
What is the EGRP and where to get it - features, requirements and features

What is the EGRP and where to get it? We have to answer this question. Indeed, in fact, with the right actions, there will be no trouble getting the appropriate documentation. What to look for? For what purposes can an appropriate extract be useful? What does it contain? what is egrp and where to get it


Let's start with the simplest. What is the EGRP and where to get it?

This abbreviation is deciphered as the Unified State Register of Rights. This is an organization that collects information about all real estate objects, encumbrances of the corresponding property, as well as about the owners of the "real estate". It is a kind of information resource.

All data stored in the Unified State Register is considered publicly available. They do not constitute any secret; everyone can receive them.

About documentation

What is the EGRP and where to get it? It is worth paying attention to the fact that such an abbreviation is often called the documents that the registry of rights issues. More precisely, a statement of the established form.

It is not hard to guess, it is a document that stores information about real estate. It has no special features - the extract is a printout on a regular A4 white sheet. Where to get this help, we will tell a little later. extract from egrp what is it

Who needs it?

Extract from the Unified State Register - what is it? As already mentioned, in this way they characterize an official document that stores information about real estate. It should be with all owners.

But for what purpose? Why do I need an extract from the Unified State Register for an apartment?

Previously, when registering property rights, citizens were issued a certificate. But now it is abolished. And the extract from the Unified State Register completely replaces certificates of ownership of real estate.

Without this paper, you cannot perform the following actions with the object:

  • to give;
  • sell;
  • alienate;
  • allocate shares;
  • resolve property conflicts;
  • use real estate as collateral.

In other words, no legally significant operations can be carried out without an appropriate statement. The owner must have the original USRP certificate.

What does it contain?

Some are interested in what exactly can be studied paper. There is no definite answer to this question.EGRP decryption

Why? The thing is that there are different types of extracts from the Unified State Register. What is it, we have already figured out. But it is not clear what kinds of papers you can meet. More on that later.

Speaking about what kind of data are contained in extracts from the register of rights, it is necessary to highlight the following information:

  • Name of owners;
  • type of ownership of property;
  • site plan;
  • number of storeys;
  • number of rooms;
  • how many floors in the house;
  • type of wall;
  • year of construction of real estate;
  • information about restrictions and arrests;
  • footage;
  • cadastral number;
  • the purpose of the object.

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. The studied certificate completely replaces the cadastral passport and certificate of ownership of real estate.

For what objects

A few words about what you can ask for the studied certificate. Not all property provides for the possibility of processing extracts from the Unified State Register.

As we have already said, the document contains information about the property. What do they consider her?

This includes objects of the following type:

  • rooms;
  • Construction in progress;
  • apartments;
  • cottages;
  • houses;
  • garages;
  • plots of land;
  • non-residential objects;
  • parking places.

All of these facilities provide for the issuance of statements of a standard form.The rest of the property is not recorded in the corresponding register of rights. And getting data from it is not possible.where to order and how to get it

Help Types

What is the EGRP and where to get it? Understanding all this is easier than it sounds. Even a person who does not understand anything in paperwork will cope with the task. But first you’ll have to understand what types of statements are found. Much depends on this.

To date, the following papers are issued by the registry of rights:

  • about burdens;
  • arrests;
  • are common;
  • extended;
  • about incapacity.

Usually, citizens order either general statements or extended ones. The first type of documents contains general information about the Unified State Register (characteristics of real estate, as well as information about the owners). The extended type of certificates is issued only to the owners of the object. It contains data on the history of the transfer of property rights. You can track to whom and when the property belonged in a particular case.

Where can I get a certificate?

Where to order and how to get the EGRP? More precisely, the corresponding statement? We will have to figure out these issues further. In fact, coping with the tasks is not difficult. Especially if you follow some directions.

Statements from the Unified State Register can be issued:

  • State Register;
  • cadastral chambers;
  • cartography departments;
  • MFC;
  • firms like "My Documents".

