
What is the WHO mode? Features of the introduction of the regime

Over the entire period of the existence of the Russian Empire, terror has occupied a different place in the life of society. At first it was red and white of a revolutionary nature. Soon replaced the Stalinist repression, which reached its zenith in 1938. Today, according to experts, the terror in the Russian Federation over the past two decades has acquired a clearly expressed Islamist character. It manifests itself in various terrorist acts carried out by nationalists. In order to counter the illegal actions of Islamists on the territory of Russia in February 2006, the State Duma adopted the federal law “On Countering Terrorism”. According to the decree, in the event of an emergency, the legal regime of the counter-terrorism operation enters into force in a particular area.

what is who mode

In order to stop the terrorist act, minimize its consequences, and also provide people with protection, special restrictive measures are provided. Thus, the counterterrorism operation (CTO) regime begins to operate in a given territory. Information about the features of this event is contained in the article.

How it all began?

Many are interested in what does the CTO mode mean? Where did this abbreviation come from? The concept of "terrorist attack" in the criminal code of Russia was introduced in 1996. Since that time, a terrorist attack has been called any action that poses a danger to the life and health of people, carried out by extremists to intimidate in order to influence the government. Until 1996, this term was used exclusively in cases where it concerned only various politicians and government officials. In 1998, State Duma deputies adopted the law "On the fight against terrorism," after which the concept of the CTO regime was approved. Eight years later, at the legislative level, the word “struggle” will be replaced by “opposition”.

What is the WHO mode?

Different countries have their own wording of this concept. According to Russian law, the CTO regime is a complex of special military, operational-combat and other actions aimed at preventing a terrorist act, neutralizing criminals and protecting the population. To accomplish this task, the security forces have the right to use weapons, military equipment and various special equipment. In Belarus and Ukraine, the CTO regime is defined as the Law on Combating Terrorism. In Kazakhstan and Tajikistan - On Countering Terrorism. The same definition applies in Transnistria and the Donetsk People’s Republic.

counter-terrorism operation mode who

However, for special events held in Ukraine, the abbreviation ATO is used, which stands for anti-terrorist operation. Despite various formulations, the essence of the CTO regime is identical in many states.

About decryption

The abbreviation KTO stands for counter-terrorism operation. Translated from Latin, “operatio” means to work, and “contr” means opposition. Thus, the very concept of a counter-terrorist operation indicates an action designed to curb the threat posed by radical elements.

who mode

1999 events

In September, Boris Yeltsin first introduced the legal regime of the counter-terrorism operation. The reason for this was the invasion of Chechen fighters on the territory of Dagestan. This mode was canceled only after 10 years. However, not only Chechnya, but also Dagestan, Ingushetia and Kabardino-Balkaria became the place for military clashes, terrorist attacks and police operations.

legal regime of counter-terrorism operations

About the special regime in Dagestan

As reported by RIA Novosti, a special regime in the south of Dagestan was introduced three times. The reason for this was several armed incidents. First, with the use of firearms, an attack was made on local residents near the Naryn-Kala fortress. After some time, the gunmen fired on a police outfit. One employee was injured. The offenders then fled. The next "hot spot" was the Tabasaran district. Then in February, attackers abducted a village teacher. After searching, law enforcement officers went to the kidnappers. Then between the police and the criminals a skirmish ensued. The teacher survived, but with a gunshot wound. The place of the next incident was the village of Dzhemikent. There a suicide bomber exploded. As a result of the attack, two law enforcement officers were killed and 20 civilians were injured.

During the CTO, law enforcement officers eliminated two militants. The regime was accompanied by passport checks of locals and shelling of the gorge located behind the village, in which, according to the information available to the security forces, the criminals could be. According to experts, the reason for the armed confrontation was the suppression by the police of Salafists - one of the Islamist radical movements. In the south of the republic, the IG also launched its activities. This organization, in accordance with Russian law, is considered terrorist.

About conflicts in Kabardino-Balkaria

According to RIA Novosti, local radical militants work closely with the IG. Following several armed clashes with law enforcement officers in Nalchik, local authorities introduced the CTO regime several times.

which means who mode

In the capital of the republic, security forces strenuously guarded public order and checked documents. During the counter-terrorist operation, the sworn IS, the leader of the gangster formation and two of his accomplices were liquidated. The remaining militants managed to be blocked in a private house. The hostage of the criminals was the mother of one of them. Security officials evacuated the residents of the district and blocked the road. The police then suggested that the terrorists surrender. In response, they opened fire. However, during the negotiations, the hostage was released. In order to eliminate the bandits, police officers were forced to blow up the building. One Special Forces soldier was injured and was taken to a local hospital. Eliminating the threat to the health and life of other people, law enforcement authorities removed a special regime.

