
DLO in medicine - what is it? Additional preferential provision of medicines, list of drugs

DLO in medicine - what is it? This is drug assistance, which is provided free of charge to some individuals entitled to state support in the form of a certain set of social services. The main task of preferential drug provision is to organize the timely provision of necessary medicines to patients according to medical prescriptions, and in addition, to improve the quality and standard of living of low-income citizens. Polyclinic and pharmacy institutions participate in the implementation of preferential drug provision.

A bit of history

In 2004, amendments and changes were made to the Federal Law “On Social Protection of the Population”, and since January 2005 the federal DLO program has been launched in the country. Decoding of the abbreviation is an additional drug provision. Since 2006, standards have been introduced for financial costs per person per month receiving a set of social services. They are reviewed annually upward. In the same year, patients received the right to refuse in-kind benefits in favor of cash payments.

Grace Department

Unfortunately, the majority of the population took advantage of this right and refused to receive in-kind benefits free of charge, choosing money. And since the provision of preferential medicines is carried out according to the insurance principle, money in the regions for the purchase of medicines has become insufficient. The more citizens choose in-kind benefits, the greater the amount of funds will go to the regional budget for the purchase of medicines.

DLO in medicine - what is it? In 2008, this program was divided into two, which are valid to date:

  • ONLS (provision of essential medicines);
  • "Seven high-cost nosologies."

They are financed from the federal budget.

State social assistance provided in the form of a set of social services

Despite the fact that the system for providing certain categories of citizens with free drugs has existed for more than ten years, many are interested in what a set of social services is and who is given it, how is the DLO deciphered in medicine in practice? The law defines individuals who can apply for state assistance in the form of a package of social services (or it is also called a set). These include:

  • disabled people, including children;
  • persons specified in the Federal Law "On Veterans".

The set includes such services as:

  • Free provision in the pharmacy institution of medicines, medical devices and some foodstuffs according to the special prescription of a doctor. In other words, this is additional drug support, i.e., DLO.
  • Travel without payment to the place of treatment and back.
  • Sanatorium treatment at the resort.

Social services are provided for the calendar year. Since 2006, an individual has the right to refuse partially or completely from them by writing a statement to the pension fund before October 1 of the current year. In this case, from next year, instead of free services, he will receive a cash payment. An application for the resumption of in-kind services is also issued before October 1 of this year. The norm of financial costs per citizen per month is approved annually. Previously, it was established by the Federal Law, and since 2017 - by the Government.

Procurement of medicines to ensure a preferential category of citizens

DLO in medicine is also the compilation of applications for medicines, which is formed in each clinic for a certain period: month, quarter, year. When compiling them, the number of persons entitled to additional drug provision is taken into account. In addition, when determining the need, doctors focus on the approved list of drugs.

Prescription for medicine

The purchase of medicines takes place at the request of medical institutions and in accordance with the requirements approved by the Federal Law “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, work, services to meet state and municipal needs”. Preparations are made for drugs according to international non-proprietary, and in their absence - according to group names. Pharmacy institutions receive drugs already under specific trade names purchased as a result of competitive procedures. The supplier who offers the lowest price wins. Priority in procurement is given to domestic drug manufacturers.

Drug Lists

The DLO list is a list of medicines to provide certain categories of citizens receiving outpatient treatment. Individuals receive all the medicines on this list by presenting a prescription to a pharmacy. Lists of medicines to ensure preferential categories of the population are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. All drugs in them are indicated according to international nonproprietary names, as well as in accordance with the anatomical, therapeutic and chemical classification. In addition, each name of the medication lists dosage forms that the patient can receive for free. Some drugs are marked with an asterisk in the list, and this means that their prescription and prescription is carried out by decision of the medical commission of the healthcare institution. There are currently two DLO lists. In medicine, this means that one lists medicines to provide patients with:

  • neoplasms of the hematopoietic, lymphoid and related tissues of malignant nature;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • a defect in plasma coagulation factors;
  • sphingolipidosis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • after transplantation of tissues and organs;
  • dwarfism.

In total, 25 names are included in this list. For each disease, specific preparations are indicated according to the international nonproprietary name. Another list, which is much wider, includes more than four hundred drugs, it is intended for prescribing to people who have not refused a package of social services regarding drug provision.

At the doctor’s appointment, patients are interested in how to get the drug for free if it is not included in the DLO list? In medicine, such issues are considered at meetings of medical commissions, which are in any outpatient institution. If a positive decision is made, then a free prescription is issued to the patient, otherwise the treatment is adjusted and another medicine is included in the approved list. Cases of prescribing drugs under specific trade names are also reviewed at these commissions. For the preferential category of individuals, drug lists are reviewed annually.

DLO in medicine for diabetes. What is it?

