
What is a payment order and what does it consist of?

In order to make any transfer of funds, you must fill out a form for cashless payment. This form is presented in the form of a payment order, where the required details should be indicated.

execution of an order

What is a payment order?

An order is an official document by which the account holder can conduct the necessary operation. As a rule, you need to fill it out yourself. But sometimes, at the request of a client, it can be executed by a bank employee.


A payment order can be executed in several forms:

  1. Paper document. It can be filled on a computer in a special program, printed out and taken to the bank.
  2. Electronic document. It is made out exclusively in the program and sent to the financial institution electronically.

There are also instructions:

  1. Disposable. To carry out one operation.
  2. Regular. You can make payments systematically. They are carried out by a commercial organization at regular intervals. For example, a monthly payment under a contract in a fixed amount.
    document content


To understand what a payment order is and how to fill it out correctly, you need to know what to write down in certain lines.

You also need to compare the number indicated in the upper right corner. The numbers should be indicated there - 0401060. They indicate the general number of the form. Each of the document fields has its own meaning:

  • Field 3. Indicates the payment number. It can also be prescribed by the bank.
  • Field 4. Indicates the date of the formation of the order.
  • Field 5. In the payment document indicates the type of payment.
  • Field 6. The amount is written in capital letters. The value does not need to be reduced.
  • Field 7. The amount of the transferred amount is indicated in numbers. It should not differ from that which is registered in the field No. 6.
  • Field 8. In this line you must indicate the name of the patronymic name and address of the place of registration.
  • Field 9. Bank account number. It usually consists of twenty digits.
  • Field 10. The full name of the sender's bank should be indicated. As well as the city and its location.
  • Field 11. It is necessary to write the digits of the identification code in it. Which refers to the bank of the sender of funds.

If we consider certain features of not only banking, but also tax payments, then column No. 16 is a very important field containing information about the name of the recipient, usually the local branch of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. When filling in field No. 18, code 01 is usually used, which is assigned to tax payments.

fill form

Field No. 2 is considered equally important because it contains information that indicates status. In a payment order, sometimes this field may be replaced by a description in field No. 5. But field No. 22 will contain a transaction code. You can fill in the details yourself using the sample, which is located in the tax office or on the website of this service.

The amount of tax should be entered in field 01. As an exception, you can arrange the payment of personal income tax by payment order. Only in this case, the amount must be indicated in field 08.

Also, field No. 104 should contain a BSC. Such an abbreviation means a budget classification code. It can be found on the website of the tax office. There is a certain list in which you should find a code suitable for a specific payment transaction. If the data is incorrect, then the money will go to pay for another service. Before entering information, you need to make sure that the relevant data are entered in the payment order. The tax should go to the budget.In case of an error, you will need to cancel the payment. This fix can take up to two weeks. And the current payment will be delayed.


Using a payment order, you can carry out the following operations:

  1. Transfers, crediting employees wages to cards.
  2. Payment of insurance premiums to various funds.
  3. Repayment of loans.
  4. Making monthly payments.

Payment execution

The period during which the payment order is processed is established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. When the transfer of funds occurs in one region, the execution of the document can reach two business days. In the case of an inter-regional payment, the period will be up to five days.

document processing

Number of copies

It is necessary to determine the number of payment orders based on the number of parties involved in the settlement, since one copy will remain with the bank, and the second will belong to the sender. The status of a payment order will acquire the value accepted for execution when it reaches the bank's operator.

A commercial organization undertakes to accept an order into work even if there is no money in the account of its owner. When an overdraft agreement is concluded on a specific account, the order is executed immediately. And if there is not enough money, then the document goes to a special repository, which contains unpaid payments. The validity of a payment order is limited to ten days. Partial payment is also possible. In this case, the bank uses the order. An appropriate mark is put on the front side of the payment order, and on the other side, the organization’s specialist records the payment.

types of orders

Electronic document

To simplify the process of filling out a payment order for taxes for citizens, the Federal Tax Service has developed an online tool available on the nalog.ru website. In the menu, you can download a special sample of a payment order for contributions to fill in all the necessary data step by step, since they are significant for fulfilling the described instructions. In addition, tax officials at the place of registration of the taxpayer can also help with this.

sample order

Appeal form

What is a payment order? This is a document in which all fields of the form must be filled in accurately. After all the data has been entered and verified, you need to click the "Create payment order" button. At the end of the stage, the program will offer to download the already prepared payment document in the required format. The completed form can be used as a sample or sent to the bank directly for making a payment.

document validity


In order for an electronic payment order for insurance premiums to have legal force, like a paper document, you must use an electronic signature. In accordance with the law, it has the status of a handwritten signature.

Such instructions can be generated in the personal account of the bank, and if it is not possible, you can print the document and take it to the department.

Using an electronic signature, it is convenient to pay through a payment order. Contributions to the tax service and loan agreement can also be paid through this type of document. The signature in this case protects the document from the possibility of falsification. But if you try to print the document, then there will be no signature on it. This mark is a type of character that is attached to the document. It is impossible to change them. Such values ​​apply only to electronic documents. All information can be viewed only in electronic form.

An important feature when making payments is the requirements for filling in the details. For example, individual entrepreneurs must fill out a payment order for the payment of personal income tax and indicate in it the address at which the IP is registered.Since March 2016, when making tax payments, self-employed citizens are required to correctly write their TIN, as well as indicate the name of the bank in an abbreviated form.

filling requirements

The order of operations using documents that have a certain form, provides for settlements in non-cash form.

Commercial organizations promptly take measures regarding the transition to paperless workflow, since in this mode payments are faster.

So, the article examined the characteristics of a document that performs payment functions. Now ordinary people and only individual entrepreneurs entering the world of business understand what a payment order is and how to fill it out without errors.

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