
How long alcohol is sold in the Moscow Region: legal grounds and requirements

Many people wonder how long they sell alcohol in the Moscow region. To answer this question, you need to carefully study the current legislation of the country. Alcohol-containing products in Russia can not be bought at any time and not at all retail outlets. There are certain restrictions on the sale of the mentioned drinks. Next, we will try to get acquainted with them, focusing on the rules in force in the Moscow region and the capital of Russia as a whole. As practice shows, it is becoming increasingly difficult to acquire alcohol. Especially when it comes to shopping attempts at social events. And there are reasons for that. We will familiarize with them below.

time for the sale of alcohol in Moscow and the Moscow region

Types of drinks

How much do they sell alcohol in the Moscow region? To give the most correct and accurate answer to such a question, a citizen will have to understand what kind of product in question.

At the moment, alcoholic and alcohol-containing drinks are isolated. Such products include liquids that contain from 0.5% ethanol of the total volume of the corresponding product.

Alcoholic beverages - definition

The time for the sale of alcohol in the suburbs is regulated by local legislation. Buying a similar product at a certain time of the day is problematic. More precisely, it is illegal.

What can be considered an alcoholic drink? Typically, such products include:

  • vodka;
  • cognac;
  • whiskey;
  • cider;
  • wine;
  • champagne;
  • beer;
  • liquor;
  • mead;
  • energy.

To alcoholic products, it is customary to include all strong alcohol. Even canned cocktails are subject to the Federal Law “On the Production and Sale of Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products”. Therefore, the purchase of such a product must be considered in advance.

time for the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region

Alcohol-containing products

Thinking about how much alcohol is sold in the Moscow Region, a person should understand that alcohol-containing products also fall under sales restrictions. But what is it?

It usually includes:

  • wine materials;
  • wort;
  • non-food products;
  • high alcohol foods.

The main thing is that the corresponding products should contain at least 0.5% ethyl alcohol. Then the aforementioned Federal Law will apply to such substances and goods.

What does not work

Everyone should know the time of the ban and the start of the sale of alcohol in Russia. If necessary, a citizen will not be able at some point to buy either alcohol or vodka. Even as a disinfectant, and not for oral administration. Such purchases are considered illegal.

It is also worth noting that the Federal Law on Alcohol does not apply to all alcohol. There are some exceptions.

It is customary to relate to them:

  • non-food products packaged in metal aerosols up to 0.45 liters;
  • medical preparations and medicines (if they are included in the state register).

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. You can buy drugs without restrictions. But their misuse can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, if a person wants to drink, it is better to purchase regular alcohol at the allotted time for this.

What time is alcohol sales allowed in Moscow?

Building bans

How long do they sell alcohol in Moscow? Before giving an answer to a similar question, you must first familiarize yourself with other restrictions on the sale of the studied type of goods.

For example, not all buildings are allowed to sell alcohol in principle.The ban applies to:

  • educational institutions;
  • medical organizations;
  • venues for cultural or sporting events;
  • territories adjacent to the corresponding buildings.

In public transport, as well as in crowded places during mass events, it is also impossible to sell alcohol. This will be considered an illegal act.

In these areas, the sale of alcohol is prohibited in principle. So, to get it will not work day or morning or night. And not only in Moscow, but also in other regions of Russia.

the time of the ban and the start of the sale of alcohol in Russia

Places where there is no prohibition

Russia is a legal state in which almost every law has its own exceptions to the rule. And in terms of the sale of foods and drinks with a high content of ethyl alcohol, there are also peculiarities.

You don’t have to think about the time for the sale of alcohol in Moscow and the Moscow Region if it comes to shopping in:

  • places of catering;
  • on board aircraft and ships with EAEU rights;
  • in stores where the sale of goods without duties is carried out.

Here, as a rule, you can buy alcoholic and alcohol-containing products at any time. True, finding such points is not so simple. Especially if a citizen wants to buy alcohol for his home drinking.

Important: in addition to the Federal Alcohol Act, regions may impose additional local restrictions. Moscow is no exception.

Ban time

How long do they sell alcohol in the Moscow region? You need to understand that not always a person can acquire such products. Soft drinks are not subject to such restrictions. They can be bought at any time.

