
What is SEO copywriting? Fundamentals and Rules

What is SEO copywriting, what texts can be called "SEO" and are there any rules that can be used to write material that is applicable for website promotion? Do not be afraid, it is only at first glance that the topic seems complicated, filled with specific terms, requiring a deep knowledge of marketing, information technology. In fact, SEO copywriting of texts is a relatively simple task. You just need to understand how everything works in the world of promoting Internet projects - and success is in your hands.

what is seo copywriting

Seo-text - what kind of animal?

The copyright market is full of texts. Some are high-quality, others are not. Some are optimized, others are written, as they say, "from the bulldozer." How to get a job in SEO copywriting? Learning to write materials that are recognizable and highly rated by both users and search engines. This involves working with keywords. Keys are called either individual words or combinations thereof.

What is the user looking for through Yandex or Google? How does he formulate his request? This very wording is the key that needs to be entered into the text in order to make it optimized.

Many or few?

The rules and trends of SEO copywriting change over time. It depends on the policies of search networks, and on the demands of users, and on the development of skills by promotion specialists. Some will say that you need to enter only one word in the text, while others will suggest “hammer in to the end” so that the article consists entirely of search keys. Which approach is more correct?

seo copywriting texts

In fact, the main rule is to adhere to the middle ground. The very basics of SEO copywriting teach us that text that is well optimized for Yandex, Google, and other search engines is one that is useful to the user and easy to read.

And what have we come to?

Unfortunately, there is no such ideal formula that would allow you to calculate how many times you need to use the key in the text. The presence of key phrases is what distinguishes copywriting from SEO-copywriting, but at the same time, it is categorically important not to overdo it.

It is believed that the key should be used once per thousand characters without spaces. But be sure to appreciate the resulting quality. For example, if at such a frequency the result is indigestible, hard to perceive, then the frequency is chosen incorrectly. What does SEO copywriting mean? This ability to write a text that is equally understandable to both the user and the search engine. “Poking” a key into a topic and not into a topic is the wrong approach, the only “ban” of a site in a search engine can become a “reward” for it. After such a failure, it will be very difficult to restore a reputation.

How to enter?

It is no secret that in a specialized market SEO copywriting services are not cheap, especially if you turn to a trusted, experienced specialist. Should the work of such professionals really be paid so much? It is these people who know exactly how to write the text in a language that is understandable to cars and people, how not to go over with keys, and which ones should not be used at all. They also know that the occurrence of a key phrase can be not only direct, but also diluted.

seo copywriting sample article

An example of an SEO copywriting article right in front of your eyes. Try to guess what keys the material is built on? That's right, this follows from the name. And in what form do you see the keys in the text? Somewhere, the forms are initial, that is, without changes in the cases, directly the same as the user asks the search engine.But, you must admit, SEO copywriting of texts requires you to be able to work with modified phrases.

And if easier?

Direct occurrence is such a form of key combination that is recorded without changing words by cases, numbers, childbirth. For example, the direct entry will be the phrase “what is SEO copywriting” inscribed in the text. But is it possible to spell this word as a diluted entry? Yes easily! For example: “What do we mean by SEO copywriting? What is such a cryptic term? "

If desired, phrases can be diluted with additional words, change the elements included in the key in places. Agree, everything is quite clear and simple. In order to master this as best as possible, you just need to try yourself and your strengths. It’s worth starting with simple orders, over time building up both experience, skills and customers. So what is SEO copywriting? This is a wonderful field to create, show your talents, and at the same time develop your own website or make good money by promoting other people's pages.

Writing for a virtual store

What is rewriting, copywriting, SEO copywriting? These are the three whales on which the promotion of any store on the World Wide Web is built. In the first version, we rewrite the texts in our own words, in the second we write original material on a given topic, and in the third, most difficult, we write not just the author’s text, but also with the keys.

what does seo copywriting mean

In general, writing articles for online stores is quite boring and monotonous. The texts all need about the same, devoted to strategies for choosing products, the secrets of determining the quality of products. Terms of reference for such texts describe in detail in which paragraph what needs to be told, so even a beginner will cope. It is extremely rare for such articles to be long, usually from a hundred characters to five hundred.

To work or not?

In fairness, the question arises whether it is worth working with online stores at all, since the process is boring. Still, everyone considers himself a creative person, and here they slip a routine.

what is rewriting copywriting seo copywriting

It is up to you to decide. As a rule, such resources regularly give large orders. That is, although it is boring, it is stable and profitable. Starting with a similar job is a good option. And having mastered the local cuisine, you can move on to more free and rich breads, become a serious journalist, choose an interesting topic for yourself.

