
What is discipline for? Social Studies, Grade 7

This social science lesson, "What is discipline for," is designed for students in grade 7. It is no secret that the children themselves recognize the concept even in primary school age, but the topic is revealed more deeply in senior management. The work is planned in such a way that students themselves gain knowledge about what discipline is for, through group work, the use of critical thinking technology, and interactive learning.

Purpose: to get acquainted with the concept of "discipline". Find out why discipline is needed and what role it plays in people's lives.

Consider the course of the lesson.

Class start

- Hello guys. Today in the lesson we will discuss a very important topic for human life. It is impossible to do without this in any field of activity. Think about what it could be, and express your assumptions.

The teacher divides the children into three groups. In one of them, he appoints a "guardian of silence" - a person who will monitor the behavior and order within the team. The second group is given a list of rules that they must adhere to at work, and the third is allowed to work as it sees fit, that is, without any specific framework and rules.


Reception "Hot chair". A chair is placed in front of the board, one of the students sits on it. The class asks him questions on the topics covered:

1) What is the right?

2) What are responsibilities?

3) What is debt?

4) Why is it necessary to comply with laws?

Material study

Teacher: please read the quote that you see on the board

"Discipline is the first sign of victory."

- How do you understand its meaning? Give examples from life to which this quote can be applied?

So what are we going to talk about today? (about discipline)

That's right, the theme of our lesson in your 7th grade is "Why discipline is needed."

Attitude towards colleagues is part of labor discipline


Let's remember what you need to know the rules and requirements when we work in teams. Let’s restore them in memory and voice them:

1) You need to work quietly, because the noise can put to neighboring groups, and the order will simply be disturbed.

2) The response of each participant should be considered.

3) You cannot “sit out” in groups, you need to take an active part in the work and provide all possible assistance to teammates.

4) There should be no quarrel.


- Let’s try to find out what discipline is, why it is needed. Now each group will form clusters. From the word "discipline" you draw arrows and write the words with which it is associated.

(Order, respect, control, education and other associations that have arisen in children.)

A speaker is selected from each group, who represents and protects the work of the team.

- Now open the explanatory dictionaries and find the definition of the word "discipline."

"Discipline - the rules of conduct of an individual, corresponding to the norms accepted in society or the requirements of the rules of procedure."

Give examples where discipline should be present.

(At school, army, in public transport, etc.)

Yes, discipline is everywhere, and without it, there would be a mess everywhere. However, discipline will be different in different places and areas.

Group work

Now I offer you the following task: "Each of you gets his own kind of discipline, which you should familiarize yourself with, present to the class and play a small drama in accordance with the subject."

1 group "Military discipline".

army discipline

- A clear timely implementation of orders from the authorities, military charters and the oath.The consequences of violations of military discipline can be very serious, such as a decrease in the protection of troops, lack of command and control, defeat during hostilities, as well as people's safety will be at great risk.

2 group "Labor discipline".

late for work

- Timely arrival to work and care, the performance of their duties, ethics.

- What consequences await us if we violate labor discipline? As a rule, this entails material damage to production and business, the attitude of the team is disordered, which leads to poor-quality and unstable work of the enterprise.

3 group "Technological discipline".

Firefighters discipline is especially important

- Compliance with the rules for the use of equipment, safety, compliance with the order in work.

- What consequences can arise here? They can be the worst: from environmental disasters to mass deaths.


- It turns out that the discipline is divided into compulsory and special. Think about how they differ from each other, and give examples with justification.

Fill in the table task

industrial discipline

Write down what the consequences of a misconduct may be.

1 Late for work .....
2 Conflicts with colleagues ......

Non-compliance with safety regulations

in production

4 Failure to comply with orders of the commander .....

- Do you know a word like "self-discipline"? Let's see, from what two words did it form?

school discipline

"Self-discipline" means ... (children's answers):

  • Discipline yourself.
  • Take care of yourself.
  • Adhere to order.
  • Control yourself.
  • Do not let yourself relax at the crucial moment.


- Now listen to the parable and try to think about how it relates to the theme of our lesson.

“I always felt sorry for people who fail. Well, they seemed so unhappy to me, because they just had no luck in life. Someone was born in a poor family, and someone in a rich one. Someone was awarded with abilities, and No one, but I thought so until two twin boys, Tim and Tom, settled in the neighborhood, both of whom had health problems, were often ill, and received ridicule from their peers.

Tim woke up every morning at 5 a.m. and went for a run, doing gymnastics, he wanted to strengthen his poor health. Sometimes it was very difficult for him, but he did not think to give up, but continued intensive training and sports.

Tom was very sorry for himself, because he knew that he was often sick and physical activity was certainly not for him. He loved to sleep, eat and once again tried not to go out to save himself from the outside world.

And if I did not know the background of these two boys, then Tim can be envied, and Tom regret and sympathize with him ... "

“Guys, what did this parable make you think of?”

- Which of the boys would you like to be like and why?

- Which of them clearly developed self-discipline?

- What conclusion can be made?

- Grade 7, why do you need discipline for each of you?

Reading poem

Today I invited Ekaterina Afanasyeva, a 2nd grade student, to our lesson, who, despite her young age, already knows what discipline is for.

"So that everyone lives perfectly,

Innocent people did not suffer

And the danger disappeared

Observe discipline!

Be a diligent student

Don't shawl and don't swear

Become a hope for the country

And try to teach others.

Don't be late for service

This is so bad

Always cherish your friendship

The one I found.

Relate to your work

You are always serious

Nothing bad like

And then you look: trouble!

Know where there is discipline

Will definitely wait for success,

Our life is a long way

Respect yourself and everyone. "


“Our lesson is drawing to a close.” Remember how at the very beginning in one of the groups I chose the person responsible for discipline, in the other I gave a list of rules, and in the third there was nothing.I invite the participants of each group to express how you worked in your team, how things were with discipline, what difficulties arose? What conclusion can be made? What is discipline for? Discipline is important everywhere, including in the lesson, you need to be able to listen to and hear each other, and where there were clear rules stated in advance, there were no difficulties, and in the group where everyone behaved as they usually behaved, there were difficulties, since one was distracted, the other did not work, and the third broke the silence with a loud laugh.

lesson discipline

On your desks are self-assessment sheets. Complete each of the phrases based on your own knowledge gained in the lesson:

  • I found out today ...
  • It was not entirely clear to me ...
  • I don’t get it today ...

Your homework will be to prepare a report on the topic of the lesson, you need to draw up its title page in this way: "Why do you need discipline, 7" A "class, school number 145, last name, first name of the student. It is allowed to take out part of the information on a poster or presentation, prepare a defense This is where our lesson “Why discipline is needed” is completed. I urge you to always keep order and generally accepted laws. Goodbye guys.

This social science lesson in grade 7, “Why discipline,” is compiled taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children of secondary school age.

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