
What is OGRIP? Main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur

Everyone who is related to business needs to know what OGRIP is. Without this number it is impossible to carry out activities officially. In addition, if necessary, it allows you to find out basic information about a particular entrepreneur. This code is very important when you need to check a potential customer or supplier.

What is OGRIP

Companies, legal entities and small businesses have a number of codes that they receive during the registration process. One of them is OGRNIP - the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur.

main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur

Every businessman who has gone through the process of state registration of his business receives such a requisite from the tax inspectorate. This number is used to enter information about the entrepreneur in the USRIP - a specialized state registry.

The code itself is formed in such a way that entering into the database of two identical digital combinations becomes impossible.

In the case of organizations and firms, the PSRN is used.

Decryption principle

At the moment, 15 characters are used to compile the OGRNIP. The decryption of the code primarily takes into account its basic structure. Conventionally, it can be designated as - sggkkhhhhhhhhhhhh. Symbols have the following meanings:

  • The first sign is S. This is a number that indicates the correspondence of a number in the state registry.
  • The second and third sign (years). This is the year of entry. The last two digits of the date are taken into account.
  • KK In this part of the code, the number of a specific subject of the Russian Federation is placed in whose territory the registration took place.
  • Symbols x. These numbers are used to indicate the number assigned to the IP in the registry. Their number can vary from 6 to 12.
  • Ch. The last character, which is a control number. To get it, you need to divide the sum of the previous characters by 13.
registration number

When decrypting the BINIP, the last number should be given special attention, since it is it that allows you to make sure that the code complies with the design rules established by law.

What is useful number

Having found out what OGRIP is, it makes sense to figure out what information becomes available when it is available. Here is what you can find out by getting an extract from the registry:

  • businessman identification number;
  • initials;
  • IP registration date;
  • information about current licenses;
  • field of activity;
  • citizenship and place of permanent residence;
  • information about the termination of the IP.

In most cases, an extract containing such information is ordered to verify another entrepreneur with whom to cooperate. The data provided can be trusted because it is updated every 3 months.

registration sheet example

It is important not to confuse the entrepreneur’s number with the PSRN, which is used to register organizations. By it you can find out data such as:

  • company opening date;
  • which branch of the National Assembly is assigned to the company;
  • form of ownership of the organization;
  • subject of the Russian Federation to which the company was assigned.

Types of Help

If a specific state registration number of an individual entrepreneur is known, then it will not be difficult to request basic data on it.

decryption decryption

As a result, an extract will be obtained, which can take two forms:

  • Printed. For its manufacture, a petition is required. It is subsequently sent to the National Assembly by registered mail. It is important not to forget to attach a check confirming the payment of state duty.
  • Electronic.It can be obtained immediately, without waiting. All that is needed is to go to the state registry website and enter the number in the corresponding line.

The rules for the provision of certificates are subject to certain rules:

  • An extract with data on IP is issued to the director free of charge. It will be manufactured within 5 business days.
  • Third parties must pay for the statement. The amount of payment is 300 rubles, while the terms of issue do not change.
  • It is possible to order an urgent discharge. Its production will take one working day. As for the state duty, it will be equal to 400 rubles.

When applying to the Federal Tax Service for extract from the USRIP, you need to understand that data are provided on the basis of the OGRIP, according to the TIN, the initials of the entrepreneur, the code itself, and also the region of registration.

In response, an extract with the seal of the tax service should come.

How to get information in electronic format

This type of statement is available on the FTS portal. Having come to it, you need to perform several actions:

  • Open the link "Risks of business ...".
  • On the opened page, select the tab “Individual Entrepreneur / KFH”.
  • In the form “Search Criteria”, mark the most suitable of the two formats.
  • Enter the data. You will need to indicate the initials and the region of residence of the IP. You can also enter a TIN to search. After filling in the captcha, click the "Find" button.

As a result, the user will be provided with the requested information and the OGRIP code of a particular entrepreneur. The latter is in the second column of the data table.

Where can the entrepreneur take the code?

To begin with, it is worth clarifying the fact that the OGRNIP certificate has ceased to be issued since January 2017. Previously, everyone who received a license to carry out the selected activity became its owner.

Now, the tax service draws up a registration sheet USRIP. Its legal force is exactly the same as that of the previously issued certificate.

Therefore, the first and easiest way for an entrepreneur to find out his code in the state register is to find it in the record sheet. If an individual entrepreneur has been registered for a long time and received another certificate, then this document can be used, since it also records the OGRIP.

At the same time, nothing prevents the entrepreneur from using the services of the Federal Tax Service portal if the necessary papers were not at hand.

sole proprietor

Having learned what OGRIP is, it is not difficult to conclude that it can be found at Rosstat. This service issues an extract of the statistics registry, in which the number of the entrepreneur will be indicated. To obtain such paper, you need to contact the local office of Rosstat.

Another way to find out your number is to use the service available to accountants.

An example is the “Accounting Contour”. Regardless of which particular paid tariff is selected, a special service will always be available for users to search for the IP number. There is no need to pay extra for it.

All that needs to be done to obtain information is to go to your personal account and form a request for the provision of data from the Unified State Register of Enterprises. The answer will come in a few minutes.


No one is safe from the loss of documents, including the registration sheet in the Unified State Register of Enterprises. If this happened, then it can be replaced. All that is needed is to write a statement.

ognrnip by tin

But this is not the only situation related to the replacement of securities in which an individual entrepreneur may find himself. OGRIP will have to be updated if:

  • F.I.O. changed;
  • gender change has occurred;
  • changes to passport data were made.

If it happened that the document became unusable, it also needs to be changed. But you have to prove that the damage was accidental. By the way, lamination of the recording sheet may lead to the requirement for its replacement by the National Assembly.


OGRIP - this is the number that every entrepreneur receives. With its help, the state systematizes information on all representatives of small business.Also, this number can be used to obtain data about another IP, which is a major client or supplier. If the document with the number was lost, then the code can be found in the State Register, Rosstat and the Federal Tax Service.

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