
What is forbidden to a police officer? Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Police", No. 3-FZ

Police officers must take into account the provisions of the Federal Law “On Police” No. 3 during their service. It contains information about the rights and obligations of law enforcement officials. Additionally, certain actions are given that the police do not have the right to implement. For example, a police officer is forbidden to use firearms without good reason. If a law enforcement officer violates the requirements of the law, then he can not only lose his job, but will be brought to administrative or criminal liability.

What does the police do?

Police officers provide law and order in the territory of the Russian Federation. The duties and rights of a police officer are listed in a special regulatory act of the Federal Law “On Police”. They are required to follow the requirements of this law, otherwise different penalties may apply to them.

Only people who have the right education and have received appropriate training are selected for the service. While serving, police can take various measures to deal with offenders and criminals. They are endowed with a large number of rights, but there are some restrictions that they must follow in order to continue working.

police officer rights

Who can't become a cop?

The Federal Law "On Police" contains the basic requirements for people who plan to serve as police officers. They must have a suitable education and good health. Police service is not available to citizens in the following cases:

  • the presence of any serious health problems that are established as a result of an official medical examination;
  • There are family ties with a police officer who is planned to be replaced for a period of time;
  • registration of citizenship of a foreign state;
  • transfer to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of fake documentation or papers containing inaccurate information.

For the transfer of fictitious data, a citizen can be held accountable.

police officer forbidden to resort to torture

What are the responsibilities of the police?

If a person plans to enter the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then they will mandatory study the duties and rights of a police officer. Only in this case will he be able to easily cope with the tasks set, which consist in maintaining the rule of law in the fixed territory. When entering the service, the following information is necessarily studied by the police:

  • operational situation in the region;
  • features of the post;
  • locations of all police units and various PSCs;
  • signs of various criminals;
  • basic information about different cars or other property declared wanted;
  • places where there is a high probability of committing crimes by different offenders;
  • information about persons who were released from prison ahead of schedule if they live in an area patrolled by an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • the location of various important objects.

As soon as the policeman enters the place of patrol, he is obliged to transmit the relevant information to the duty officer.

police are not allowed to be members of political parties

When can I leave a post?

It is forbidden for a police officer to leave the post without good reason. This is only possible in the following situations:

  • prevention of any criminal acts;
  • suppression of a crime;
  • prosecution of criminals;
  • transportation of violators to the police station;
  • assistance to victims;
  • liquidation of a fire or the consequences of other emergency situations;
  • guarding the place where any serious incident occurred;
  • receiving medical care, if necessary;
  • Assisting other cops.

All the above actions must be confirmed by official documents drawn up by the police after the end of the service.

forbidden to a police officer

What is prohibited during service?

The Federal Law “On Police” contains information on what prohibitions and restrictions are encountered by police officers in the course of service. If they violate these requirements, then they will have to face serious measures of influence from higher authorities.

During carrying, it is forbidden for a police officer to perform the following actions:

  • transfer firearms to persons other than the senior management;
  • show your weapons to strangers;
  • sleep at the post;
  • distracted from service without good reason;
  • violate the requirements by which radio is exchanged;
  • communicate over the phone with relatives or friends;
  • enter without permission of the owners in residential premises or other private facilities.

Heads of units are in charge of monitoring the actions of the police, but at the same time, every citizen who reveals any violation on the part of the police officer can make a formal complaint.

Respect for human rights and freedoms

During service, each police officer must take into account the rights that any person has, regardless of his financial situation, status, or other characteristics. A police officer is prohibited from resorting to torture or other violent acts. It is not allowed to humiliate a person or abuse suspects or criminals. If a citizen is deliberately inflicted pain or even moral suffering, then the duties of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs include the cessation of such actions.

The work of a policeman related to the restriction of freedom or the rights of people shall be terminated after reaching a legitimate aim. If the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs addresses any person, then he must introduce himself and name the position he is holding. He must present his official identity card if there is a corresponding requirement. It certainly explains what the reason for his appeal is.

If as a result of the activities of the policeman any personal information about a person is obtained, then such information should not be transferred to third parties without the permission of the person. Be sure to give citizens the opportunity to study documents and materials relevant to a particular case.

the police officer is prohibited from using special means

Impartiality of the police

Article 7 of the Federal Law No. 3 contains information that police officers must protect any citizen regardless of gender, race, origin and material condition. The following requirements are taken into account:

  • police officers are prohibited from joining political parties;
  • they cannot support any political factions or participate in the activities of parties;
  • it is not allowed that the service of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs be influenced by a religious organization or any association;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs workers should respect the activities of different organizations, as well as the cultural customs of different people and ethnic groups.

Even out of service, the policeman should not carry out any actions that cast doubt on his impartiality and justice.

Using special tools

Police officers during service have access to various special means intended for self-defense and deterrence of criminals. The police officer is forbidden to apply special means to the following citizens:

  • pregnant women or disabled people;
  • minor citizens;
  • persons at various rallies or demonstrations where no violent acts are used.

An exception is the situation when the above persons actually commit any kind of weapons of resistance or attack others, which threatens the health and life of citizens. A police officer is prohibited from using firearms without good reason. It is allowed to use it only to protect your life or the lives of other citizens.

police responsibility

Rules for the use of special equipment

Special tools can be used in certain situations, but only subject to the following restrictions:

  • citizens cannot be beaten with a stick on the head or neck, stomach or genitals;
  • water cannons should not be used if the temperature in the street is below 0;
  • You cannot stop cars used for the carriage of passengers or used by different consulates or diplomatic missions;
  • coloring agents at different facilities are installed only with the appropriate consent from the owner of this property;
  • water cannons or armored vehicles can be used only if there is a decision of the head of the police department with a 24-hour notice from the prosecutor.

Deviation from any restrictions or prohibitions may result in a police officer being held accountable. A police officer may be suspended from service, forcibly dismissed, or even prosecuted for his wrongful acts. Therefore, any employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be well versed in the provisions of the Federal Law "On Police".

federal police law


Any police officer should know what rights and duties he has. In this case, the restrictions imposed on the actions applied by him are taken into account. It is forbidden for a police officer to violate the rights and freedoms of citizens without good reason. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may use various special equipment or weapons only if there is a danger to the health or life of citizens.

Violation of the requirements of the law becomes the basis for holding the policeman accountable. Often this leads to the fact that a person loses the right to work in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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