In addition, relevant data can be obtained through the State Services (rarely used), as well as through the Rosreestr website. We will not consider the first situation, because USRP statements are hardly ordered through State Services. But with the official page of Rosreestr we will work.

On the Web, you can also find all sorts of sites that offer as soon as possible to get the paper under study. Some of them really work. But trust such offers with extreme caution. High probability of cheating.egrp is that

Order instruction

EGRP statement - what is it and where to get it? Answers to such questions will no longer cause any significant trouble. Nevertheless, it is still not entirely clear how to order the documentation being studied.

What is needed to bring ideas to life?

  1. Form a specific package of papers. We will talk about them later.
  2. Write an application for the issuance of an extract from the Unified State Register. Be sure to specify the type of document in it.
  3. Make a request to one of the previously listed authorities.
  4. Pay the fee in the prescribed amount.
  5. Get a statement of acceptance of the request for review.
  6. At the appointed time, pick up the ready certificate.

It would seem that everything is extremely simple and clear. But in practice, people have problems obtaining an extract of an established form if its extended form is required.

Preparation of documents

Therefore, we have to familiarize ourselves with the list of requested securities when submitting a request. Extract from the Unified State Register - what is it? This is the name of the document that has recently replaced the certificate of ownership.

To receive it from individuals, it is required:

  • identification;
  • statement;
  • receipt indicating payment of the fee;
  • title documents for real estate (for extended statements).

If a citizen sends his representative to order paper, it is mandatory to present the corresponding power of attorney. And if we are talking about legal entities, a person must attach to the application the constituent documents of the organization.EGRP statement what is it and where to get it

All papers are presented in the originals. Copies are not accepted at the registration authorities. This is a normal occurrence.

Through the Internet

EGRP - what is it? So called registry rights on real estate in Russia. And how to get data from it via the Internet? It is enough to turn to the website of Rosreestr, and then follow the small guide.

The instructions for ordering an EGRU statement through the Internet look like this:

  1. Open the site rosreestr.ru in a browser.
  2. Go to the "Services" block.
  3. Click on the line for ordering information from the rights registry.
  4. Enter the data on the property in the form.
  5. Fill in the information about the applicant.
  6. Select a help form (electronic or paper).
  7. Specify the type of document you want to receive.
  8. Fill in the contact information about the applicant.
  9. Confirm the request.
  10. Click on the "Check" button.
  11. Follow the link that will be indicated in the email. It will come to the applicant’s e-mail.
  12. Click on "Enter payment code."
  13. Enter the application number. Usually it fits automatically.
  14. Enter captcha text in the free field.
  15. Press the "Check" button again.
  16. Fill in the payment code and click on "Go to payment".
  17. Choose a payment method.
  18. Indicate the details of the account from which to write off funds.
  19. Confirm the request.

Now it remains only to wait. If a citizen ordered an electronic statement, it will soon arrive at the email address. Otherwise, a notification of the readiness of the document will be sent.


What is the EGRP and where to get it? Now to understand these issues will be easier than it might seem initially. As you can already see, the statement requires certain costs. It is issued free of charge only when registering property rights to property.

How much to pay for the statement? There is no single answer. Indeed, here the role is played by who the customer is (individual or legal entity), and the form of the document, and its type.

In general, you can focus on the following data:

  • regular statement - 400 rubles;
  • electronic analogue - 250 rubles;
  • EGRP statement for organizations - 1,100 rubles;
  • in electronic form - 700 rubles;
  • extended form - 2,500 rubles.

Different sources indicate a variety of information regarding fees for the document being studied. It is better to clarify this feature immediately before ordering a certificate in Rosreestr.what is egrp and where to get it


What is the EGRP and where to get it? We fully understood these topics. It turns out that ordering a certificate of the established form is not difficult. Especially with proper preparation.

How long is this document valid? Statements are issued indefinitely. But the data in Rosreestr is updated every 5 years. It is advisable to order a new sample document before making a transaction. Otherwise, a certificate issued more than 5 years ago will be considered invalid.

Readers of the Unified State Register are now aware, so everyone can easily order an extract replacing the certificate of ownership.

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