
Why do I need a military card in the Russian Federation?

All male citizens who have reached the draft age have been confronted with questions about military ID. What is it for if you have a civil passport? Firstly, this document is issued as an identity card in certain cases, but in which particular legislation of the Russian Federation prescribes its issuance - we will analyze below. Secondly, a military ID is an accounting document approved by law for mandatory use in certain areas. Thirdly, this document is a confirmation that its owner has resolved all issues with the army. Fourth, the holder of this document can make his life easier by having it in some cases, which will be discussed below.

how to get a military card

Where can I request a ticket

There are situations when a military ID is considered a mandatory document, and in its absence a person has problems. Next, we list the main cases in which the specified document may be mandatory:

  • employment;
  • registration of a passport and obtaining a visa;
  • loan issuance in different banks;
  • registration at the place of residence;
  • registration in the registry office;
  • obtaining a driver's license;
  • receipt of the parcel in the mail.

However, not all of the listed organizations have this document mandatory. Let us consider in more detail what a military ticket is for.


apparatus employed

Not in all institutions and companies, the personnel department requires a military card, but any organization considers it his duty to check the applicant, how clean he is before the authorities and whether he is hiding from the military enlistment office. In addition, if the applicant applies for a high-paying vacancy, then each company will certainly request information about his relationship with the military registration and enlistment office and the availability of a ticket. It can also be noted that now for the employer the availability of a document is an important advantage in the characterization of the applicant, therefore, if a citizen applies to the personnel department of a prestigious company as an applicant for a good position, then in the absence of a military card he will most likely be refused.

Why is this document necessary for the employer? This is due to the fact that many companies seek to comply with the law so as not to fall under penalties. As a result, we can say that even if the personnel department has an excellent specialist, but he does not have a military ID, this will immediately cause distrust and questions about problems with the military enlistment office. Firstly, a self-respecting organization will not hire a person who can be drafted into the army from day to day. Secondly, each company, as established by law, must maintain military records of employees and transfer data about them to the military enlistment office. Violation of these rules threatens the organization with serious fines. As for applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB, here this document will need to be presented without fail.

Bank loan

Bank loan

What is a bank card for? It is very important for a credit organization that the borrower has stable work and solvency, therefore, in some banks a ticket is required when applying for a loan. This is because the bank must receive confirmation in the form of a military card, that the citizen has already served in the army and he will not be taken to serve in the armed forces. The fears of bank employees in this case are understandable, since it seems very difficult to collect payment under an agreement with a borrower who is in the army.But these requirements are not set by all banks, but most often they come from large and respectable financial institutions.

Getting a driver’s license

driver's license

Passing the driver’s commission occurs with a mandatory examination by a psychiatrist. Often, to obtain an opinion on the state of health of this specialist, a military ID is required. But it should be noted that for the implementation of this event in the list of mandatory documents it does not appear, therefore, it does not have the right to demand it.

Departure to foreign countries

Traveling around the world

For a passport, a military ID is needed, since its receipt is associated with certain events. A passport for a citizen of military age is issued with a mandatory presentation of a document, since it is on the list of papers required by the FMS. This applies to young people aged 18 to 27 years. Is a military ID needed after a person leaves a specified age? In the event that a man has already noted his 27 years, this document is no longer needed. Also, the issuance of a visa, which gives the right to cross the border of a foreign state, is carried out with a passport, and this document, as mentioned above, is issued with a military card.

Registration at the place of residence

Do I need a military ID to obtain a residence permit? Registration can be done without this document, since the passport office cannot refuse to register citizens at their place of residence. Nevertheless, employees of the passport office, as prescribed by law, must send a citizen to the military commissariat at the place of registration in order to register.

Registration in the registry office

registration at the registry office

A citizen of the Russian Federation has the full right to apply to the registry office without a military card. But in the event that a change in marital status has occurred, a citizen is obliged to report this circumstance at the place of military registration.

Receiving a parcel in the mail

Is it needed at the post office? Military ID is an identity document, and upon receipt of the parcel, it can be presented instead of a passport.

How can I get a military ID

In the Russian Federation, the only authority that has the right to present a ticket is the military commissariat.

What documents are needed for military ID? To receive you will need to present:

  • passport;
  • Photo;
  • education certificate;
  • health certificate issued by the relevant medical institution;
  • statement.

The following cases are considered legal and justified grounds for issuing a military ticket to the hands of:

  • passed compulsory conscription service, as a result of which a ticket is issued with a record of this;
  • entered a military educational institution;
  • was trained at the department of a higher educational institution;
  • recognized by the medical commission unsuitable for the army;
  • reached the age of 27 years and throughout the entire draft age interval had a deferment from the army, documented.

Types of military ID

green military card

There is an instruction of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation that defines the legal circulation on the territory of the country of two types of military tickets:

  • A document with a red cover informs that its owner served in an ordinary position.
  • A ticket with a green cover indicates that the holder of this document has retired to the aircraft reserve and has an officer rank, for example, major or general. A simple conscript cannot have such a document. Also, a green military card is received by those who graduated from the military department at the corresponding higher educational institution.

In conclusion, we note that a military ID is an official document for submission to various organizations, and is also the basis for not having problems with the law and to feel confident in the above cases. You found out where the military ID is used, what you need it for.

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