
Why do scammers need SNILS? What can scammers do when they know the SNILS number?

Due to the large number of bank card frauds, many people have learned to hide personal data. At the same time, other schemes can be used by attackers. Why fraudsters need SNILS, the article says.

What is SNILS?

SNILS is the insurance number that every citizen of the Russian Federation and all foreigners working in the country have. An invoice is issued for a child before receiving a passport. It is enough to contact the regional branch of the FIU, but many receive the document through the employer during the initial employment.

why do scammers need snls

The certificate number is used to transfer pension contributions from the employer, it is also required to receive public services, registration of benefits. A document is also required for adolescents who wish to get a job during the holidays. At the same time, everyone needs to know why SNILS is a scam. Illegal operations may be carried out with this document, as well as with some others.

Major fraud schemes

There are several schemes that unscrupulous people use to find out their retirement certificate number. They can be represented by employees of the FMS, PF, and sometimes provide identification. Although this document will be false, it is not so simple to determine this for an ordinary citizen. Why do scammers need SNILS? This is due to financial fraud. At the same time, attackers use the following schemes:

  • Opinion poll. Neat-looking young people can stand on the central streets of the city and in other public places. They ask citizens questions related to the accumulated pension and ask for the SNILS number to enter answers into the database and register the survey participant in a specific state organization.
  • Survey by apartment. To be convincing, a week before this, an upcoming walk can be posted on the porch door. It may be indicated that the filling out of the TSA forms is required due to the pension reform. The announcement records the names of employees for greater credibility.
  • Labor exchange. Often run into fraudsters by those who contact the employment center, online or in person. They are asked to fill out a questionnaire, where passport data and SNILS are recorded.

why scam snls

  • Phone calls. People are often worried about calls from fake PF representatives. To be convincing, the attackers call the name, middle name and other data, and also report that the person was not paid, for example, for work experience. They may say that the funds will be transferred to the card of Sberbank. All this was invented in order to write off funds.
  • Payments by SNILS number. The user goes to a fraudulent website and is requested a certificate number to receive any pension payments. Then they offer to receive payments, but you need to pay access to the database. After payment, nothing will be transferred.

In order not to fall for fraud, it should be remembered that PFR specialists do not carry out direct activities with people, cannot check their savings on the street or by phone, do not conduct polls and do not conduct a census. At the same time, you need to know what will happen if fraudsters find out the SNILS number.


Why fraudsters SNILS? Another method of fraud is the transfer of funds through a pension insurance card. On the sites of cybercriminals it is proposed to receive insurance payments under SNILS. This works based on the following scheme:

  • The site requires a passport or certificate number to determine what payments are due.
  • A few minutes later a list of insurance companies and the amount available for issuance. The result of this check is different, as random numbers appear. But the amount is high and equal to about 100-200 thousand rubles.
  • To gain access to the database, it is proposed to pay a small commission of 195 or 235 rubles, depending on the document on which the check was performed.
  • After payment, no person will receive any funds. The site offers new services for which large amounts are charged.
  • The lure of money will last until the deceived person understands that he has fallen for scammers.

why do scammers need snls

Resources that offer such services are blocked, but copies regularly appear. Moreover, they are similar in functionality. In order not to run into scammers, you should remember that there can be no hidden payments. Moreover, the pension certificate cannot be used to receive cash, the card is used only for registering a person in the pension insurance system.

Scam actions

Why do scammers need SNILS? Information from the passport and pension certificate will be enough to transfer the accumulated pension savings to NPFs. The accumulated funds will be stored under different conditions, since all funds have their own rates. The employees of such non-governmental funds, performing this work, can receive deductions for each client in the amount of 4-5 thousand rubles.

What can scammers do when they know the SNILS number? They can perform the following operations:

  • Drawing up an application for the transfer of money from the FIU to a non-state fund. Typically, documents have an original signature, because victims do not look at what they are given for signature when they take part in surveys or fill out questionnaires to get work.
  • Withdrawing a small amount (about 200-300 rubles), if the data was obtained using the site or phone.

why do i need a snls number for scammers

Why fraudsters SNILS? Swindlers, allegedly working at the labor exchange, collect passport information and insurance numbers. Their savings are transferred to NPFs. In addition, they promise to call back and offer vacancies. In this case, the call comes once to confirm the consent of the transfer of funds.

