
Documents confirming ownership of the car: list

Today we will be interested in a document confirming ownership of the car. We will also consider several title papers that are most often found in real life. After all, a car is a movable property. And some title documents for him are not issued in principle. However, this does not mean that they do not exist in nature. How and where to get study papers?proof of ownership of the car

About the concept of ownership

What document confirms the ownership of the car? It all depends on the circumstances. There are various scenarios.

First, let's understand the concept of ownership. It consists of three powers:

  • possession;
  • use;
  • disposal.

The owner of the car can do with it anything that he wants within the limits of the current legislation - to repaint, tune, upgrade, sell, give, rent, use for personal travel, destroy or simply leave the property unattended to stand somewhere in the garage.

The main thing is to remember that ownership is sometimes necessary to prove. This is done through special documents. Which ones?which document confirms the ownership of the car

Contract of sale

To begin, consider the most common documents confirming ownership of the car. For example, such may be a contract of sale of a car.

The agreement is signed in the presence of a notary between the buyer and seller. After the former owner of the car receives the money and issues a receipt (it is better to attach it to the purchase agreement), the vehicle is fully transferred to the ownership of the new citizen. And now you can put the car on record.

The purchase agreement is concluded not only when buying a used car, but also when acquiring a new vehicle. The difference is that in the first case, as a rule, the seller is an individual, and in the second - the organization.

The will and notarial certificates

What document to confirm ownership of the car? There is no single answer to this question.

The next paper proving the citizen’s ownership of the property is a will. Additionally, a notarized statement of acceptance of the inheritance is attached to it.

In this case, the machine is inherited in one way or another. It becomes the property of the heirs (by law or by will) after the death of the previous owner.

If there is no will, a citizen can take with him documents confirming kinship with the deceased, as well as obtain a notary's consent to accept the inheritance. These papers will help prove the rights to movable and immovable property.which document to confirm ownership of the car


What other documents confirming ownership? In Belarus, a car can be owned not only after buying a car, but also in other circumstances. And in Russia, the same rules apply.

For example, the right of ownership can be obtained as a result of registration of gifts. During the implementation of the task, the owner of the car draws up a donation agreement and transfers the vehicle to the citizen in full possession and possession during his lifetime.

Donations are made out only at the notary public. Without a notarized agreement, a citizen will not be able to prove his rights to property.

Important: a deed of gift is used to transfer any property in the marriage. After all, such an agreement makes personal property not jointly acquired, but personal objects.They will not share when divorced.

The text of the gift is compiled by experienced lawyers, notaries and owners of a property. Each document is individual. But the main thing is that he does not violate the current legislation.

Court decisions

A document confirming the ownership of a car can not always be obtained as a result of donation or purchase of a vehicle. In some cases, property is transferred to citizens by court order.document confirming ownership of the public service vehicle

Under such circumstances, a person is given a court order. In other words, the decision of the authorized body. With the help of a judicial opinion, a person will be able to confirm their rights to the car.

Does the power of attorney prove the right

Some are wondering if a power of attorney on a car can serve as a confirmation of ownership of the corresponding object. After all, often people buy one car per family, and then give their family members a power of attorney to drive.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the power of attorney is not the basis for establishing property rights. Using this document, the owner of the property allows you to carry out certain operations with the object, but on your own behalf. There can be no question of any rights to the car.

Most often, citizens receive a power of attorney to manage the vehicle. In addition, the owner enters the second and subsequent drivers into the insurance. So a person will be able to drive someone else's car legally.


What document to confirm ownership of the car? There is a rental agreement. It is called a rental agreement.

Such documents transfer ownership of the property when certain conditions are met. In real life, an annuity contract is not as common as it seems.

Registration of a car in the traffic police

We found out which papers can confirm the rights to a particular property. In the case of real estate, citizens have the right to order extracts from the USRN. This paper will help to understand who and when became the owner of the "real estate". Such certificates are not issued to cars.

Why can a document confirming ownership of a car come in handy? "State services" and the traffic police allow you to register a car only if there are title documents.documents confirming ownership of the car Belarus

A citizen will have to file a registration request with the STSI no later than 10 days after acquiring the car into ownership. Bring with you:

  • statement;
  • a check with the paid duty (on average - 2 850 rubles);
  • Title to the car;
  • title document for the vehicle;
  • old CTP policy (if any).

Within a few hours, the applicant will be issued:

  • license plates for the car (if necessary);
  • Title on the car with new information about the owner of the car;
  • certificate of registration with the traffic police.

Some believe that the JTS can serve as a title document. In fact this is not true. The certificate of registration of the car only indirectly indicates that the person owns the car. It is recommended to present it along with an identity card.

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