
Castel's job description: rights and obligations

In the service sector, we always need responsible and hardworking employees who can get along with the team. Therefore, many of those who possess these qualities choose the profession of castel. The job description accurately indicates the rights and obligations, responsibility and basic aspects of the activities of this employee.

What are the general provisions?

Appoints a castellante and dismisses her from her place of work, according to the submitted application, the head of the enterprise. The conditions for her to carry out her professional duties largely depend on the type of institution.

The job description of the castellan is determined by her place of work:

  • the main activity of the employee in the medical institution will be the issuance of clean bedding;
  • putting it in the wash;
  • full control over the washing process.

The employee's labor activity in kindergarten consists in the issue of bedding and towels. He is a financially responsible person. An employee who has a secondary education and does not have work experience can appoint a castellante.

Castel's job description

She reports to the head of the structural unit. An employee may be fired due to violation of labor discipline, laws and regulations.

The job description of the castellan in a preschool educational institution includes many responsibilities listed in the charter documents of kindergartens.

What skills are needed?

The job description of the kindergarten housewife includes the following items, they list the basic requirements for the applicant. A person applying for such a workplace must:

  • to know orders, instructions related to the specifics of their activities;
  • have the necessary skills for documentation and reporting;
  • know the specifics of the organization of activity of this enterprise.

Castellans should understand the degree of wear of all types of overalls, underwear and know their markings.

Feature of the Castellanship profession

The employee must be able to properly draw up the relevant documentation: acts of writing off, be able to take into account the used work clothes, shoes and underwear.

Main functions

In the job description, the castellans note the functions that this employee performs:

  1. In a medical institution, the duties of an employee include providing office premises and wards with bedding. As well as its timely replacement.
  2. When working in a kindergarten, the castellana provides bedding for children, and employees with overalls.
  3. The pantry belongs to the workplace of the employee, where he stores the necessary accessories.
  4. Castellanza receives the necessary materials from the warehouse, prepares, rents the linen, launches its marking and minor repairs.

According to the job description, the employee preserves all the material assets that he receives for his activities.

Sister mistress

After a working day, the housekeeper checks the room where bedding and other items are stored. It is subject to mandatory sealing.

Castellans must respond quickly when an emergency is detected. Her responsibilities include strict observance of labor discipline, as well as internal rules.

The employee must increase her professionalism and accurately implement the main points of the employment contract.

Employee Responsibilities

The job description of the castelwoman is as follows:

  • Sorting of soiled clothes, linen, their label, delivery of laundry. Its repair and ironing.
  • He takes part in the write-off of clothes, shoes, and linen that have become unusable.
  • Performs tasks of the hostess sister. Castellanship receives and checks from the warehouse and gives out overalls, implements, underwear and other accessories.
  • In the summer, it carries out drying of mattresses, pillows and other.
  • The employee must promptly submit the necessary information about the malfunction of inventory and other devices.
Castellans in kindergarten

Other duties can be established by a castellant in a particular institution.

Basic rights

Castellansha has the following rights:

  1. To make proposals to the head of the enterprise on issues related to her professional activities.
  2. Constantly improve their qualifications, undergo certification and according to its results receive the appropriate rank.
  3. Use normative and legal materials in their work, if they are related to the immediate duties of the castelwoman.

An employee can exercise all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

What is the responsibility of a castellante?

The employee is responsible:

  • for the high-quality and timely performance of their professional duties;
  • for compliance with internal regulations and safety procedures;
  • for maintaining documentation, which is defined by the relevant regulatory legal acts;
  • for the organization of labor activity, as well as for the high-quality and full-fledged implementation of normative acts, orders, orders;
  • the castelwoman takes operational measures, which also consist in informing the head of the enterprise, in eliminating violations of fire safety requirements.
Labor activity

For non-compliance with labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, an employee may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability, which depends on the gravity of the offense.

What kind of employee should be?

Only women are generally accepted as castellers. After all, the profession requires an economic vein, conscientiousness with things and filled out documents. In addition, the employee has financial responsibility for the issuance of overalls, underwear and must draw up write-offs.

Castellanche needs to love cleanliness, as well as to restore the ideal order in her pantry. Therefore, a person who meets all these requirements can only be a responsible and accurate woman. She will fulfill all her professional duties perfectly.

Castellan's duties

You should not underestimate the profession of castel. The position requires an employee to have a physical and psychological approach and special skills in their activities. Castellansha is on her feet all day. She is physically active and does a lot of work to complete, store, receive, write off and issue bedding, workwear and other equipment.

When the personnel of the medical institution are provided with neat, well-groomed and specialized clothes, and the hospitals, sanatoriums and hotels with clean and fresh linen, then the castelwoman took care of this completely. She takes not the last place among the representatives of the maintenance staff.

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