Safety regulations

In order not to run into scammers, you should not be shy to ask for documents that confirm the legitimacy of the actions of employees. You need to check the identity. Already at this stage, many can leave, which will serve as a confirmation of fraud. If you are asked to record the insurance number in the questionnaire, you need to find out why it is required. If the answers are incomprehensible, incorrect, it is advisable to refuse the services and not provide personal information. Do not think that all NPFs are scammers. There are reliable companies that offer favorable conditions for cooperation.

Victim action

What should I do if fraudsters find out the SNILS number? It is necessary to act as follows:

  • You should find people with whom you had to talk. Holding scammers accountable is possible when they are detained, and fake documentation is found.
  • It is necessary to file a claim with the NPF, find a professional lawyer.

Savings Transfer

If it was revealed that the pension savings are listed in the NPF, you need to write a refusal to transfer funds. This is done for 1 calendar period. Translation by law is performed 5 years after the application is submitted. If the transfer of funds is not carried out, it is easier to refuse.

why do you need a snls number for scammers

But if the money is already in the NPF, you need:

  • Submit an application to the FIU for the transfer of funds in a general manner (after 5 years). Then the victim can be saved from the fraudster and he will have more funds, since the transfer was carried out with accumulated profit.
  • Timely write a statement about the early (1 year) return of savings to NPFs. If the application is satisfied, the funds will be returned, but without profit.

How is data leakage carried out?

With official employment, it is necessary to provide SNILS to the employer.But you can allow the organization to draw up this document. Personal information of employees is in accounting, but they can not be disclosed. Often, representatives of NPFs turn to the heads of enterprises for permission to conduct an advertising campaign of their fund. The “Refer a Friend” campaign is in effect, according to which a payment is due for each invited person.

what scammers can do by knowing the number of snls

Often management says that all employees must sign a contract, since this non-state pension fund works with the company. But we must remember that no one can force to use the services of any fund. A person is not obliged to conclude an additional agreement to SNILS, renew it, change it. The leak of personal information then can only be through management, accounting or the human resources department. If this event happened, you need to contact the police.

What can I learn from SNILS?

If you can find out very little information about a person, then why do scammers need SNILS? By this number you can find out only about the amount of pension contributions of a citizen. A skilled swindler can determine from them the amount of income for a certain time. Why does he need this? After all, no one can transfer funds or withdraw them to your account by certificate number. Information about approximate incomes allows fraudsters to establish whether to hunt for a person’s property or his contributions. But scammers can get this information only by breaking into their personal account on the State Services website, and this is not so simple.

Why do scammers need a SNILS number? A common method of fraud is selling a client to an NPF. This requires only a certificate number, passport details and signature. Scammers put the necessary document between others that do not cause concern.

 what will happen if fraudsters find out the number of snls

What is the SNILS number for scammers for? They can transfer the funded part of the pension to non-state pension funds without the permission of the person. Consent in the application is falsified or provided for signature under the guise of another document. That is why it is important to read papers that give sign.

Reliable protection measures

It is necessary to adhere to the advice of specialists in order not to get into an unpleasant situation:

  • If there is even a slight doubt about the legality of the action, data should not be transmitted. Often failure is the right decision. No one carries out field inspections of SNILS and cannot demand personal data.
  • Even official papers and the form of employees do not mean that a person is obliged to provide an insurance number without consent. Personal information should not be provided to suspicious persons.
  • There are only a few situations where you need to provide a SNILS number. These include official employment, applying to the FIU, requesting information on the State Services website.


The article discusses why scammers need SNILS. The numbers of the certificate and passport data will be enough to transfer the accumulations to NPFs. Only fraudulent sites solicit a fee for transferring payments. The return of savings is carried out on a written statement. The police are not always able to hold swindlers accountable, therefore it is necessary to independently ensure the safety of savings.

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