
What does duplicate TCP on a car mean? What are the risks?

Transactions with property require tremendous care from participants in the operation. Nobody wants to be deceived, but if you do not focus on the documents of the object, you can face serious problems. Especially when it comes to acquiring a used vehicle. What does duplicate TCP mean? And when can I get a similar document? What is he pointing to? The answers to these questions and not only should be known to everyone planning a sale or purchase of movable property.

duplicate instead of TCP what does it mean

Short description

What does duplicate TCP mean? This is a document of a standard form, which is a technical passport of a vehicle. It spells out the technical characteristics of the movable object and information about the owner of the property.

A duplicate is a restored technical data sheet of a car. He, as a rule, alarms citizens. And there are reasons for that. But which ones? And how to protect yourself from scammers when buying a car "with hands"?

When make out a copy

What does “Duplicate in exchange for TCP” mean? Usually they say this when it comes to working with a restored technical data sheet. When does it stand out?

For example, if:

  • the owner of the transport spoiled the data sheet;
  • the owner of the movable property has lost the original document;
  • The technical passport of the car was stolen.

Accordingly, just like that, it will not work with the mentioned documentation. It is issued only under certain circumstances.

What does it look like

What does duplicate TCP mean? This question will not cause any more trouble. Next, we will try to find out what is the danger of having a similar document from the car owner.

What does a duplicate TCP look like

Above you can see a sample of the restored technical data sheet of the vehicle. You may notice that outwardly it does not differ from the original document. Just in the form of the established form in the section "Special marks" appears the inscription "Duplicate". And everyone will have to pay attention to it.

Criminal past

What does duplicate TCP on a car mean? The relevant document may indicate various circumstances related to the replacement of the original vehicle data sheet.

The first risk that citizens may face is the acquisition of a car with a "criminal past." For example, stolen or involved in serious accidents.

Fraudsters often steal cars, and then restore their passports through their connections. As a rule, information about the owner is changed in the received documents. We will later find out how to “break through” the technical passport into reality. This will protect against collisions with scammers.

Attention, a swindler!

We found out what a duplicate TCP is. The risks of transactions with property having a similar document will be considered in more detail.

It’s not always the presence of a restored data sheet - these are scammers. Maybe the owner of the movable property is a swindler, or he is just trying to get rid of the "problem" car as soon as possible.

In the described case, there is a risk of buying a car, giving money for a deal, and then losing it. For example, if it was originally jointly acquired property in a marriage, and one of the spouses decided to sell the car. Often, the other half of the potential seller who disagrees with the transaction hides documents on the vehicle. And whoever wants to sell property restores them.

duplicate title in exchange for what it means

Accordingly, after buying such a car for three years, you can lose it. This will happen if a spouse who disagrees with her finds out about the transaction, and then he goes to court.The judge will necessarily side with the injured and uninformed person, which will lead to the cancellation of the transaction.

Burden on the vehicle

Unfortunately, the availability of a restored technical passport for a car is always certain risks. How high they are depends on the integrity of the potential seller. Nevertheless, everyone needs to prepare for possible tricks. It is possible that after this the transaction will not take place at all, and the seller will stop contacting.

What does duplicate TCP mean, we have already figured it out. And when you can see this document too. Often the presence of such a document indicates the burden imposed on the transport. Say in the form of a loan.

If the owner of the car acquired his personal property on credit, his data sheet will be stored in the bank. Unscrupulous citizens can restore technical passports for cars, and then put up the property for sale.

What's the catch? An unsuspecting buyer, along with the machine, will also acquire a loan for movable property. And get rid of it will be possible only by full repayment of personal funds.

what does duplicate TCP on a car mean

Yes, you can try to prove the fact of fraud in court, but achieving the desired result is extremely difficult. It is possible in isolated cases.

STS is something wrong?

“Duplicate TCP in return” - what does this mean? Such an inscription may indicate that the registration certificate was reissued due to the end of the space reserved for indicating information about the owners. There are 8 fields in the technical passport.

The frequent change of ownership of a movable property is a good reason to think that something is wrong with the machine. Maybe the transport is defective or there are other burdens pushing citizens to get rid of it faster.

How to check a document

What does duplicate TCP on a car mean? From now on, everyone will be able to answer this question as soon as possible. Is it possible to somehow protect yourself from these risks?

PTS duplicate what means risks

Completely - no, but you can try. For example, by checking the documents for the car through special services. The site of the State traffic inspectorate of the Russian Federation perfectly copes with this task.

The citizen is recommended to perform the following actions:

  1. Check VIN of the car, as well as a similar number in the data sheet.
  2. Pay attention to the state number of the car. It must also be remembered.
  3. Get information about the potential owner of the vehicle.
  4. Go to the traffic police website, in the "Services" section.
  5. In the “Check Registration ...” block, register the VIN of the machine.
  6. Order a report online by confirming your request.
  7. Repeat the same steps, but with the VIN specified in the data sheet.

Now you can compare the data. If they match, most likely there is nothing to fear. True, it is recommended to immediately “break through” the transport by encumbrance. This is done on the website of the State Automobile Inspection of the Russian Federation, but in the section “Check for encumbrances”.

Draw conclusions

What does “Duplicate issued in exchange for TCP” mean? We dealt with this issue. And with the possible risks of having the person mentioned document, too.

duplicate issued in return TCP what does it mean

Fortunately, one should not always be afraid. A duplicate of a car registration certificate may be issued due to damage to or loss of the original, which means that the transaction will not cause any difficulties - we are dealing with a bona fide seller.

Important: if the owner of the car refuses to submit documents for the car, it is worth postponing the transaction for an indefinite period.

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