
Why do we need money? The Importance of Finance in the Modern World

Probably, each of us at least once asked such a simple, but at the same time very important question: "Why do we need money?" The answer will be provided in the article.

What is money?

Money is a kind of product, which, in essence, is the universal and universal equivalent of the cost of many other goods or services. Karl Marx, for example, noted that all existing goods can be easily measured by the degree of effort and labor expended in their manufacture. This can be done, for example, by comparing the qualifications of the employee and the costs of working time. Thanks to this measurement, we can determine the price of absolutely any product. This can be done using another universal product - cash.

Money is needed to determine a measure of value, to make savings and payments. Moreover, all finances must be supported by something. Perhaps this is with the help of precious reserves. In the Russian Federation, gold is such a reserve.

Is money evil?

Having figured out what the money is for, it’s worth moving on to the equally important issue of the nature of finance. Many people like to argue that all money is "real evil", it must be eliminated and never be used at all. What guides citizens saying this? As a rule, they look at things somewhat one-sidedly.why do we need money

Finance is a very convenient tool that allows you to correctly assess the value of a product. In the hands of an intelligent person, money will only be a means of satisfying one's own needs. But there are crazy people in our world who are ready to do anything for the sake of finance. Here you can draw a classic parallel with a knife: in someone’s hands a knife is a convenient household tool, and in someone’s it is a dangerous murder weapon. So why do we need money for an intelligent person? The answer is simple and logical: for the exchange of one's own work for all sorts of elements and services necessary for quality life support.

Buy time

It is worth returning to the question of why money is needed. The three undeniable benefits of finance will be outlined below.

The first and probably the main advantage of money is saving time. Unfortunately, we cannot buy for ourselves even an extra hour of life (as it seems, for example, in many science fiction films). However, for a certain share of finances it is quite possible to buy someone else's time, thereby significantly saving your own. What exactly is it about?why do people need money

A car’s own repair may take a considerable amount of time; and ultimately it will not be possible to guarantee that the machine is perfectly repaired. And if you give it to professionals, then your own time will be saved, and the car will be well-repaired. The same can be said about ateliers, hairdressers, laundries, etc. All this is called the service sector. Various companies, ready to perform a particular service, significantly save our precious hours. And contribute to this, again, cash.

Make life better

Be that as it may, but life is pretty boring thing. Many people can only work, not having time to enjoy the charms of the world. How to break out of this situation? Here again, you have to turn to the question of why the money is needed.why money is needed three indisputable advantages

Traveling around the world, meeting interesting people, enjoying the benefits of the world around us - all this is possible thanks to money. A person who earns well is able to rest well. And competently combine work and leisure will help, again, only finance.Money really makes people's lives better, more colorful and more interesting. But it is precisely here that danger can await: often a person is not able to stop, and therefore he embarks "in all serious ways." That is why finance must be used wisely. On the other hand, a person who earns well, but at the same time lives bored and monotonous, should think: does he do everything right?

Extend life

It has already been said above that it is impossible to buy extra life hours, days or years. This, of course, is absolutely true. However, do not forget that with the help of money you can improve your health and, although not guaranteed, but still extend your life path.money is needed for

Of course, here it increasingly depends on the person himself, on his actions. You can give huge amounts of money for treatment, but at the same time lead a far from healthy lifestyle. But do not forget about those cases when people do expensive operations to prevent a quick death. We are again talking about the service sector, but this time about a very peculiar one: it directly relates to the extension of life.

So why do people need money? In short answer, in order to live.

Five more reasons

For someone, the three benefits of money presented do not seem enough. That is why it is worth giving five more proofs that finance is a convenient and useful thing. Here's what the money is for:

  • Safety and control. For financial means, you can really protect yourself from external threats. Moreover, this can be expressed even in everyday cases: for example, when people put on bought warm clothes in order to protect themselves from dangerous frosts and cold.
  • Personal value. With money in his pocket, everyone feels a little more important than he really is. A simple thought appears: "since I have earned money, then I'm worth something!".why do we need money for a reasonable person
  • Recognition and love. Even the most romantic and sentimental people admit that love and recognition for a person are almost impossible when the latter does not have a penny in his pocket. Unfortunately, most of us are not saints. Therefore, we can buy respect only by earning.
  • Independence and freedom. When money appears, responsibility also appears. When a person gains responsibility for himself and his actions, he becomes truly free.
  • Power and power. Although many people like to say that it is impossible to buy power, it is unlikely that anyone will deny that money will greatly help in acquiring power.

All the evidence presented above will probably be enough to finally answer the question posed about why the money is needed.

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