
Job description of the clerk: features, responsibilities and sample

An important document establishing the relationship between posts, delimiting the duties and rights of employees, is the job description. It reflects the basic requirements that are imposed by the organization on the employee in the course of labor activity. What is this document?


The job description of the clerk of any organization is compiled on the basis of the latest editions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, ETKS. The document is intended for each post. All employees should be familiarized with it when hiring.

The main objective of the document is to establish the functions, duties, rights and responsibilities of employees in the process of their work. Job description allows you to correctly distribute labor duties, control discipline, etc.

job description


The content of the document is established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and the internal regulations of the organization. The job description of the clerk should include the following items:

  1. A common part.
  2. Functions
  3. Duties.
  4. The rights.
  5. A responsibility.
  6. Relationship.


The job description of the clerk is different for different organizations. However, there are still the same points. The general part of each document should include: the name of the organization, the name of the position, the details of approval and approval. Each employee is entrusted with the functions of ensuring the organization’s workflow, coordinating the nomenclature of affairs, carrying out personnel work, and fulfilling management orders.

In the process of labor activity, the employee should be guided by the job description. For any violations, the employee bears material, administrative and criminal liability. The main responsibilities of the clerk are:

  • development of projects, information processing, technical calculations;
  • design of graphic materials;
  • preparation of planning and reporting documentation;
  • amendments to the technical documentation by order of the head;
  • control over the execution of documents;
  • issuance of certificates of citizenship;
  • staffing support;
  • receiving, processing, sending correspondence;
  • archiving of documentation completed by paperwork;
  • organization of reception of visitors.

The rights of the clerk of any organization are set forth in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is the right to benefits and guarantees, to annual leave, to healthy work and rest, etc. Any other rights and obligations are established at the discretion of the head individually for each organization.

Any employee should have knowledge of legislative and regulatory documentation, organization structure, computer and office equipment skills. That's what the job description of the clerk is. The sample clearly shows the purpose of the document.

job description clerk sample

The specifics of the dow

What is a DOW? This abbreviation stands for children's educational institution, which is attended by children under 7 years old. They implement various educational programs. DOW can be: general developmental, compensating, health-improving, combined type.

Citizens who have a general secondary education and work experience in the specialty of more than 1 year are appointed to the post of clerk in the preschool educational institution.In addition to basic knowledge, any employee should have the skills to work with children in special institutions. The job description of the clerk in the DOW differs in different institutions and depends on the program, type and charter of the organization.

job description clerk in kindergarten

The specifics of drawing up in kindergarten

What is a kindergarten? Kindergarten is an educational institution for preschool children, in which socialization of pupils is carried out. They are prepared for school, taught communication skills with peers, etc.

Citizens who have a general secondary education and work experience in the specialty of more than 1 year are accepted for the position of clerk. The job description of the clerk in the kindergarten has some features. When carrying out his work, the employee must comply with safety precautions, internal regulations, instructions for protecting the health and life of children. In addition to basic knowledge, the clerk must have experience working with students.

job description

School specifics

What is a school? School is the main educational institution for children from 7 to 16 years old. There are schools of primary, secondary, professional and special purposes. Institutions can be private and public.

The post of clerk accepts persons who have primary vocational education. In addition to basic knowledge, any employee should be able to work with adolescents, know the psychology of students. The current job description of the clerk at the school based on the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 338, and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation No. 319. A document has some features. In addition to the main responsibilities, any employee must:

  • to prepare the necessary materials for the school council, the board of trustees, the pedagogical council;
  • organize a meeting of the director, create all conditions that contribute to his effective work.

job description clerk at school

The specifics of compilation in the enterprise

What is an enterprise? This is a state entity that provides certain services or produces some kind of product. The goal of any enterprise is profit. Enterprises can be state, private, municipal, etc. Citizens who have secondary education and special training are accepted for the position of clerk.

Any employee has the right to get acquainted with all the projects of the head that relate to his activities, to receive the required information for the work. In addition to basic knowledge, an employee must have economic, technological skills. The job description of the clerk at the enterprise depends on the structure of the organization, its type, Charter and internal regulations.

job description of the clerk at the enterprise


The attitude to the job description is different. Some people believe that this document slows down the organization. Others consider it an indispensable attribute, which should not be any amendments. In the Soviet period, job descriptions were filled out formally, were overloaded with links and created for typical organizations.

However, times are changing. Today, job descriptions are becoming an important tool for coordinating the core work of any institution or enterprise. And the job description of the clerk is the main guide to the personnel work of any organization.

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