
What is a prenuptial agreement and why is it concluded? Property rights and obligations of spouses

What is a prenuptial agreement? This is a written document between a man and a woman before marriage or after marriage. A marriage contract is sometimes called a preliminary or pre-trial agreement. A marriage contract is a type of internal contract that helps resolve family problems and disagreements, regardless of whether the couple wants to maintain a relationship or divorce.

what is a prenuptial agreement

Divorce is just a failure of negotiations

Premarital agreements are rare. Although couples may refuse to formalize a prenuptial agreement, they must still draw up a written relationship statement together before entering into a lifelong relationship. A written agreement is useful for couples. Because it provides a clear and structured process of communicating your expectations regarding marriage.

Many of the couples are unhappy in their marriages because they were not sufficiently informed about their expectations before they got married. When you plan to spend the rest of your life together, it is advisable to know as much as possible about each other's expectations before making this commitment. Marriage is one of the most beautiful and difficult events in life, and honest, open communication is the key to a happy relationship.

In a prenuptial agreement, spouses or future spouses can choose their marital regime, indicate who will receive the property after the death of one of the spouses, and legitimize gifts to one of the spouses or children. Your notary is a valuable partner since the prenuptial agreement must be notarized, which means that the spouses must sign it before the notary. For advice on how the contract can be useful in your situation, do not hesitate to contact a notary.

prenuptial agreement example

Why do I need a marriage contract?

The most common problems that people face in marriage are property issues and spousal support. What is a prenuptial agreement and why is it needed? The agreement between the spouses is designed to solve many controversial issues in life. As a rule, if it comes to weddings, then this is love, once for a lifetime. This is somehow not accepted in our country, mercantile and even offensive.

In fact, not all couples turn out to be happy, and some often in a scandalous and aggressive form begin to share their property with love. A prenuptial agreement can also help in solving these problems. The property rights and obligations of the spouses are specified in the agreement in full detail.

When to sign a marriage contract? Spouses can sign a prenuptial agreement before marriage; it enters into force on the day of marriage. A person under the age of 18 who wishes to marry must obtain permission from the court to sign the marriage contract. And the court will ask for the opinion of the parents. Spouses can also sign a prenuptial agreement after marriage, it takes effect on the day of its signing.

For example, if the purpose of the contract is to change the spousal matrimonial regime, it terminates the matrimonial regime that applied from the date of marriage to the day of signing the marriage contract. Thus, property acquired by spouses before signing the contract can be divided or not divided.You can contact a notary public to learn more about the consequences of signing a prenuptial agreement after marriage.

termination of prenuptial agreement

How is a prenuptial agreement?

Spouse and spouse may enter into an agreement at any time. What is a prenuptial agreement, and how can it be concluded? This is an official contract that is designed to determine the property rights and obligations of both parties to the marriage. And also in the event of a divorce. A notary public certifies the marriage contract. After which the document comes into force.

You can conclude such an agreement before registering your union. It will enter into force immediately after marriage. In the so-called civil marriage, that is, when people simply live together, the marriage contract is not drawn up and, therefore, has no legal force.

The content of the contract can vary widely, but it usually includes provisions for the division of property. They may also include conditions for the confiscation of assets as a result of a divorce on the basis of adultery on the part of one of the partners, additional custody conditions may be included.

family lawyer

What should be spelled out in a marriage contract?

The prenuptial agreement form includes clauses that govern the relationship of husband and wife in terms of property. You can enter in the document the amount of money that each spouse has the right to spend, who will pay for travel, utilities, and so on.

In the event of a divorce, the division of property in court can also be excluded if a prenuptial agreement has been concluded that helps to divide the property in accordance with a preliminary agreement. This includes information regarding property acquired prior to marriage, as well as during subsequent family life. This can be done in different ways, here are some examples:

  1. A prenuptial agreement provides for the division of joint property without allocation of shares.
  2. Another example of a prenuptial agreement includes separate ownership (for example, a house for a wife, an apartment for a husband).
  3. This may be shared ownership of property. For example, a spouse owns 40 percent of the home, and a spouse owns 60 percent.
prenuptial agreement

Invalid prenuptial agreement

The contract is considered invalid in case of discrimination and infringement of the rights of one of the spouses. The termination of the marriage contract becomes possible if, for example, the husband after the divorce gets two cars, a country house and an apartment in a good area, and the wife receives a tea service presented by her mother-in-law.

Such a contract may be challenged by the losing party. As a result, it becomes possible to terminate the marriage contract and invalidate it. Also, the contract is terminated from the moment of divorce or if one of the spouses at the time of signing was declared legally incompetent.

notary prenuptial agreement

The role of a family lawyer

Peaceful divorces are quite rare. What is a prenuptial agreement and why is it needed? As a rule, property becomes a cornerstone and a subject of numerous disputes during a divorce. This is a document that prescribes not only information about who will get it, but also the responsibilities of the spouses.

In the event of a dispute, a family lawyer can verify how the provisions of the prenuptial agreement were actually implemented. He can control the scheme of participation of each spouse in family expenses, the sequence of opening bank accounts, credit liability, and so on. The document can even spell out the consequences for the spouse in the event of treason. But the implementation of this paragraph will depend on the skill of the family lawyer.

family lawyer

Interest Insurance

Modern youth is practical, therefore, the concept of a prenuptial agreement is no longer something alien and wild. Love is love, but it is also worth securing your interests.This is a written and notarized document, which is presented in the form of a transaction between spouses, which regulates, first of all, property issues. The contract is usually made in 3 copies: for the spouse, spouse and notary.