At the moment, you cannot buy the studied type of drinks at a certain time of the day. More precisely, at night, namely - from 23 hours to 8 in the morning. This principle applies in the capital of the Russian Federation and the corresponding district. In some cities, for example, the sale of alcohol is prohibited from 10 pm to 6-9 am.

time selling alcohol in the suburbs

Restrictions on points of sale in the capital

What time is the sale of alcohol allowed in Moscow? Based on the foregoing, the conclusion follows that a person will be able to buy a similar drink after eight in the morning local time. And the corresponding right will remain until eleven o'clock in the evening. After that, you will have to put up with the current prohibitions.

In the capital of Russia there is a separate law on alcohol. It was adopted in 2018. According to this document, the sale of alcohol and alcohol products is prohibited around:

  • kindergartens and schools at a distance of 100 meters;
  • sports sections;
  • medical organizations;
  • airports
  • train stations;
  • railway stations;
  • metro entrances.

The place of sale of alcohol from these areas (excluding kindergartens and schools) should be at least 25 meters away. Otherwise, it is forbidden to buy and sell alcohol in the respective stores at any time of the day.

Old rules in the metropolitan area

Interested in time for the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region? Previously, the law of the Ministry of Defense No. 40/2012-OZ of April 27, 2012, as amended on December 21, 2017, was considered working regulatory documents. What did he say?

According to this document, additional prohibitions on the sale of the mentioned type of products were established. How long do they sell alcohol in the Moscow Region under the mentioned law? From 11 a.m. And the ban begins at 11 o’clock in the evening.

This restriction has recently lost its effect. And now, such restrictions are not considered legal.

Current rules for the Moscow region

Then what data will have to rely on when trying to buy alcohol? In 2018–2019, restrictions on the sale of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products are regulated by federal law.

What time is the sale of alcohol allowed in Moscow, or rather, in its area? At the moment, such operations are allowed from eight in the morning. And there is a similar "freedom of shopping" until eleven in the evening.At night, as well as in the early morning, alcohol is prohibited.

Important: in this case, you can sell alcohol only to adult citizens.

how much they sell alcohol in the Moscow region

Responsibility for the sale of goods

We studied the time of sale of alcohol in the Moscow region and in the capital of Russia as a whole. And we also got acquainted with other restrictions on this issue. What to prepare for companies that trade in these products not in accordance with applicable rules? What about the client of the outlet?

The buyer is not held accountable. Citizens simply do not have to sell alcohol during off-hours. If this is done, the outlet will have to be held accountable.

At the moment, it is recommended to focus on the following sanctions:

  • officials - payment of 20-40 thousand rubles plus confiscation of alcohol;
  • organizations and individual entrepreneurs - 100–300 thousand rubles plus the removal of alcoholic beverages.

In addition, alcohol should not be sold to children under any circumstances. The only exception is if the buyer is an emancipated person. And it doesn’t matter which region is in question.

If the children were sold products containing alcohol (with the exception of medications), you will have to pay a fine in the amount of:

  • 100-200 thousand rubles to officials;
  • three hundred - five hundred thousand rubles - to organizations.

In addition, a company selling alcohol must have permission and accompanying documents. Their absence is equivalent to the illegal sale of alcohol and alcohol products.

Trading without permission is a responsibility

How many sell alcohol in the Moscow region, figured out. And to whom they cannot sell such products, it also became clear. What to expect a company if it does not have permission to trade in alcohol?

The organization will be fined. To date, officials will have to give the state from 10 to 15 thousand rubles, and companies - in the range from two hundred to three hundred thousand. Additionally, products that violate the law will be seized.

Complete ban and age restrictions

The time of the ban and the beginning of the sale of alcohol in Russia is regulated by the Federal Law, but regional acts can increase the corresponding restrictions. In Moscow there are none.

how long do they sell alcohol in Moscow

Only by law is it impossible, as already noted, to sell alcohol to underage children. At the moment, the government is actively discussing toughening the principles of the distribution of alcohol. For example, some propose a ban on the sale of these drinks on weekends.

Another initiative is the establishment of bans on the sale of relevant products in respect of persons under the age of twenty-one years. True, all of these suggestions are common developments. They have no legal basis for existence. Nevertheless, it is possible that soon the laws on the sale of alcohol will be tightened again.

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