
What is an "excess"? Where is the word used?

A person always tries to build life in the most convenient way. Eliminate the slightest conflicts, deviations from the norm, protect yourself, loved ones, property from emergency situations. Therefore, he knows well what an “excess” is, even if he had never heard such a definition in his life. After all, the enemy of your peace of mind, financial well-being and health need to know in person!

Origin of the term

Most of the beautiful concepts came to European languages ​​from Latin. And our case is no exception. The progenitor of the studied word is excessus, which splits into meanings:

  • "retreat";
  • "output".

What did the ancients mean? The desire to break established laws, cross the border and achieve something more. You either deviate slightly from the original course, or completely leave the territory of the rules.

Overeating, excess weight is also called an excess

Actual interpretation

It is not always clear in what cases the book word "excess" is appropriate? Values ​​- that beacon that you need to look at if you want to speak beautifully. There are two adjacent decryptions, albeit slightly different from each other:

  • extreme manifestation;
  • abuse.

In the first case, we are talking about something outstanding that stands out against the general background. Unfortunately, it is often associated with a violation of the norm generally recognized as the correct course of events. The second interpretation is almost the same, but good will is felt in it. Man himself did something that caused the excess.

And here you need to remember the most commonly used value. It is used by older people, official representatives of public services and private companies when talking about crimes. It doesn’t matter if they mean normal overeating, abuse of authority, petty hooliganism or riots. All this goes beyond the bounds of decency and harms society, and therefore it is considered a very harmful and subject to elimination.

Scientific provisions

There was a place for the term in mathematical disciplines. In trigonometry, it helps to describe the excess of the sum of the angles of a spherical triangle in comparison with the angle deployed. And probability theory uses it to describe the behavior of random variables, their distribution: from the number of rare events that break out of the norm.

The term “excess” is most often used to denote offenses.

Household conversations

Do others know what an "excess" is? Probably! The word regularly appears in reports on offenses; officials like to resort to it when discussing resonant public situations. It is very short, incredibly bright and capacious. Deep meaning in combination with well-chosen intonation will not only describe the event, but also express your attitude!

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