
What is a guard: the meaning and origin of the word

The guard is different. On foot, solemn, around the clock - you can list for a very long time. People shout "Sentry!" at the time of danger, and before resting in it. So it is no wonder to get confused with the meaning of our word. Therefore, we suggest a look at the dictionary.

Guardian of Order

We will turn to the dictionaries of V. Dahl and S. Ozhegov to find out what the guard is. Great linguists explain to us that a guard is called a guard who should guard any object.

The synonyms of this word include the following: protection, patrol, guard.

On guard


If you think that we have all figured out and we no longer have questions for the guard, then you are deeply mistaken. The word "guard" has several meanings. And the second of them, according to already familiar dictionaries, implies the duties of a guard, duty or competition. Here are some examples: stand on guard, take someone under guard.

Guards with guns

Outdated value

What is a guard? It seems that everyone has already figured out the meaning of this word. But this is a misleading opinion. We forgot about Pushkin, and this is not an attempt to ridicule the writer.

In his work, "Comrades," there is such a phrase: "In the Epiphany morning coolness, it freezes beautifully in the parade. And Basking goes on guard."

Once, in Pushkin’s times, the place where the guard was located was called a guard. Hence the lines of the great poet.

This value is now obsolete. But to understand the meaning of the word without mentioning one of them is rather strange.

The cry

There is another meaning of the word "guard". It is the last, but the most interesting. A guard is a scream or call from a person who needs help. In critical situations, people sometimes shout "guard". And they wait to be heard, come to the rescue and save from trouble.

Origin of the word

The etymological dictionary of the Russian language will help us learn about the origin of the word "guard". Although it has long and firmly entered our speech, the word is far from Russian. It appeared in the ancient Russian era. And it came to us from the Turkic language. Although disputes are still ongoing, the Turkic language gave us this word or Mongolian. You can guess for a long time, we will make a discount on the relatedness of these languages.

"Karau" or "kara" is translated from Mongolian as "watch." The abridged version of "Kara" migrated to the Turkic language. Here he was transformed into a "guard", which means "sentry." In this form, the word returned to its historical homeland. And later it switched to Russian.

Guard Representatives

Catch phrase

What is the guard, we learned. Now let's talk about the catch phrase. We all heard the expression "guard tired." This phrase has become a symbol of armed rebellion, but few people know how it appeared.

This happened in January 1918. The Constituent Assembly led the meeting when the door to the hall opened. A sailor named Zheleznyak appeared on the threshold. He went to the podium, completely oblivious to the surprised looks of those present in the hall. Having risen on it, Zheleznyak asked to interrupt the meeting, and uttered his famous phrase: "The guard was tired."

Of course, they began to argue with his demand, but the sailor could not be confused. He did not intend to leave the hall, continuing to put pressure on those present morally. Zheleznyak said that talking to the workers was of no use, there was no change in their lives. And again he demanded to stop the meeting, repeating his phrase.


We talked about what the guard is. As you can see from the article, this word has four meanings.

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