
Dividends of Norilsk Nickel - the leader in creating shareholder value

MMC Norilsk Nickel is the leader of Russian production companies in non-ferrous metallurgy, a leader in the mining industry of our country.

The world's No. 1 refined palladium producer. It takes the second place in the world in nickel production, the fourth - in the production of platinum and rhodium. It is the fifth largest cobalt producer in the world.

Norilsk Nickel also produces other rare non-ferrous metals. In the field of his interests silver, gold. Drag. metals are accompanied by iridium, ruthenium, selenium, tellurium, sulfur.

Registered as a Public Joint Stock Company. Norilsk Nickel has been paying dividends regularly since 2006. The main office is in Moscow.

The story begins in 1935

It was decided to build the Norilsk Combine in 1935. And already in 1942 they began to produce nickel. A year later, an electrolysis workshop was built to produce refined nickel.

With the discovery of the copper-nickel deposit in Taimyr, the expansion and establishment of the Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical Plant begins. Now the polar branch in Taimyr is the main asset of Norilsk Nickel, the dividends from which do not disappoint shareholders.

The corporatization of enterprises included in Norilsk Nickel was carried out in 1994. Seven years later, shares are sold on the Russian Trading System and the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange.

The new company development strategy was developed by the team of Vladimir Potanin in 2013. The basis was the assets of the Polar Complex of enterprises and the Kola MMC.

Norilsk Nickel. Arctic

The sale of a gold mining company in Australia and shares of energy companies in 2014 made it possible to launch the pilot concentrator complex in Norilsk as early as the next.

Norilsk Nickel through the eyes of investors

The main divisions of Norilsk Nickel are located in Taimyr and Transbaikalia. The second most important asset is on the Kola Peninsula.

The Finnish Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta Oy factory is included in the production chain. He is busy cleaning nickel.

Norilsk Nickel owns a 50% stake in a nickel deposit in South Africa.

In October 2017, the commissioning of the Bystrinsky mining and processing plant began. Work is being carried out jointly with China.

Copper plant of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel

Securities of Norilsk Nickel have good liquidity. They are included in the blue chip index of the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange. Participate in the bidding of PJSC St. Petersburg Exchange.

Nornickel shares

Investors consider the shares of Norilsk Nickel the most liquid instrument in the stock markets, both in Russia and abroad. They represent competition for investments in shares of Russian oil and gas companies.

According to the Charter, MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC issued 158,245,476 shares. The nominal price of one is 1 ruble.

As of January 12, 2018, the market price of one ordinary uncertified share of Norilsk Nickel was 11,600 rubles.

Norilsk Nickel's dividend policy is consistent with the interests of the company. The rights and interests of shareholders are respected in balance with capitalization and an increase in the attractiveness of the enterprise for investors.

The amount of dividends of Norilsk Nickel for 2016 was determined in June 2017. It was approved at a meeting of shareholders. According to the press service of the company, the total amount of funds for the payment of dividends for the first 9 months amounted to 70.6 billion rubles. This is 446.1 rubles per share - 4% higher than in 2015.

Shareholders meeting

Shareholder meetings are held once a year. Shareholders may vote remotely.

To do this, use the electronic service from your personal account. The shareholder gets access to it by visiting the main office or one of the registrar's offices.

Dividend policy of Norilsk Nickel

For the calculation of dividends, Norilsk Nickel uses the calculation of the share of EBITDA. This reduction in translation from English implies an analytical indicator. It is calculated as profit before taxes, depreciation and loan payments.

According to the results of 2016 and for 2017, dividends on Norilsk Nickel shares amounted to 50% of EBITDA.

Payments are made annually. The company makes interim payments for six and nine months. A prerequisite is its stable financial condition.

The minimum amount allocated by Norilsk Nickel to pay dividends is set at $ 2 billion.

Norilsk Nickel organizes an annual meeting day with investors.

Investor meeting

Top managers of the company talk about how the corporate strategy is being implemented - creating sustainable equity attractiveness of assets.

They introduce strategic plans to increase shareholder value and return on investment.

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