
Does disability in diabetes give - the procedure for registration, the necessary documents and requirements

One of the serious problems of our time is diabetes. Doctors say that from year to year the disease becomes younger. This fact causes serious concern, since the disease has different types and degrees. It requires increased attention and caution. Failure to comply with the doctor’s rules in severe cases can even lead to a “sugar” coma, not to mention leading a full-fledged lifestyle.

However, constant monitoring of blood sugar and maintaining health will allow you to not notice problems. Unfortunately, drugs and daily diagnostics are expensive, and the state is trying to support its citizens in the fight against this difficult disease in affordable ways.

The most important problem of those who are faced with the disease are the questions:

  1. Does disability give diabetes?
  2. What are the requirements for patients?
  3. Where to start?
  4. What can you expect after disability?

About diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a consequence of a malfunction of the thyroid gland. This leads to an increased content of glucose in the blood, and subsequently to metabolic disorders in the body. There are forms of the disease:

  1. The first type of diabetics are those who are dependent on insulin injections. This species is most often observed in those who have inherited the disease. The first type can affect even young children.
  2. The second type of patients are those who do not need injections. You can correct this type with proper nutrition and control over sugar levels. If necessary, a non-injection medical correction is prescribed. This type of diabetes is observed in the elderly.
  3. Excess sugar is observed in women during pregnancy and is called gestational form. Its peculiarity is that after the birth of a baby, the level normalizes.

When thinking about whether disability gives diabetes, it is important to know that the purpose of the group does not depend on what type of diabetes is, but on the severity of the complications that it caused. It is necessary to understand from what considerations experts establish the severity of the consequences of the disease.

Determining the severity of the consequences

When determining the severity of complications, specialists are guided by the criteria that are established by legislative acts and internal rules of institutions. Today they distinguish:

  1. The mild degree of the disease is characterized by the ability to correct sugar levels through diet and proper nutrition. In the test results are not detected impurities, indicating the development of the disease, and the sugar level before meals is not more than 7 mmol / l. Establishing a disability group with these indicators is unlikely.
  2. The disease in the moderate stage is characterized by the presence of acetone bodies and glucose in the analyzes, and the sugar level before meals reaches 15 mmol / l. At this stage of the disease, complications are observed in the eyes, kidneys, and nervous system. These complications become a reason for impaired mobility.
  3. The severe stage of the disease is characterized by a sugar level of more than 15 mmol / L. All other indicators indicating diabetes are not just shown in the analyzes, but are significant. Doctors observe visual impairment up to 2–3 degrees, inhibition of kidney performance, the appearance of ulcers on the legs and gangrene.With this degree of diabetes, the most common solution to problems is vascular surgery or amputation of a limb.
  4. The extremely severe degree of the disease has a severe effect on the functioning of the brain, leading to paralysis or coma, as a result, there is no possibility of self-care, movement and communication. This stage is characterized by the impossibility of restoring lost functions.
disability with diabetes

The insidiousness of the disease

The insidiousness of diabetes mellitus is that in the early stages, patients often do not consult a specialist, not noticing signs or ignoring them due to attributing their condition to:

  • avitaminosis;
  • allergies
  • chronic fatigue and much more;

Interestingly, sugar testing is the most common. Although few people know that on the eve of its delivery it is necessary to exclude sweets from the diet.

The beginning of the way. Tests and examinations to obtain a group

do group give disability in diabetes

Does disability give diabetes? In order to positively resolve the issue, the patient has to go a whole way. Obtaining disability is a phased procedure. At the first stage is the therapist of the clinic, to which the patient is attached. He will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • analyzes of biomaterials that identify or indicate the development of the disease;
  • ECG examination of the heart;
  • consultations with an ophthalmologist for suspected visual impairment or cataracts;
  • neurologist consultation that can give an answer about the presence and degree of damage to the entire system;
  • consultation of a surgeon to detect damage to the limbs.

This set of studies is standard for diabetes.

Additional examinations and group assignment

Special studies:

  1. Zimnitsky-Reberg test and determination of daily microalbuminuria.
  2. Encephalogram.
  3. Dopplerography of the lower extremities.
  4. MRI of the foot, heart.
  5. CT scan of the brain.

Special studies are appointed as necessary. According to the results of the tests, the patient receives a referral to an endocrinologist. It is this doctor who can make the final diagnosis. Based on his conclusion, it is decided whether the person with disability for diabetes will be given to this person. To determine the group of the patient, they are sent for examination to establish it.

do type 1 diabetes give disability

Disability in childhood diabetes

Unfortunately, a constantly younger disease leads to the fact that children also suffer from the disease. If you are interested in the question: "Do disabilities give children with diabetes?" - then know that the answer is yes. With the first type of disease, disability is given up to 14 years. In this case, there is no difference whether the child can serve himself or not. Monitoring his condition is provided by parents.

do disabilities give children with diabetes

As a rule, experts assign the third group to such children without nitpicking and unnecessary questions. Moreover, the documentation submitted for study contains detailed information about the current state of the child.

When establishing a child with a disability up to 18 years, she does not have a specific group. A guardian or parent who provides ongoing care is entitled to receive payments.

do adults give disabilities

Getting a disability group. What documents are needed?

Disability and group are determined in medical and social examination (ITU) by reviewing the following documents submitted:

  • a statement from the patient, if it is a child, then from a guardian or parent;
  • referral from a physician or attending physician;
  • medical record with a complete list of studies and analyzes and their results. Essentially a medical record;
  • copy of identity card and employment document or education certificate (if the patient has never worked);
  • copy of birth certificate (for a child);
  • certificate of working conditions.
type 1 diabetes

For parents:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • copy of the passport.

ITU makes a positive or negative decision based on the documents submitted. Does type 1 diabetes give disability? It doesn't matter what type of ailment a person suffers.In this case, it takes into account only how severe the complications from the disease, how they interfere with normal life. Do type 2 diabetes give disability? Yes. But the expert commission also draws attention to the complications of the disease. For a disease such as diabetes, any of the existing groups can be assigned - 1, 2, 3. As already mentioned, it all depends on the severity of the damage caused by the disease to the body and its legal capacity.

When is 1 group given?

Patients are assigned 1 group if:

  1. There is a clear eye lesion leading to retinal damage and blindness.
  2. Lesions of the nervous system led to the impossibility of independent movement and coordination.
  3. A study of the heart indicates a disease of the heart muscle and chronic heart failure grade 3.
  4. Vascular lesions led to gangrene and a diabetic foot.
  5. Mental disorders and degradation of mental abilities are observed.
  6. Inhibition of kidney function.
  7. Frequent coma is observed.
  8. Constant care from the outside is required.

When are 2 and 3 groups given?

Disability group 2 is assigned when:

  • the retina of the eye is affected to stages 2-3;
  • when observing depressed kidney function, which is corrected by transplant or dialysis;
  • when observing a change in the psyche, which has persistent manifestations;
  • the need for outside help.
do type 2 diabetes mellitus give

Disability group 3 is required if:

  • organs have moderate lesions;
  • the course of the disease is moderate or mild;
  • if work requires a change of work.

Given the grounds for designating a disability group, it is not difficult to understand that it is available for each of the existing types. However, people suffering from this disease will need to prove their right regularly. For the first group, this is 1 time in 2 years, with the 2nd and 3rd - every year. For children, the term is extended to 18 years.

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