Some examples of special operations

In modern history, several cases have been noted when the regime of counter-terrorism operations of the CTO was introduced in certain territories:

  • Chechen campaign. The armed confrontation with minor interruptions lasted from 1999 to 2009. During this time period, the legal regime of the CTO was in force in Chechnya.
  • Afghanistan. The armed conflict lasted from 2001 to 2014.
  • Azerbaijan. In 2008, as part of the Gartal special operation, the CTO regime was also introduced in the republic.

Our days

In 2009, the North Caucasus became the “hot spot” where the CTO regime was introduced. In 2011 - Temir district. Since 2015, the Russian military has been conducting a special operation in Syria. The turbulent events in Ukraine during the so-called Euromaidan ended in a coup and the formation of a new “hot spot” in the east of the country. Since the rebels seized state institutions using weapons and various special means, the Ukrainian security forces planned a sweep within the framework of the law “On Combating Terrorism”. But later, the anti-terrorist operation, which did not begin in Kiev against pro-European rebels, was transferred to the Donbass. The reason for this was several anti-government rallies and separatist slogans of local residents in eastern Ukraine.However, due to the fact that in this situation it is not clear who the terrorist is, the decision of the new Ukrainian authorities is still criticized by many experts.

Who is being introduced?

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, any territory can become a place for introducing a special regime. Not everyone knows that the director of the FSB is responsible for the CTO regime. Also, the responsibility lies with the head of the territorial security agency.

who mode introduced

In what cases do special operations take place?

This mode is possible if a terrorist act is committed. Also, the CTO can be introduced when the security forces have reliable data on the impending terrorist attack. If the venue has become a vast territory and large-scale counter-terrorism measures are planned, then the head of the regional executive body should notify his leadership and coordinate with him the work of employees of special power units. After the regime is introduced, it must be made public. Then, territories and objects that are affected by the restrictions are indicated. After the appointment of the head of the CTO and the formation of the headquarters, it is determined which force units, equipment and special means will be involved.

About Methods

During the CTO, security forces carry out the detention or physical elimination of criminals. In addition, special forces detoxify potentially dangerous items.

regime who legal regime

Since each person, regardless of his will, may be at the epicenter of events, it will be easier to protect himself if he is aware of all the restrictions and fulfills the requirements of the police. According to experts, during the CTO, the concept of human life becomes conditional. This should be remembered by civilians and comply with the rules of the curfew regime, clearly follow the instructions of the security forces at the time of evacuation or temporary relocation to safer areas. Ignoring the instructions can lead to disaster: security forces have the right to shoot to kill to prevent an environmental catastrophe or mass deaths.

According to federal law, law enforcement officers in the area where the counter-terrorist operation is carried out have the right to perform the following actions:

  • Check documents. If a citizen does not have them, then law enforcement officers have the right to establish his identity in the internal affairs bodies. Verification is subject to anyone who aroused suspicion.
  • Forcibly restrict or evacuate citizens from places where an armed confrontation unfolds. Temporarily relocate to safer areas.
  • Tow vehicles that interfere with law enforcement officers.
  • Strengthen the protection of public order by introducing a curfew regime.
  • Monitor by listening to telephone conversations. Check subject to electronic communications and mail. The task of law enforcement in this case is to collect the necessary information regarding a possible or already committed terrorist attack.
  • Use vehicles of citizens. Security officials may confiscate a private car for a while in order to deliver the victim to a medical facility. They also resort to this in situations where you need to prosecute a suspect. Under the CTO regime, citizens must provide their vehicles at the request of a police officer.
  • To freely enter the homes of citizens. This also applies to their land plots.
  • Inspect personal belongings and the vehicle.
who is that regime

About restrictions

For the period of KTO, hazardous production activities are suspended. This applies to those enterprises whose employees work with explosive, radioactive, chemically and biologically hazardous substances. In addition, quarantine and anti-epidemic measures are underway.At the time of CTO, the sale of narcotic, psychotropic or potent drugs is prohibited. This category also includes: ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and other alcohol-containing products.

On administrative liability of civil

During counter-terrorism measures, there are frequent cases of violations of the rules of the CTO among the local population. A civilian may be fined 500 rubles. An official gets off with a fine of up to 3 thousand rubles, legal - 10 thousand. In case of unauthorized entry into the territory of the CTO, a citizen will be forced to pay 1 thousand rubles. Penalties for obstructing the work of police officers are also provided. The size of fines varies from 2 to 30 thousand rubles. Violators can get away with administrative arrest for 30 days.

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