If there is such a need, you can make certain changes over time, provided that a new copy is certified by the same notary. By law, everything that is acquired in marriage is considered common property. If, after the divorce, the spouses cannot share their personal belongings, and this was not spelled out in the marriage contract, then such questions will be decided by the court. And this is a rather unpleasant event. Therefore, it is better to play safe and include all the necessary points in the agreement.

Benefits of concluding a prenuptial agreement

  • Spouses and future spouses can choose the matrimonial regimen that is right for them in the marriage contract. The matrimonial regime provides for the rules for managing the property of spouses during their marriage and at the end of the marriage, for example, in case of divorce or the death of one of them.
  • Spouses may enter into a prenuptial agreement to choose a matrimonial regime, such as separate ownership of property. Or create a regime that meets their specific needs, if this is not against the law.
  • Married couples can use the prenuptial contract to establish more flexible rules based on their goals.

Spouses may amend their prenuptial agreement at any time. They may amend the existing contract or enter into a new prenuptial agreement.

spouses' property rights and obligations prenuptial agreement

Features of contracts in different countries

In some countries, including Belgium and the Netherlands, a prenuptial agreement provides not only for divorce, but also for the protection of property during marriage, for example in the event of bankruptcy. Many countries, including Canada, France, Italy and Germany, have marital regimes, in addition to, or in some cases, instead of marital agreements. Subsequent agreements are similar to contractual agreements, except that they are concluded after the couple has married. Laws vary in different states. Marriage contracts will also be different.


In South Africa, a common-law or common-law union is the marriage of the property community by default. In order to leave the property community, the parties must sign a preliminary contract in the presence of a notary prior to their marriage, and the contract must be registered with the Office of Affairs within three months from the date of signing the contract.


marriage contract

In India, marriage agreements are very rare and do not have any regulatory laws. However, with the growth of divorces, people are showing an increasing interest in them. In some cases, as a rule, among wealthy citizens there is a tendency to draw up a certain form of contract. But agreements must be reasonable and not violate pre-existing laws, such as the Hindu Marriage Act.


Under Thai law, a marriage contract is recognized by the Thai Commercial and Civil Code. The current and enforceable Thai marriage agreement requires the following points in accordance with the law:

  • the contents of the contract may not contain conditions that are contrary to law or good faith;
  • premarital agreement in Thailand must be concluded before marriage, an agreement between husband and wife on personal and jointly acquired property made after the registration of marriage (after the wedding) is invalid;
  • both the future husband and wife must sign the document in the presence of at least 2 witnesses, and the agreement must be entered in the register of marriages.
division of property in court


Marriage contracts have long been recognized as valid in several European countries, such as France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.Although there are certain restrictions in some of these countries that the courts will consider to be enforceable or valid. A written and duly initiated agreement, freely agreed upon, cannot be challenged, for example, referring to circumstances in which the marriage conditions were violated. In France and Belgium, prenuptial agreements are concluded in the presence of a notary.


In accordance with the provisions of Section 10 of the Family Code of Ukraine, marital relations, rights and obligations of spouses can be regulated by a marriage contract, and if the spouses want to otherwise regulate their property relations, this is provided for by the Family Code of Ukraine. A marriage contract may be concluded between a woman and a man who have applied for the registration of their marriage, as well as of the spouses. A minor who wishes to enter into a prenuptial agreement must have the signed consent of his parent or guardian. Notarized.

What is a prenuptial agreement? it is a document that can also determine the property rights and obligations of spouses as parents, but with certain restrictions. Personal relations of spouses cannot be regulated by a marriage contract, as well as personal relations between spouses and their children.

prenuptial agreement form

Great Britain

Such agreements were not historically considered legally enforceable in England and Wales due to reluctance on the part of the judiciary for public policy reasons. A 2014 report of the Legal Affairs Commission on Matrimonial Property adopted a decision in Radmacher recommending that parliament create a “qualified marriage agreement” regime that would create a fully binding prenuptial agreement if certain requirements are met. The recommendations of the Commission have not yet been implemented.

North America: Canada

Marriage agreements in Canada are governed by provincial law. Each province and territory of Canada recognizes prenuptial agreements. For example, in Ontario, prenuptial agreements are called prenuptial agreements and are recognized in accordance with section 52 of the Family Law Act.

invalid prenuptial agreement


Marriage agreements are currently recognized, although they may not always apply. Both parties must have lawyers representing them to ensure that the agreement is enforced and can work with the agreement between the two parties. In some cases, the parties retain the presence of a private judge at the time of signing to ensure that none of the parties has been forced into an agreement.

Some lawyers recommend signing footage, although this is optional. Some states, such as California, require parties to be represented by counsel if spousal support is limited by agreement. Consequently, premarital agreements can become invalid if there is evidence that they are signed by force.

Marriage agreements, at best, are a partial solution to eliminate some of the risks associated with conflicts of property rights of spouses during a divorce. They protect minimal assets and are not the last word. However, they can be very strong and restrict the property rights of the parties. They can act as a contract to make a will and remove all your property rights.

In the United States, marriage agreements are recognized in all fifty states. A valid prenuptial agreement requires five elements:

  1. The agreement must be in writing.
  2. Voluntary nature.
  3. Full and fair disclosure of information at the time of execution.
  4. The agreement cannot significantly infringe on the rights of one of the spouses.
  5. It must be executed by both parties (and not their lawyers) "in the manner necessary for the registration of the document."
notary prenuptial agreement

Subsequent agreements are similar to contractual agreements, except that they are concluded after the couple has married. Laws vary in different states, and marriage contracts will be different.

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