
What is a deposit in a restaurant or cafe?

For many years, catering establishments have not ceased to be popular holiday destinations for people of different age categories. Meanwhile, cafes and restaurants are constantly being improved to meet all the requirements of visitors. After all, whether people will come here fully depends on this. For example, if a person is used to paying with a card and he doesn’t carry cash, having heard that they do not accept cashless in a cafe, he will simply leave.

Surely many have heard about deposit booking. This settlement system has both advantages and disadvantages. And for both sides - visitors and owners. Further in the article we will talk in detail about what a deposit is in a restaurant and cafe. And to determine for sure, good is bad, we will also consider its positive and negative sides.

What is a deposit in a restaurant, cafe or bar?

Despite the fact that this word seems terribly complicated to many, there is nothing supernatural in it. In simple words, a deposit in a restaurant is a certain amount of money that is deposited to the account and which will subsequently be debited depending on the price of the ordered dishes and drinks. This payment system is used in almost all restaurants, bars, cafes, etc.

Here a logical question may arise - why is this needed? That is, roughly speaking, you gave 10 thousand rubles just like that, without even ordering anything. But this, in fact, is very convenient for the administration of the institution, and for visitors. The first will be sure that the table is occupied by people who did not come to drink coffee for 70 rubles, which is especially true with a large influx of customers. And the second one does not have to pull their wallet back and forth all evening. This, by the way, can lead to the fact that in the end the purse is lost or stolen.

How is a deposit different from a reservation

table reservation

When familiarizing yourself with this term, another, no less logical question may arise. Having learned what a deposit is in a restaurant, it is easy to draw an analogy with booking a table. This, in turn, is a guarantee that a person who is going to a bar, restaurant or cafe, when he comes to the institution with his soulmate or friends, will find a free place. Reservation is usually paid. A kind of guarantee for the administration that the table will not be empty.

What is the difference between these two concepts? After booking, the client will need to pay the bill and kitchen services, as well as the reservation itself, in the amount established by a particular institution. The deposit includes both the reservation and the main account. So our option is to some extent even more profitable.

Deposit Benefit for Administration

what does a deposit mean in a restaurant

Such a settlement system is actually more beneficial for both parties. Let's start with the administration.

When a client makes a deposit at a table in a restaurant, the owners of the establishment can be sure that the company or couple is taking their place for a reason, and that they intend to leave a considerable amount here. You must admit that there is hardly a person in the world who would prefer to give a table to a client with a latte for 100 rubles, and not to someone who decided to have fun and give the owner at least 5,000. That's the whole benefit for the administration.

Another question is that not every person who comes to the institution can afford to give such amounts. By the way, they are on average in the country from one to three thousand rubles per person. For example, if a couple counted on 1,000 rubles, rather than 2,000, she would leave. Meanwhile, there may not be more customers on this day. So, consider that the owner has lost even this thousand.

Is there any benefit to visitors?

deposit in a restaurant is in simple words

Such a payment system is also convenient and inconvenient for customers. As already mentioned above, a person pays a certain amount and further during the evening calmly orders what he wants. And they just serve him. But this does not mean that the deposit in the restaurant cannot be increased later. But the administration will never return the remainder.

Cases when you can return a deposit

The refund is carried out by the administrative staff of the institution and is fully dependent on the internal policy of a particular enterprise. That is, of course, there is no law that regulates the rules for returning a deposit. Now we are talking about full reimbursement, not about the balance.

It should be understood that deposits are repayable and non-refundable. The latter, as can be understood from the wording, will not be returned to you under any circumstances. And the administration will not be held responsible for this, since the conditions are agreed in advance. Refundable deposits are less common. The funds remaining in the client’s “account” in full are either returned to your hands, or the administration allows you to transfer them to another date.

Knowing what a deposit is in a restaurant, bar or cafe, it is much easier to avoid some problems. For example, a client who is not particularly versed in these nuances may not be given a check. And he will think that he will not be extradited. Then prove that you paid. So, the administration of the institution in any case must issue a check confirming the payment of funds. At this point, whether a refundable deposit or not is being discussed. But in any case, the check must be kept until the account is closed.

Deposit Benefits

how to break through cct deposits in a restaurant

It's time to briefly consider the positive and negative sides of this payment system. Let's start with the good:

  • Convenience. The amount that the client expects is paid, and in the future he no longer needs to get his wallet and worry about payment.
  • Planning. When making a deposit, it is possible to think through the menu in advance to fit into the allocated budget.
  • Free reservation. When a person makes a deposit, he does not have to pay for the table, but he will be sure that the place for him and the companies will be organized at the appointed time.
  • Refund. In many institutions, the money is either given to the client or transferred to another date.

Deposit disadvantages

what does a deposit mean in a restaurant

Like everything else, it has its drawbacks:

  • A non-refundable deposit is possible in the restaurant, which means that the money will not be returned to the person.
  • The difference between the order amount and the deposit made will also never be returned.
  • The need for accounting for finances in the mind in order to meet the amount deposited.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that a deposit is good or that it is bad, and generally it is not needed. It all depends on the specific person, his goals, as well as the attitude of the administration of the institution to its guests. For example, if a person knows that in any case his money will not be lost and he will be able to use it, then he is unlikely to complain about such a payment system. Here, as they say, to each his own.

For employees: how to break through deposits on the CCP in a restaurant?

deposit for a table in a restaurant

Another issue that may haunt. Only not to customers, but to employees of the institution. When a visitor deposits money, a restaurant or cafe employee does not yet know which positions will be selected. Therefore, he needs to fill out a check in advance. To do this, select the calculation attribute “Arrival”, and the payment method - “Advance”. Before punching a check, it is necessary to indicate the sign of the subject of calculation - “Payment”. The name of the product or service does not need to be filled.

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