
What is wealth? The lexical meaning

Very often in speech the word "wealth" is used. Many people pronounce it, not really thinking about its meaning. And what can be wealth? Only material? Or some other?

If you want to know as much as possible what wealth is, you just need to read this article!

what is wealth

Meaning of the word

The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language gives the following definition of the word "wealth": it is an abundance, an abundance of certain values ​​that can belong both to society as a whole and to each person individually.

“Being rich” means having at your disposal a sufficient number of tangible and intangible objects such as money, real estate, precious stones and materials, knowledge, children, etc.

wealth and poverty

Synonym for the word

So, you have learned what wealth is. Could you name a synonym for this word?

Recall that synonyms are words that mean the same as the selected word, that is, they have a similar meaning. For example: children, children, children, toddlers, etc.

True, not every word in Russian has a synonym. Therefore, using such a word in speech or in writing can be difficult. If it is impossible to replace and forced the abundance of the same word, the text can turn out ugly, unreadable, boring.

However, such a problem will not arise if your conversation touches on the topic of wealth, because this word has a synonym. And not one.

So what is wealth? Synonyms for the word studied in this article: multitude, abundance, surplus, contentment, excess, abundance.

Antonym words

Remember what are antonyms? Not? But it's that simple! Antonyms are words that have the opposite lexical meaning.

“Wealth” (the word we are currently analyzing) also has an antonym word. What do you think, which one?

wealth lexical meaning

Have not yet come up with? Let's find out. You already know that wealth is wealth, an abundance of something. And what word can be opposed to it?

Indeed, wealth and poverty (or poverty) are words that are opposite in meaning and meaning, they are antonyms.

Material wealth

When you hear someone mentioning the phrase “rich person” in a speech, which association comes to your mind first? Most likely, this is a healthy, cheerful, fat-skinned rich man who, as people say, hens don’t peck at. He lives a full life, without hesitation to limit himself at least in something.

Typically, such people have a rather negative attitude. They are condemned in every possible way, claiming that it is simply impossible to get a huge fortune honestly.

However, the paradox of this topic is that, no matter how people insult the rich, almost every one of them (if not all) with great pleasure would take the place of a satisfied moneybags in order to fully appreciate what material wealth is in order to possess not only money but also real estate, assets, firms or entire concerns, etc.

A beautiful life constantly attracts a huge number of people, forcing them to engage in "dishonest" business. But few people really manage to break through, most of these arrogant dreamers are left with nothing.

Spiritual wealth

What is wealth from a material point of view, we have investigated above. But the longed for earthly blessings with an abundance of virtues nevertheless fade when they have to be compared with spiritual wealth.

wealth opposite in meaning

But what is meant by the epithet "spiritual"? All those life values ​​that cannot be measured in monetary terms.It can be health, happiness, a large and friendly family, joyful work, respect of others, love and much more. All that essentially makes each person really happy and rich.

Spiritual wealth is much more important than material wealth, since people build their happiness for years, and one wrong step can destroy everything.

Perhaps you now object that a similar story is possible with material objects. For example, one wrong transaction concluded by your company with another, and you are a bankrupt who has lost absolutely everything. However, this situation can still be corrected. Of course, no one denies, it will be hard, but there is a solution.

And if someone close is sick? Many are ready to give all the money to the last penny, but that's just the use of it - the loved one will leave ... This is already nothing and no one will change.

Here it is, spiritual wealth, the meaning of which is very deep. And his loss is the most severe and sometimes irreparable.

Wise people about wealth

The famous Greek thinker Plato once said: «Wealth - live and be content with little». This means that everyone should value and cherish what he has at the moment. After all, fate has already endowed him - he lives, he exists. And even now there’s not a penny behind your soul, everything can be corrected - for this, life has been given.

The English philosopher John Locke also expressed his thought about wealth quite original and reasonable. He argued that wealth is the result of labor.. These words express a deep thought that nothing in the world goes for nothing. And many rich people (not all, of course) also started from the bottom, slowly moving towards the cherished goal - worthy capital.

And spiritual capital also does not appear out of nowhere. It is the product of long and painstaking work, as a result of which you are a student who passed all the exams perfectly, a happy family man, grandmother or grandfather with five charming grandchildren, etc.

If at one time you hadn’t taken certain steps that brought you closer to success and your cherished goal, you would have remained there below, poor and unhappy.

wealth value

Who to ask for wealth from?

In all life's difficulties, if they somehow appear on the way, people ask for help from the gods. Many believe that several famous divine beings will help you become rich.

However, the choice of your patron should be approached with some caution and thoroughness, because not every higher power will show you favor. Moreover, the “wrong” patron will not only leave your financial situation at the initial level, but will also lead to the fact that you involuntarily feel in your own skin all the horrors of the situation, which is opposite in meaning to wealth.

So you have learned everything about the word "wealth." Thanks for attention!

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