
Demotivation is a system of methods for influencing personnel. Demotivation - definition, features and examples

Each person works exactly as much as he has enough personal motivation. Sometimes situations come from outside, they can be perceived differently by people. If the employee was criticized by the boss, then he can spit on everything and no longer show initiative in business. The other, on the contrary, will jump out of his pants to prove that he is still the best, despite the fact that they think about him.

demotivation is

The reaction to the same situation depends largely on what a person thinks about himself, and on how his personality has developed over the years, starting from childhood. The edges are thin, and a good boss should understand in what situations and how to behave with subordinates. Good leaders now have a large deficit. They are with complexes themselves and are happy to realize themselves at the expense of others. Consciously or subconsciously, leaders use different methods of influence on their subordinates. Let's try to figure this out.

Employee motivation at work

Motivation and demotivation are two sides of the coin that are encountered in the work. These two influences come from both inside and outside. Today we will not talk about how a person can motivate himself to take any actions and achieve results, or, conversely, drive himself into depression and a state of apathy.

Russian demotivation

We will understand the external conditions that affect the productivity of a person. Motivation is a system of external conditions that allow you to start activity in work and internal energy. You can motivate a person at work with awards, promotions, praise, material benefits. A motivated employee is always with burning eyes, he enjoys the work process. He always has zeal in work, and he is ready to show high results.

What is demotivation

There is a reverse mechanism of influence, which, by the way, can lead to both positive and negative results. Demotivation is a decrease in motivation to achieve a goal in the workplace. This may be due to the fact that the circumstances that prompted the person to work, or disappeared, or weakened. And for this reason, the employee does not want to spend some effort on persevering, conscientiousness and due diligence in work processes. The boss can apply different demotivators to the employee. Demotivation in Russian leads to a number of consequences that occur in the psyche of the person to whom it is directed.

What happens as a result of demotivation

For many people, the thought that the effect of “carrot and stick” has a positive effect has firmly settled in my head. This is not applicable in all cases. This demotivation leads to the fact that a person's level of satisfaction is reduced.

demotivators demotivation in Russian

The reaction immediately manifests itself in irritability, lateness. The tendency to conflict increases, and the person feels tired. In this case, you can not expect to work with high returns. Demotivation in Russian does not bring the result that the boss would have desired. In this case, one can notice frequent departures for the sick-list, manifestation of sabotage in hidden and explicit forms, violation of executive discipline and the manifestation of activities that can cause damage to the organization.To a number of negative manifestations, one can add a decrease in interest in doing work, bickering with management and even a desire to leave for another place of work. In this case, it’s not worth talking about readiness for joint projects with management and colleagues. These are the consequences of demotivation in Russian.

Forms of demotivation

The reasons for such actions can be manifold. Often the responsibility for anti-motivation actions is assigned to the management body. Most often, people leave work precisely because of poor relations with the management or team, low remuneration and career growth. Such manifestations are not uncommon in any organization, and there are a number of options how demotivation in Russian can manifest itself.

demotivation in Russian best

The best demotivators are:

  • ignoring employee initiatives;
  • violation of the unspoken contract;
  • ignoring the abilities of the employee, which he considers important;
  • achievements are not visible, and career growth is not expected;
  • the results achieved are not recognized either by management or colleagues;
  • There are no changes in employee status.

For what purpose does the administration take measures against employees

Since demotivation is a complex system, it is used in different variations in order to punish employees. The punishment is for misconduct during working hours or failure to fulfill direct duties. The purpose of such an event is not to fire an employee, but to encourage them to fulfill their duties. The good mission of demotivation is to increase work efficiency. You need to be a competent leader in order to use this method to achieve a positive effect, rather than provoke reverse actions. These methods include moral and material punishment.

demotivation in Russian best demotivators

How effective can be the moral or material punishment of an adult - psychologists will judge. Obviously, in such actions there is a violent component that is unpleasant for a person. And if the punishable is stress-resistant, has good professional skills and prospects for development and implementation elsewhere, he is unlikely to tolerate Russian demotivation. The best punishments in order to stimulate him, provoke his departure to another place.

Often, such methods are used more unreasonably, not in order to help a specialist develop, but in order to put him in his place and not to nurture a competitor.

Demotivation and Law

Any penalties should be carried out within the framework of the law, which gives the manager many tools for effective work.

Any sanctions must be recorded in writing, it can be memos or explanatory notes. Documents should be kept in a private file.

All measures that were applicable to employees can later be used in certification, payment of bonuses, changes in official salaries or moving an employee up the career ladder. Penalties can be taken into account when making such decisions, and on their basis, actions can be justified and balanced, which should give a good result.

How is the demotivation system built

The system suggests that an official punishment program be developed. The type of misconduct is taken into account, with what frequency it is committed, and in accordance with the available data the punishment is selected.

There are two forms of punishment: moral and material.

Material recovery refers to a severe reprimand, reprimand or remark. All this must be in writing. The scream in the office of the boss and the humiliation of a subordinate have nothing to do with moral punishment from the point of view of the law.

motivation and demotivation

Material demotivation can be in the form of deprivation of bonuses, reduction of salary or even dismissal.

The head himself makes the decision on a separate or complex recovery taking into account the damage that was caused to the company by the actions or omissions of the specialist.

demotivation in Russian best demotivators

Due to the legal basis, all employees are in the same framework and understand the procedures that are adopted in the company. In the hands of a leader, this is a good tool for influencing and controlling personnel.

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