
Job description of gas welder. Profession: Gas Welder

Gas-electric welder is a necessary, almost irreplaceable specialty. Workers are in demand in various types of industries, construction projects. Their activity, like the work of any other specialists, is regulated by the job description (gas electric welder). In the article, we invite the reader to get acquainted with its main provisions, as well as with this activity in general.

About specialty

The profession "gas electric welder" has a qualified specialist involved in the connection (welding) of various structures, parts made of metals, using electricity or gas. Interestingly, it combines immediately three types of employment:

  • Electric welder (manual welding).
  • Gas welder.
  • Welding equipment operator.
fire minimum for gas welder

The main tasks and additional functions of a specialist

The main tasks of the gas welder are two:

  1. Connection of metal parts.
  2. Cutting metal structures using special welding machines.

Additional functions of the specialist are as follows:

  • Regulation and installation of the necessary operation mode on the welding machine.
  • Connection mode control (welding in this case).
  • Elimination of defects on metal structures and parts.
  • Cleaning the seams after the end of its direct work (welding).

Work as a gas electric welder involves the possession of a set of tools:

  • Gas welding torch.
  • Forceps.
  • Electrodes
  • Hoses
  • Semi-automatic and automatic welding devices.
profession gas welder

Benefits of the profession

Why are gas welder courses so popular? The point is the undeniable advantages of this work:

  • High salary (depends on the qualifications of the specialist).
  • Kudos. Despite the fact that the gas electric welder is a working profession, it remains honorable and respected.
  • Opportunities for additional earnings. In addition to the main activity (say, at the enterprise), a specialist in his spare time can take additional private orders.
  • Career Opportunities. A professional in his field comparatively quickly "grows" to a construction superintendent, an engineer.

Disadvantages of the profession

However, the performance of the labor functions of a gas electric welder is also significant disadvantages:

  • Eye strain. High brightness of the electric arc, strong infrared and ultraviolet radiation adversely affect vision.
  • Work in any weather, in hazardous conditions (for example, in construction - at high altitude).
  • High probability of injury. First of all, it is burns during welding.
gas welder discharges


It will be important to submit the categories of gas welders:

  • The first. A student of a vocational school, a novice master. Performs simple cutting and cooking operations.
  • Second. A specialist who graduated from gas-electric welding courses, technical school, and vocational school. It can weld in the lower and vertical position.
  • Third. A graduate of a specialized educational institution with no practical experience. Able to cook vertical, lower, fillet welds, sealed pipe structures. He understands welding equipment, is familiar with the rules of its operation, safety precautions. Able to read drawings, cook details on them.
  • Fourth. Works with structures of medium complexity. Able to cook in all positions except the ceiling. Creates tight seams. Able to read drawings.
  • Fifth. Makes welding in any positions.It can cut parts of various configurations from sheet metal. It is allowed before welding of any types of pipelines. Brews various blanks - any type of metal, thickness, configuration.
  • Sixth. Performs all of the above operations. In addition, only this specialist is trusted to join billets from experimental alloys, to carry out work that no one has done before. It can independently choose for itself a welding mode, consumables for work.
gas welder courses

Applicant Qualification Requirements

The job description of a gas welder suggests that a specialist should know:

  • Varieties of titanium alloys, their mechanical and welding properties.
  • Kinematic schemes of automatic and semi-automatic devices, the content of electronic control circuits.
  • Rules for working with welding robotic complexes.
  • Types of metal corrosion, as well as factors causing it.
  • Methods for conducting special tests of welded structures, the purpose of each of them (methods).
  • Passing a fire minimum for a gas welder.
  • The main methods of processing welded joints.
  • Fundamentals of metallography of these seams.
labor functions

Specialist Responsibilities

We continue to analyze the job description of the gas welder. An important point here will be a listing of the responsibilities of a specialist. The job functions of the employee are as follows:

  • Manual plasma, arc, gas welding of parts, apparatuses, structures, units, pipelines of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous alloys and metals, which are designed to work under vibration and dynamic loads, under high pressure.
  • Manual gas-electric and arc welding of technological and building parts, structures that work under vibration and dynamic loads, compounds of complex configuration.
  • Auto welding of various designs from special alloy steels, titanium and other alloys on automatic machines of various designs, multi-electrode and multi-arc devices equipped with photoelectronic, television and other special devices, on manipulators (robots).
  • Mechanized welding of units, apparatuses, pipeline structures, technological and construction objects, functioning under vibration and dynamic loads. Performing welds in a vertical and ceiling position.
  • Welding of a number of experimental structures from metals and alloys having limited weldability, as well as from titanium and alloys from it.
  • Welding complex parts in a block structure in all positions in the space of the weld.
work gas electric welder

Specialist Rights

The job description of a gas welder involves the following rights of a specialist:

  • To give subordinate employees tasks and orders within the framework of their official competence.
  • Supervise the follow-up of subordinate employees to production tasks, timely execution of distributed orders.
  • Request and receive documents and information necessary for labor activities.
  • Interact with other employees, services of the employing company on production issues.
  • Be familiar with the projects, decisions of the management of the enterprise, the employing company, directly related to the work of its unit.
  • To propose for the consideration of the company's top management their decisions on improving their own labor functions, the workplace, and the organization as a whole.
  • Submit to the management of the enterprise proposals for the promotion of those or other employees subordinate to him. And also offer penalties for violating labor discipline in the workplace.
  • Report to management on the identified shortcomings and shortcomings in the work of the unit.
job description gas welder

Employee responsibility

Job description introduces the specific responsibility of the gas welder:

  • For improper and untimely performance of their functional duties to the extent that Russian labor law provides.
  • Violation of the provisions and rules governing the activities of the employing company.
  • Offenses committed during the exercise of labor functions. To the extent that provides for the administrative, civil and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Causing material damage to the employer company, its employees.
  • Compliance with current instructions, orders, instructions of the management, local acts of the organization, as well as the requirements for maintaining trade secrets and other official confidential information.
  • Following the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, fire safety.

Gas-electric welder is a working specialty that remains prestigious and relevant in our age of information technology. In the article, we got acquainted with the profession, the job description of a specialist, as well as the six categories of gas-electric welding workers existing today.

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