
Position of investigator: duties and place of work. Who is an investigator?

Almost anyone can work as an investigator. Any girl or young man can choose this professional path for himself. However, for this it is necessary to make a lot of effort. An investigator is a lawyer who deals with the disclosure of a variety of crimes. The specifics of this profession are clear: its representatives are engaged in the search for offenders and bringing them to justice. But besides this, the investigator must also understand many other areas that are not directly related to his occupation.

position of investigator

What should be the investigator?

Those people who work as investigators cannot be strictly attributed to a specific professional field. After all, the person who conducts the investigation should have a large set of a wide variety of skills. As a law enforcement officer, he must have good sports training. On the other hand, he has to constantly analyze a large number of diverse information, and therefore can not do without good intellectual data. In addition, working as an investigator always involves communication with people. Without social skills in this area will also be very difficult.

Profession history

This profession dates back to ancient times, when the institution of the state began to take shape. Any government needed people who would engage in secret investigation. Since the time of the Roman Empire, the culprit's guilt had to be proved. The primary responsibilities of the investigator were the collection of facts and their systematization, as well as their presentation to the court. Over time, legal science began to develop, and its special branch appeared - criminal law.

investigator post requirements

Places of work and core responsibilities

Now specialists of this profile work in law enforcement agencies: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Investigative Committee. If the employee in the position of investigator is diligent, then in the future he may be promoted to the prosecutor of the department. In some cases, an increase to a counselor of justice is envisaged. Investigators perform the following duties:

  • Excitation of criminal cases.
  • The solution of various issues that arise during the investigation, as well as the adoption of necessary measures.
  • Participation in the courts.
  • Appeal of decisions. The investigator is seeking a fair sentence.

Features of work

One of the main features in the work of the investigator is the need to interact with various structures in the process. During the investigation of offenses, you have to interact with the bodies of inquiry, the investigation team, criminologists, forensic experts, as well as bailiffs. Therefore, the profession of an investigator assumes the presence of good organizational skills.

Specialists in this field are not allowed to make mistakes. Investigations must be thorough and professional. Indeed, otherwise innocent people may suffer, and criminals will be unpunished.

post of assistant investigator

Investigator requirements

To become an investigator, you must have a set of relevant skills. Therefore, professional education is indispensable. It is important. Anyone who wants to work in the future as an investigator needs to get a law degree. Indeed, in the process of his activity, he must possess knowledge:

  • Code of Criminal Procedure;
  • forensic science;
  • legislation;
  • psychology and logic.

There are many other requirements for the position of investigator. He must be sufficiently erudite. In the process, he will have to defend his point of view more than once. Therefore, the investigator must have an analytical mindset, as well as flexibility of thinking. The incumbent investigator must be able to clearly and concisely state his thoughts. Only those with these skills can become successful in their profession.

Investigative Committee Investigator Positions

Psychological characteristics

In addition to a set of intellectual qualities, an investigator must also have a set of necessary psychological characteristics. Among them, a special place is occupied by:

  • ability to work under stress;
  • self-discipline, endurance, organization;
  • a responsibility;
  • resourcefulness, ability to think outside the box;
  • ability to analyze and practical thinking.

investigator candidate


After graduation, you can start with practice in the investigative department. Career depends on how successfully the practice will be completed. Most often, yesterday’s students begin to practice as assistant investigators. However, even if an employee went to work, this does not mean that the training period for him is over. Each year, the investigator must take several disciplines. This is hand-to-hand combat, shooting from service weapons, as well as physical training. After working as an assistant for some time, you can take the post of investigator of the Investigative Committee. The next step in his career is an investigator for particularly important cases, and then the head of the investigation department.

Dangerous job

An investigator is, first of all, an activity that is aimed at revealing various offenses. It begins with an examination of the scene of the crime, collecting all the evidence and evidence. After all the details are examined and the results of laboratory tests are obtained, the identity of the offender is established. The accuracy of the determination largely depends on the qualifications of the specialist, the presence of professionally important qualities and experience.

The candidate for the position of investigator must understand: this work is very dangerous and responsible. She assumes irregular working hours. Often there were threats and even attacks on employees of the investigation department. In the course of their work, specialists constantly have to deal with aggression, meanness, death, grief of other people. The employee in this position is responsible for each decision and action.

position investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Profession value

The work of the investigator is valuable in that the person holding this position is always on guard of the law and order, without which it is impossible to build a civilized society. Everyone who has transgressed the law must be held accountable for his actions before society, as well as for edification of other offenders. However, no criminal, of course, wants to be punished voluntarily. The duty of the investigator is to call him to account. It is thanks to such specialists that criminal and economic crimes, as well as offenses in other areas, are revealed.

This profession is quite in demand, and good specialists, as a rule, are not enough. The post of investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is desirable for many. But to get it, you need to show a lot of perseverance, talent, as well as perseverance. The main requirement is a legal education. In the future, you can get a specialization in the investigation of economic and tax crimes or offenses in the field of high technology. In some cases, newcomers work with the support of experienced employees of the Investigative Committee, but recently such practice has been carried out less and less.

requirements for the position of investigator

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important plus, which is noted by the majority of those holding this position, is prestige in society.Indeed, the profession of an investigator is highly respected. In addition, its representatives enjoy various state benefits and have good wages. In some regions, investigators are provided with housing. However, some representatives of the profession note that the level of wages does not meet the requirements that are put forward to the staff of the Investigative Committee.

The minuses mainly include irregular working hours, work in conditions of constant psychological stress. After all, the investigator has to deal with serious, and often brutal crimes. Often you have to work around the clock or interrupt the day off to leave in hot pursuit of the criminal. In addition, those in this position are constantly forced to experience overload due to the conduct of several cases simultaneously.

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