Which one?

The question is fair and not random. What interesting things can be written in such a way that it is both SEO, and attracts people, and makes you happy? Actually about anything. What do you like? What are you good at? What can you create new, useful, valuable content about? Write about this.

what is the difference between copywriting and seo copywriting

Suppose you are a tourist with great experience. You know how to choose equipment, which to buy, which not, and what you can do with your own hands. Try to share these materials by structuring them correctly and adjusting them to the requirements of the search engine. Here you have seo copywriting as it is - interesting, curious, fascinating. You create, users get good stuff. In a word, everyone is happy. Will it be bought? Here, much depends on you: you will either have to find a customer, or use the material in your blog and website, promoting it. Then the revenue will be obtained from advertising.

But don't go too far

There is such a concept in seo-copywriting - “spammed text”. It describes material literally overflowing with key phrases.

Suppose you write an article for a store. The customer asks to keep within 10 thousand characters, but in the technical task indicates that this number accounts for one hundred keywords. Writing such material, and even in high quality, will be frankly difficult - there are too many keys. This is where the spam appears.

It is believed that such articles will be positively perceived by search engines.This opinion is erroneous: indeed, before search engines put sites with spam in the top, but several years ago the error was fixed. And besides, sites are created for people, not for cars. So, the text should also be such that the user was pleased to read it. The ability to combine optimization and readability is indispensable for a SEO-copywriter.

Quality and Benefit

Only such a copywriter will receive a lot of money, which is able to write high-quality text. The ability to write good materials is appreciated and paid, especially if you find "your" customer - that is, someone who likes your style, style, presentation technique. At the same time, we must not forget about the technical aspects.

SEO copywriting basics

Seo-copywriting involves the ability to analyze the frequency of use of various words in the material and select it so that both users and machines will find it “to their taste”. To assess the parameters of the material (as well as to select key phrases) it makes sense to use free resources available to everyone.

Where to go?

One of the most useful resources for a SEO copywriter is Yandex. This name hides not only a search engine and well-known large projects - navigators, electronic wallet and others. Yandex has developed a database that stores information about user requests. It provides access to exact numbers of requests for a specific time period. You just need to enter the main keyword - and it will become clear what users are looking for and how they formulate their questions. Based on the material received, you can select key phrases for a new article and write a useful and working text.

seo copywriting work

In addition, Advego services bring considerable benefits. Automatically, the resource will calculate the frequency of various words in the material you wrote, tell you what mistakes were made. Glavred will indicate where your style has gone from informative to lyrical, several resources will tell you at once whether the material is unique or if something needs to be processed in it.

Tell you what to read

One of the important features of writing SEO-optimized text is its formatting. These are simple rewriters and copywriters who can write continuous “sheets”, a SEO author creates a text divided into short paragraphs, and highlights the main thoughts in bold or italics. In short, you need to use all available tools. By the way, do not forget about the headlines.

So, the key formatting rules:

  • bold highlight key thoughts;
  • meaningful additions are written in italics;
  • headers are used hierarchically;
  • include articles and lists in the text.

All these aspects of formatting make it easier to understand what is written about, both to the user and to the machine - let’s say, the accents are placed. At the same time, incorrectly placed accents will cause a low position in the ranking of search engine results for a key request.

Seo and an untwisted site: a ballad about who went right, who left

Simply optimizing just one text is not enough to succeed. Only such a site will attract an abundance of customers and will allow you to extract profit from the project that has been fully optimized. SEO experts are working on this. They form the basic rules that govern the content of the site. According to these rules, you will then have to write text for the main page and others.

seo copywriting services

The larger the site, the more difficult it is to develop optimization logic. If it is not possible to achieve uniformity, then the pages will be perceived by the search engine (and users) as incoherent, which immediately reduces the rating. Do you need it? It is better to first work out the strategy, and then translate it into reality - step by step, going in one direction.

Seo text: position correctly

It is necessary not only to write a good article, it must be successfully posted on the site, that is:

  • closer to the top of the page;
  • hold keys first;
  • in visibility at least at the beginning of the material;
  • literate;
  • filled with thematic illustrations.

If there are drop-down blocks on the page, scrolling, or other elements that potentially close the text, place them so that they do not interfere with the material. Follow the combination of font colors and background, avoid coincidence (surprisingly, there are people who do not follow this recommendation).

seo copywriting rules and trends

To summarize

So what is SEO copywriting? This is the ability to write literate, optimized texts, well-formatted and clearly structured. They should be interesting, designed for ordinary users, but at the same time meet the requirements of search resources. To make the material quality, it makes sense to use various free resources to help determine the technical indicators of the resulting article.

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