This means that people with diabetes who are entitled to certain benefits, in particular, a package of social services, and who have not refused it in favor of a cash payment, can receive free medicines and medical devices. The procedure for applying to a medical institution and extracting prescriptions is the same as for other privileged categories. Medical devices, as well as drugs for the treatment of diabetes are prescribed in accordance with lists approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The lists include:

  • a wide range of insulin preparations;
  • sugar-lowering tablets;
  • medications for treating diabetes complications;
  • tip for the pen;
  • blood glucose monitoring system for home use;
  • automatic scarifier needle;
  • standard insulin autoinjector;
  • glucose reagent.

How to get free drugs to nonresident?

What is DLO in medicine? This is an opportunity to get free medicine for the treatment of an existing disease in all regions of the country, and not just in the territory of permanent residence.

Medicine purchase

If there is evidence, the patient is prescribed a free prescription, with which he goes to the pharmacy. If the patient is outside his area, he also has the right to contact any health care institution of the outpatient type to write out free prescriptions. The list of documents that will need to be presented:

  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • a document by which you can verify your identity;
  • a document entitling to benefits (for example, a disability certificate);
  • decision on the appointment of a one-time cash payment;
  • an extract from an outpatient card or a child’s development history.

Decoding DLO. Statement of drugs

Supplementary drug provision, abbreviated DLO, is a program aimed at:

  • make medical care more accessible;
  • provide free high-quality drugs to vulnerable groups.

The right to receive free medicines is vested in people who have not refused a package of social services. To write a prescription, you should contact the clinic to which the individual is attached for medical care. If there is no possibility of an independent visit to a medical institution, then the doctor must be called to the house. When you first contact the health care institution, you must present:

  • a document by which you can verify your identity;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • SNILS;
  • a document entitling to benefits (for example, a disability certificate);
  • decision on the appointment of a one-time cash payment.
Doctor's Patient

The doctor writes out free prescriptions for drugs in accordance with the list of DLO. What does this mean? The doctor, based on complaints, the severity of the patient’s condition, and according to the standards of medical care, prescribes medications that are on the list for certain individuals with certain benefits. Next, prescriptions are written out according to which the patient receives drugs for free at the pharmacy. All medicines are prescribed by medical workers according to international non-proprietary, and in case of its absence according to group names. Information about which drug was prescribed, a single dose, frequency, route of administration, course of treatment, as well as the rationale for its appointment are entered in the medical outpatient card. If the patient needs to prescribe more than five medications at the same time or more than ten within a month, then the decision to prescribe such a quantity of drugs is considered at the medical commission. In addition, by the decision of this commission, psychotropic and narcotic drugs are prescribed. It is important to remember that free prescriptions are only prescribed to citizens who receive treatment on an outpatient basis.

Recipe Design

DLO in medicine - what is it? This is providing certain categories of citizens with prescription drugs for free. If there is evidence, the doctor draws up a prescription for the necessary medication, filling out a special form. The difference between the prescription form for prescribing medicines for a preferential category of citizens is as follows:

  • the maximum validity period is three months from the date of discharge;
  • two copies of the prescription are written out, one for the individual, the other is filed on the medical record;
  • when filling out, the policy number and medical card number, SNILS, category code of privilege and disease code in accordance with ICD-10 must be indicated.

With a formalized recipe, the individual turns to a pharmacy institution.


DLO in medicine are some of the problems that have remained unresolved to date:

  1. Deficit of federal funds. The problem of insufficient financing of the preferential program is systemic and there is a long period.
  2. Lists of medicines to provide individuals with federal responsibility are limited. Currently, people receiving medicines from the federal budget also need treatment with vital medicines that are not on the approved lists. To meet these needs, funds are allocated annually from regional budgets.
  3. The existing procedure for the formation of applications and procurement of drugs leads to the fact that in pharmacies receive medicines under various trade names. According to practicing doctors, this violates individually selected therapy, and also generates a certain negative on the part of patients.
  4. Due to the long period of the procurement procedure, it is not possible to quickly purchase the necessary medicines. When newly identified patients appear, including according to the results of the medical examination, who need medications that were not considered in the current application, a certain waiting period is formed. The reason is as follows. Due to lack of funds, it is impossible to have a constant reserve of medicines throughout the list.


DLO - how is the nomenclature deciphered? This is a program of preferential drug provision aimed at eliminating the differences in the supply of medicines for some citizens in different regions of the country.

So what does DLO mean in medicine? This means that the most vulnerable sections of the population can receive expensive and highly effective prescription drugs for free to treat existing pathologies. They are prescribed by doctors of health facilities working in the compulsory health insurance system. Doctors participating in the system of preferential drug provision are assigned a code that is indicated when filling out a prescription form. The patient or the individual to whom the patient passed it can receive a prescription medicine at the pharmacy.


If the prescribed drug is not available at the pharmacy institution at the time of the patient’s treatment, then a delayed care is carried out, which should not exceed ten days.

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