
What is a union and why is it needed? Union card. What does the chairman of the union do?

Many people come across this term in their life, but few understand what a union is and why it is needed. Let's try to understand this issue and understand how a union can help in the lives of workers.

what is a trade union and why is it needed

What is a union, and why is it needed?

A trade union is an association of workers who are related by their professional interests by occupation. This is a public organization that is created to protect the rights (social, economic and labor) of all members that are members of this organization. There are trade unions of workers in education, medicine, culture, etc.

And now in more detail. As soon as a person gets a job in an enterprise, in fact he is hired by the employer in order to carry out certain work. Given the specifics of the labor relationship between the employee and the employer, the employee is subordinate and undertakes to comply with the requirements of the employer. But even if he is faced with illegal or unfair actions in relation to himself, he cannot apply measures of influence on his leadership. But the manager has such opportunities: he can fine the employee, fire him or at least reprimand him. In fact, subordinates individually represent nobody-needed "cogs" of the mechanism, and there is no one to protect them.

union card

Of course, the employee has the opportunity and the right to apply to the court, the Federal Labor Inspectorate or the prosecutor’s office with a statement, but for this it is necessary to know the procedural legislation, which will allow you to correctly compose a statement. But even if the rule of law can be restored, the employer will certainly try to get rid of the obstinate worker, as a result of which the employee will still suffer.

Union role

And here the union comes into play, which consists of specific workers. He partially removes legal duties from each of them, shifting them to himself. The trade union protects the rights of its members in case of violation, supports the interests of workers. Membership is confirmed by a trade union ticket.

If an employer can easily dismiss an ordinary employee, then he is unlikely to risk contacting his subordinate, who is a union member. Workers unite in specialized organizations with the goal of seeking justice in relation to themselves and restoring their rights. If the employee is not a member of the trade union, then he will have to run independently at all possible levels, initiating the solution of disputed issues in his favor, and his chances of success in this matter are extremely small.

The chairman of the organization deals with organizational issues and often acts as a parliamentarian in negotiations with company management.

education union

Now you understand what a union is and why it is needed. However, there is an opinion among employers and even employees that help cannot be expected from the union, and that any struggle against the employer will end in victory for the latter. But there are many examples where a well-organized union has sought to fulfill the requirements. If we give analogies, then this organization can be compared with the army: just as an army is ready to repulse an enemy attack, a well-organized trade union is able to defend the interests of its members. Only such unions of workers do employers have to reckon with.However, in order for the union to be truly strong and effective, each employee who joins the organization must take part in his life.

The union as a tool to protect the rights of employees

If you talk very rudely, then each enterprise consists of two entities: the employer and employees. The first hires staff, setting a specific task for him. Its main goal is to achieve maximum profitability of the enterprise. And for this, the head sometimes resorts to all kinds of ways to reduce the wages of his employees. Sometimes managers abuse their powers by imposing various non-contractual fines and cunning pay systems. Some employers even become impudent, forcing employees to go on weekends or to do things that are not their responsibility.

In such cases, workers can achieve a solution to their problems by contacting a union in which, united by one interest, the participants help each other, and very effectively.

union dues

The lack of benefit of trade unions

Despite this, many workers are trying to find out why to join a union. In fairness, it is worth noting that not all unions are equally good. Some do not provide real assistance to workers joining their community, and there is no benefit from them. Unfortunately, there are many similar organizations today. Often there are trade unions of educators and students who do not provide practical and legal assistance. These organizations have neither the resources nor the authority to conduct such activities. Many members of the community then have a very reasonable question about what the chairman of this union is doing. However, sometimes they can offer trips to a sanatorium at a small discount or a gift for the New Year. It should be noted that often close to the leadership of the trade union organization, the chairman of the organization can provide additional benefits and incentives. At the same time, everyone has to pay for a union ticket, which minimizes the real benefits of such an organization. A large number of workers consists of large workers' communities; for each of them the organization receives deductions. In one transaction, this is very little money, but in the amount of payments, they make up a rather impressive budget.

Labor unions for workers and managers

Many employers are not interested in paying union dues to join this organization. They believe that the community will only interfere, although in reality it is primarily interested in the stable operation of the company. In fact, it is a social partner that helps with the occurrence of production or social problems among workers at the enterprise.

why join a union

Does a worker need a union?

Having entered into it, he gets the right:

  1. Get free legal assistance on issues related to his work.
  2. Receive economic and social benefits and standards that are provided for in the collective agreement and official legislation.
  3. To professional defense in case of application of unfair actions against him, including dismissal.
  4. On legal defense by the union in court.
  5. To the assistance of trade union specialists on issues of payment and timely payment of salaries.
  6. To protect interests to improve working conditions in the workplace.
  7. For additional insurance against possible industrial injuries.
  8. For free use of sports and cultural equipment.
  9. To help you get a vacation ticket for a discount.

Workers must remember that if they are not members of a union, then they deprive themselves of its help. Thus, they remain face to face with their employer, and if he violates any clause of the contract, then he will have to seek justice on his own.

What does a union ticket give to an employer?

There are many advantages:

  1. Support of the competent authority in resolving personal and social issues of employees.
  2. The employer receives a partner to achieve the best production results and educate employees of labor discipline.
  3. Practical assistance in case of questions related to labor protection or labor discipline.

Any far-sighted entrepreneur should be interested in the work of the union, which will assist in monitoring labor protection and ensuring safe working conditions.

trade union chairman


Labor unions arose 100 years ago, and then the goal of this organization was to solve the pressing problems of workers of that time:

  • unfair pay;
  • fines for various violations;
  • social problems;
  • low security in the enterprise.

Today, the role of this organization has remained such only in theory. Unfortunately, many modern workers' unions do not provide serious assistance, nevertheless charging fees from participants. Thus, they do not give an answer to the question of what a trade union is and why it is needed, leveling the very fact of the existence of its own organization. Discount vouchers and gifts for the New Year - this is not the goal for which you should join its ranks. But the old-school unions remained, and they really care about the workers who joined them.

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