
What is the EGAIS program, how it works, features

The Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market of the Russian Federation makes a lot of efforts to protect buyers of alcoholic beverages from the many dangers that may be associated with the purchase of counterfeit alcohol-containing products. So, a huge number of people suffer due to severe intoxication, which sometimes leads to death. Indeed, for the most part, people try to get cheaper alcohol, and therefore often encounter fakes. The recent innovation of the said Federal Service makes the sale of non-certified alcohol-containing drinks practically impossible. What makes this possible? Thanks to the accounting system for the sale of alcoholic beverages EGAIS. What is she like? How does it function? What is needed in order to use this program? Who is forced to install a system in their organization? What is the reaction of those who have already encountered EGAIS? Details can be found later in this article.

egais how it works

What it is?

This abbreviation should be deciphered as "Unified state automated information system." It is intended to form a database of organizations that produce alcoholic beverages, as well as enterprises that are engaged in the field of its implementation. This system records all alcoholic beverages. Data is collected on where they were produced, and also where they are later delivered and, accordingly, in what volumes. How does EGAIS work in retail? The program under consideration provides the opportunity to control the entire market for the production and marketing of alcoholic beverages. In turn, this helps to significantly reduce the level of sales of uncertified goods.

How the EGAIS system began to work twelve years ago, but only until the beginning of last year it had to deal exclusively with suppliers and manufacturing companies. According to current legislation, since then absolutely all entrepreneurs and companies that are engaged in the sale of cider, beer, poire and mead are also forced to report on the program in question. This must be done in the process of obtaining products from the supplier; subsequently, at the time of sale, further accounting is not mandatory.

egais program how to work

Why do we need a system

So, why did you need the creation of EGAIS? How does the system work? Each point of retail sale of alcohol must install at the box office a module specially designed for accounting for goods, which allows you to instantly transfer the necessary data to the database. The device transmits all information automatically, nothing needs to be entered manually. This guarantees the absolute reliability of the data and the ability to evaluate the full picture of what concerns the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.

Moreover, the system allows accounting of imported products, as well as special federal brands. The program is also designed to make it impossible to sell fake, low-quality alcohol products. Formed databases help to understand exactly how the situation actually develops in this market. As you can see, it’s not difficult to figure out how the EGAIS system works.

Connection Terms

For some time, the system under consideration operated in an experimental mode, but during this period all interested parties had to connect to the Unified State Automated Information System and register. Instructions on this subject, including exact dates and directions, are available in law. So, all wholesalers should have begun such cooperation already on November 1, 2015. Outlets located in cities were supposed to connect no later than the summer of 2016, and rural stores - before the beginning of the current year.

how the egais system works

Tasks of EGAIS for the retail sale of beer

What tasks are set for the system under consideration?

  • Accounting for the manufacture by manufacturers and their sale of alcohol-containing products (including the fixation of the city in which the product was bottled for sale, as well as the strength of the drinks, their name and volume).
  • Accounting for alcoholic products that were imported from abroad (necessary for fixed excise taxes).
  • Creation of a database containing information on excise stamps, which contributes to the improvement of control over the manufacture and sale of alcohol-containing drinks.
  • Analysis of the dynamics of the alcohol market in the Russian Federation.
  • Obstruction of the sale in the Russian Federation of low-quality, fake products. This is possible thanks to the verification process of all documents sent by the supplier to the buyer.

The EGAIS system (alcohol) will help in all this. How to work with it, the following groups of people should understand:

  • Individual entrepreneurs making appropriate purchases.
  • All wholesale companies that purchase, store and supply alcoholic beverages.
  • Outlets that sell beer in the city and in the countryside.
  • Any catering establishments purchasing alcohol.

Today, all these organizations and their employees should know well how to work in the EGAIS. Beer accounting should be carried out at the national level. Data is collected from both suppliers and buyers (including those who sell beer for bottling).

 how to work in egais instruction

How to work with EGAIS for beer

The process of product accounting is not complicated. Nevertheless, you need to pay attention and time to figure out how to work in EGAIS. Instructions for retailers might look something like this:

  • The supplier is obliged to form and carefully fill out invoices for the goods ordered by the buyer before the time of delivery.
  • A company that purchases products using UTM (universal transport module) receives these invoices. UTM is a specialized program that is installed by specialists on a personal computer. It is designed to collect data in the system.
  • When the buyer receives his product, he is obliged to recount it and compare whether the quantity received corresponds to what is indicated in the documents. If everything is in order, then he needs to send a special confirmation to EGAIS.
  • If this happens, then the amount of alcohol indicated in the confirmation is automatically deducted from the balance of the goods of a particular supplier. These data are credited to the customer (on his balance).
  • If the received does not correspond to the dispatched one, then the store may refuse or fix the shortage in the program from the products brought. Similarly with surplus goods.

This mechanism helps to carefully control how much product was shipped by the supplier and how much the customer received directly at the retail point of sale.

If UTM EGAIS does not work, you must contact the support service. Its specialists will help to improve the situation in the shortest possible time.

egais started working

Necessary equipment

To start working with the program, you need to do the following:

  • Register on the official Internet resource of the RFSRP.
  • Create a personal account there.
  • Purchase a Jacarta crypto key company with such a key for their trading floors.
  • Write a personal digital signature on the crypto key.

