
What is an average marketing check? Increase in the average bill. Sales volumes

Increasing monthly profits is the task that every entrepreneur sets himself. Not so important what he does. It can be a shop or a boutique, cafe or restaurant. But what is the average check, a good owner should know. Moreover, it is his responsibility to convey this information to employees. This is the only way you can build relationships with consumers in the most effective way.

average check in a supermarket

The basics of trading

Opening a business, a person is very worried about profit. This is logical, because it depends on her now whether he will be able to return the invested money and pay back his personal contribution. And sometimes, from the very beginning, luck smiles, and customers go constantly. It would seem that success is ensured. But gradually, revenue begins to decline. The buyer just got used to your services, and they ceased to be something special.

How to raise profits? Many will say that you just need to find new consumers. Yes, due to this, you can increase sales, but how to achieve this? Typically, this scenario requires a huge investment in advertising. If the budget is already planned, then you will have to look for other methods. Here it’s worth remembering what an average check is.

tricks for the buyer


This variable is important for every entrepreneur. At the same time, it can easily be calculated independently, without resorting to the help of economists. What is an average check? This is the average amount spent by each buyer for a certain period of time. It can be a day, a week or a month. The formula is very simple, this is revenue divided by the number of checks.

Whatever period you take, the number will still be indicative. This is the average amount that the buyer leaves at the checkout. If you increase it, then income will increase. Let's imagine that a supermarket serves five thousand customers a day. Moreover, the average check is 1 thousand rubles. If you increase each of them by 10 rubles, the company will receive more profit by 50 thousand rubles. But this is just the price of chewing gum or similar stuff. You just need to find a way to convince the client that he needs it. Now we know what the average bill is. How can I increase it?

Supermarket work

Each of us regularly makes purchases here and is well acquainted with the structure of these trading floors. There are rows with products where sales consultants are on duty, as well as cash desks you are counting on. You will see the check form already at the checkout, and while walking around the trading floor, you fill the cart quite calmly.

This is used by store marketers, placing tempting discount offers, advertising posters and other material that encourages you to shop on your way. What can be done here to increase the average bill?

Possible options:

  • Resale method. It works exceptionally well. It is psychologically difficult for a person to switch from the “I will not buy” mode to the “buy” one. But if this has already happened, then there is no tragedy to add to the purchased something else. And this technique works best when something offered from above is much cheaper than a general purchase. This is a bag, chewing gum, coffee bag, units on the phone. It looks like a concern.
  • Increased purchase value. This is also a familiar approach. If the buyer asks for a drink, the seller first of all offers him a big bottle.
  • Offer alternative products with lower cost. There is a psychological impact, the creation of a trusting relationship. In fact, they offer you cheaper goods with high wrap.That is, the seller still performs its task.
    how to sell more

Pre-cash zone

And again, back to the practice of the supermarket. During a walk around the trading floor, you have chosen a product and come to the cashier. Pay attention to how bright it is framed. Chewing gums, chocolates, cigarettes and other little things just weigh the cash register from all sides. Remember, the buyer has not yet received the receipt form. He can only figure out the amount in his mind. And of course, while he is standing in line, it may well have crossed his mind that it would be nice to buy a child a chocolate bar. In this case, nothing critical happens, because the amount will increase slightly.

The next moment is the cashier himself. With learned words, she offers a package. Caring for you again, and again the growth of the average bill. Seeing that you bought tea, many will recommend fresh cookies that they brought recently. And so on.

how to increase sales

Catering establishments

There are some differences here, so we distinguish them in a separate category. Sales volumes are equally important for restaurant owners. Therefore, they are also engaged in analytics and are looking for ways to increase profits. But the implementation of the plan will be slightly different.

The average bill in a restaurant can be calculated in several ways. Usually, dishes are calculated. As a result, the average bill can be considered the cost of the main course, dessert and snacks, excluding alcohol and drinks. But you can choose another way. For example, the average check can be considered the amount paid by the waiter to the cash desk for the day, divided by the number of guests served.

How to increase it

There are not many options here. It is necessary to teach staff to work with clients. Sales volumes directly depend on the quality of service. It is strictly forbidden to use the crude methods of "sucking in" and cheating. Your goal is to maintain customer loyalty.

Nothing new was invented here. To increase the average bill, you need to sell items from the menu in addition to the general order or offer more expensive alternatives to selected dishes. Moreover, this should happen unobtrusively, as a sincere manifestation of care. The waiter can remind you of bread, go crackers for the broth, a special sauce for meat, water or another drink.

average check at an institution

Check Increase Methods

Marketers did not today deduce the relationship between the average check and profit, therefore, the methods are also not new:

  • Upselling is an offer of a more expensive alternative. For example, two guests order a portion of sushi. Why not offer them a set that includes more tastes?
  • Cross-selling is an extension of the order line. Here the waiter has just endless scope for imagination. Guests can be offered sauces and gravy, salads and snacks, topping for ice cream, additional toppings in pizza.

Waiter's work in cafe

Here, customers are somewhat different from those who went to the restaurant. But for them there is a sufficient number of techniques with which you can increase profits. The average bill in a cafe also depends on the quantity and value bought by visitors. There is a great way to sell more by simply offering an aperitif. There are certain rules according to which this can be done easily and naturally:

  • Offer an aperitif immediately after serving the menu. The sooner the visitor orders a drink, salad or snack, the faster the waiter serves it. Each drink increases the amount of the check by 10%. This must be remembered.
  • Repeat order. More often than not, the success of a proposal depends on how much time the proposal arrived. For example, guests drink beer. It makes no sense to suggest updating if their glasses are half full or more. If the waiter hesitated and the guests were about to leave, then he too, most likely, would be refused. Therefore, much depends on attentiveness. If you see that guests are eating hotter, hurry up to offer tea and dessert.
    increase in average bill

Instead of a conclusion

All these tricks work only in one case: if quality comes first. The products sold must be good, tested, otherwise you will lose the buyer.The food in the cafe should be tasty and of high quality. It is futile to try to increase the average bill and save on such basic things.

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