
Job description of electrician: sample

Qualified workers are selected for the company’s position as electricians so that they can adjust the power supply at the facilities. They are obliged to maintain cable and overhead power lines in good condition and continuously working. Most often, employees are required to have special personal qualities, namely: good coordination of movements, the presence of sufficient physical strength, endurance to carry out work, and it is also very important that the employee has spatial thinking on the technical side. Each organization, hiring employees, assigns them duties that will meet the needs of the company, in this regard, the most complete and clear data regarding this is contained in the job description of the electrician, drawn up and agreed upon by the head of the organization.


The person hired for this position is a worker directly reporting to the head of the company’s division. To get a place, it is enough to have a secondary vocational education. Special requirements for work experience are usually not presented.

job description of electrician

Only the director of the company or another person who must be registered in the regulatory document can accept or dismiss him. In the absence of an employee, his duties are assumed by another person appointed by the management, who also has full responsibility for the work and is granted full rights.


The job description of an electrician in construction or any other field implies that an employee must know all the rules of labor protection, fire safety and other charters of the organization when he gets a job. He must know how to use specialized personal protective equipment that he needs to perform work with electric lines. He also must understand that his work must be of high quality, rational and meet all the requirements and standards of its implementation. When applying for a job, he must be aware of what types of marriage can occur with equipment entrusted to him, and how to prevent their occurrence or eliminate, if any have already arisen.

job description electrician 4 categories

The job description of a fitter-electrician implies that upon admission to work, he is obliged to learn all types of alarms in the workplace. He must know the basics of electrical engineering, understand electrical appliances, machines and apparatus, understand by what principle they work and where they are used.

Other knowledge

The employee must understand the electrical circuits and know the graphic designations of their elements. I also need to understand why they are intended, by what principle they work, and how thermal and current protections work; how electrical circuits and devices are checked and configured with a complexity corresponding to the category of a worker.

job description of an electrician in construction

The job description of the electrician-installer fixes that he is obliged to know the measurement schemes, to be present and to participate in the tests for starting the devices, to know the rules by which electrical installations are arranged, what design and how the devices and electric machines are equipped. He must understand the schemes of electric drives and power supply, working with alternating current. His knowledge should include all methods of setting up equipment that is entrusted to an employee for servicing at the enterprise, including relay protection, electric drives, etc.He must understand what types of devices are needed for setting up power lines, as well as what technical characteristics they have. How it works and by what principle the source of unregulated direct current operates, and also he must know the rules and regulations in construction.

Duties of the employee of the second category

The job description of the electrician for the categories is different, because each employee has his own level of access to the work and various responsibilities are assigned to him. So, the worker of the second category must carry out the assembly of simple units and apparatuses, using universal tools and devices for this. He is also required to carry out installation and installation of electric machines that operate on direct and alternating current, but their power should not exceed fifty kilowatts, as well as welding machines with a power of not more than thirty kilowatts. After their installation, the employee must check the quality and correct operation of the equipment.

electrician job description

The job description of the electrician also implies that the worker must assemble and install units and equipment of medium complexity, using special templates and equipment for this. He makes the necessary parts, assembles them together, tests the quality of work and carries out the installation of electrical structures, devices and ballasts of a simple type. It is entrusted with the responsibility for installing and soldering the ferrules, entrusted with painting the conductors in the colors established by the standards.

Functions of the employee of the second category

The job description of the electrician implies that he must collect and install lighting shields, and the maximum number of tee groups, connection couplings and access boxes for this employee should not exceed eight. He is engaged in assembling simple-type circuits and wires, procuring panels, installing communication equipment, installing power stations, laying simple power, light and signaling networks.

job description electrician 3 category

In addition, it is responsible for punching nests using bolts and pneumatic equipment in the walls of buildings of various types, drilling and threading, tinning of cable ends. Also, an employee can be entrusted with working with more complex schemes and systems, but he has the right to perform it only under the supervision of a specialist with a higher level of qualification and higher rank.

Responsibilities of an employee of the third category

The job description of an electrician of category 3 implies that it is entrusted with the performance of simple work with secondary circuits, including cutting a cable whose voltage does not exceed ten kilowatts and all its ends are temporarily sealed. He also installs dowels, closes passages for various types of wiring laid in the walls of buildings, rolls cables and wires, installs drums on them, mounts grounding and grounding devices.

job description electrician 5 category

In addition, the employee is entrusted with the dismantling of devices and apparatuses of a simple type, including lever-type switches, support insulators, rheostats, fuses, transformers, etc. The employee must, using mechanical tools, create holes for laying communications and install branch boxes for wires and cables.

Responsibilities of an employee of the fourth category

The job description of an electrician of category 4 implies that he must carry out maintenance and repair of equipment, machinery, starting equipment, electric networks with a voltage of not higher than 0.4 kilovolts, as well as equipment designed for electric lighting.His responsibilities include checking the operation of equipment entrusted to him, constant supervision of it, monitoring the quality and serviceability of his work, conducting technical tests, overhauls and maintenance of power grids with available competence. Monitors and prevents downtime, is obliged to prevent and immediately eliminate any accidents and other situations that could harm the work of the organization.

Responsibilities of an employee of the fifth category

The job description of the electrician of category 5 implies that the employee must carry out the adjustment of electric networks with a voltage not exceeding one kilovolt, and work with wiring of the same power, which has simple circuits. He must deal with the adjustment of power supply, which has a simple type of protection, with variable and direct connection to power, but not exceeding a voltage of ten kilovolts.

job description

He is engaged in the assembly of simple circuits intended for measuring and testing works, checks connected voltmeters, ammeters, integrity monitoring devices of insulating materials and meters. Checks and debugs simple devices of relay protection, as well as thermal and maximum for magnetic starters and automatic connection. The employee must check the drive control circuits on which the squirrel cage rotors are mounted.


In contrast to the job description of an electrician of the 4th category in construction, a specialist with the fifth category is involved in setting up electromagnetic voltage and current relays, checks protection schemes, controls complete transformer substations, the power of which does not exceed thousands of kVA and voltage up to ten kilovolts. Carries out measurements of insulation resistance, as well as the resistance of the windings of machines and apparatuses operating on electricity, measures resistance and so on. He is obliged to carry out the adjustment of electrical equipment, attracting for this employees with a lower level, who are under his command.

The rights

The job description of the electrician implies that the worker has the right to social guarantees provided by the legislation of the country, he can demand from his superiors, if necessary, assistance in carrying out his work or creating normal working conditions and giving him the necessary equipment, clothing and protection . Given the fact that the employee can carry out his activities in harmful conditions, he has the right to receive social support, receive financial assistance from the enterprise to pay for rehabilitation after injuries during work. He has the right to familiarize himself with the decisions of his superiors regarding his activities, offer his own methods to increase the efficiency of his work, request the documentation he needs and improve his qualifications.

A responsibility

The job description of the electrician implies that he is responsible for the poor performance of his work in accordance with the labor legislation of the country, for causing the company material damage in the course of its activities. In addition, he can be held accountable for any violations of the criminal, labor or administrative code of the state.

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