Assa. It flows through Akkol and Bilikol lakes. The river reaches a length of 253 km, and its catchment area is approximately 9 thousand km2. It is a tributary of the Talas River.

As you can see from the article, the word "Assa" has several meanings, sometimes controversial. However, today there are no older sources of its use than the Bible. In this regard, in the general sense, the term "Assa" means to create or create.

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