Equipment requirements:

  • At least 2 GB of internal memory.
  • The operating system is Windows 7 or later.
  • Special software for work in EGAIS.
  • Network controller 100/1000 Mbps.
  • The processor capacity is 32 bits.
  • The processor frequency is at least 2 GHz.
  • Network storage should be at least 50 GB.
  • Scanner.
  • Software (system) - from Jawa 8 onwards.

In practice, everything happens as follows: a buyer in a store chooses a product for himself, brings it to the cashier. Already there, the seller reads the code on the excise tax with a special scanner. At this point, all the necessary data is sent to the cash desk software, and from there they go directly to the system in question.

And if EGAIS does not work, what should I do? Do not try to independently establish the functioning of the system. Better trust professionals.

 how to work with egais in 1s

Responsibility for not connecting

And what will happen if an entrepreneur refuses to connect to EGAIS? How does the punishment mechanism work? At present, an obstacle to nationwide registration of the turnover of alcohol products threatens the violator with an administrative fine:

  • Companies will have to pay an amount in the amount of 150 to 200 thousand rubles.
  • Entrepreneurs (individual) will have to pay from 10 to 15 thousand rubles.
  • If a separate employee of the enterprise is to blame for the violation, he must pay from 10 to 15 thousand rubles.

Other consequences

Is only refusal to connect to EGAIS punishable by a penalty? How the mechanism of administrative responsibility in the state works is known to many, therefore it is clear that a fine is not the only possible punishment.

So, for example, from the beginning of last year, an alcohol supplier can send a batch of goods on a trading platform only if the seller already has a personal identification code in the EGAIS program. How does control work? An unregistered entrepreneur in the system simply will not be able to purchase goods, since he will not have the opportunity to confirm the fact of receiving a batch of products.

What will happen to the product in this case? She will remain at the supplier’s warehouse. It will not be deducted from the remains of this warehouse. How will collaboration between such counterparties continue? It can simply stop, as nobody likes unscrupulous partners. Subsequently, such a company may be deprived of a license, and it will no longer be able to sell alcohol. Is such an outcome possible only if the entrepreneur has not yet started using the EGAIS program? How to work in it, we have already figured out above.

Excluding products in this system, the sale of alcoholic beverages will be considered unauthorized and illegal. In this case, the products may be seized by authorized representatives of the relevant departments. Therefore, it would be wiser to find out how the EGAIS system works, and what equipment is needed to avoid all possible troubles.

how to work in egais beer accounting

How do suppliers and sellers react?

Many analysts expected that with the introduction of the accounting system under consideration, the volume of sales of alcoholic beverages would significantly decrease. However, these assumptions did not materialize. Millions of electronic documents in the framework of this program have already arrived at the relevant services. Obviously, the recently launched EGAIS program is functioning well? How do distributors and suppliers work for it, for whom the new accounting system creates certain problems? These groups of entrepreneurs face the following difficulties:

  • Suppliers are forced to process bulk returns of products that have already been shipped if the recipient is not able to process the receipt in accordance with the current requirements of the law.
  • Sellers complain that the new program is completely incompatible with many accounting systems that were used earlier, and practically no transitional period was available to adapt the documentation and reformat the internal organization system.

All wholesalers have already figured out how to work with EGAIS and connected to it. The number of compliance with retail requirements is significantly less. The reasons for this are called various: there was no time, there was no money, not ready.

What do suppliers do to preserve their markets? Among the events are the following:

  • They convince their contractors that they comply with the requirements of the law.
  • They are engaged in launching their own network of retail outlets in which they sell products, be sure to register them in the EGAIS system. However, not every company can do this: far too many resources are required.


What is EGAIS? Specialists decode this abbreviation as “Unified State Automated Information System”. With its help, recently, all alcohol-produced drinks produced and delivered to trading floors are recorded (not only strong alcohol, but also low-alcohol drinks). This innovation was made in order to make it impossible to sell uncertified products that could harm those who use it. Among other things, it allows you to keep track of imported goods. That is why a significant part of entrepreneurs should now use the system in question in their professional activities. Whom does this concern? All whose professional activities are related to the production or sale of alcohol.

So how should this be implemented in practice? The supplier must use the EGAIS system to record data on which products, in what volume and which outlet it supplies. When the goods arrived at their destination, the buyer (representative of the outlet) is obliged to recount it and verify the results of the verification with the data that were entered into the system by the sender. If everything matches, he sends a confirmation using the program in question, and such products can be sold. When the buyer brings the selected product to the store cashier, they scan it there, reading a special code. Thus, all the necessary data is sent to the UTM.

Of course, some employees will need some training. For example, they will have to thoroughly understand how to work with EGAIS in 1C or switch to a new system from the old familiar accounting methods, adapt the appropriate documentation. The heads of enterprises should take care of this directly and provide their subordinates with a sufficient information basis for study.

However, fulfilling this requirement of the law is extremely important. Non-compliance with it entails unpleasant consequences: from an administrative fine to a breakdown in professional relations with contractors and a break in business ties. Why is this possible? The supplier cannot send the goods to the buyer who does not use EGAIS. Thus, the products remain in warehouses, as the receiving party cannot process the receipt in the correct way. This creates problems for suppliers.

We strongly recommend that you be careful when purchasing alcohol-containing products.Remember that high-quality alcoholic beverages in moderation will not cause significant harm to your health, while low-quality alcoholic beverages can cause serious intoxication and even death. Buy only the product that is marked with an excise stamp. For the acquisition, it is advisable to visit trusted company stores without getting carried away by buying cheap products at dubious retail outlets. Take care of yourself and your health!

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